Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Corporation rights and human rights
Human rights holding corporations liable
mentioned having contacts in the U.S. to bring a case forward...biggest problem in cases against corporations are the monetary/means gap between plaintiff and corporation...this often times, it seems to me is reflected by the power of class action cases since groups of plaintiffs may have more means monetary and otherwise to get a case off the ground relative to the means of individuals alone. Whew, personally glad the law exists. The power of corporations as a collection of individuals generally it should seem have at least in some obvious context, outside the immediate structures of law pertaining to their existence, the casino, house rules over individuals in statistical outcomes of chance success alone, and if you had better access and know how in serving your legal case, you may be more likely to have success in winning your case, or settling it in ways advantageous to serving a corporations survival...I know something of an opinion, may not be shared by many.
Remember watching a great documentary called Blue Vinyl on the investigation of potential health hazards posed by the Polyvinyl chloride industries. Fun film to watch, amusing scene of a plaintiff attorney, sitting alone in a rather large trailer researching papers stacked to the ceiling that could potentially aid in a case...believe he mentioned he had been researching alone for several years on this particular case, on his spare time, couldn't afford to hire additional help, at least at the films making...seemed in mind possibly illustrating at times, the difference between individuals involved in legal cases and whole teams of them.
Crud, wonder if some decent cheap, free software might help here...just need to read digitally the documents, then be able to translate image data into text based data here, then have some decent filter text parsing software to reduce research time...anyways, sort of felt sorry for the guy having to read by hand so much hand and type written information.
Dark Matter/ Dark Energy Through the Wormhole episode
Interestingly seems as though the relations between dark matter and dark energy seem paralleled with respect to entropy, and bound versus free energy models. But then if dark energy were exchanged by way of some particle (something like a photon only expressing dark energy as opposed to light energy here), then one is to wonder where the dark energy emission sources lay if its appropriate to think of them in the visible light energy context being sourced to say stars and so forth.
Love the depiction of WIMPS here but don't forget MACHOS as well!
Which makes me wonder, if dark energy and dark matter are interacting (no less with ordinary matter), makes one wonder whether, how diverse the expression of such matter might look...could one define a whole new periodic table of elements for this matter, for instance, and is it possible that much could evolve in terms of complex arrangement of such matter?! But the good news is that while as a ghost providing gravitational signatures in so far as the space were concerned, unlikely to see them interacting so much with so much the ordinary visible light energy and matter that exists in our world...sort of seems like the possibility of a whole other universe inside a universe in a way.
Philosophically thinking about the nature of matter and mass seems to say matter and mass bear relation to interaction, but as to substance, this could be viewed in some relative context accordingly...
Monday, February 27, 2012
Layman's glance at gravitation.
Recently watched popular science show which interestingly enough covered the idea of understanding gravity beyond the known large scale sense that we know of today (e.g., moons, planets, suns, and so forth) but covering something of the mysterious aspect upon approaching smaller and smaller distances. It seems ultimately having briefly glanced at the the classical equation something suspect if not problematic to the equation might appear...notice that like another classical force related equation gravitation is based upon the inverse square distance relation of two objects. Of course, holding that the big constant G is quite small implies for any significant enough length between two objects that sufficiently small mass regarding say the example of two objects would imply that gravitational force were very very small...hence why a cup doesn't automatically attract to my hand, or even if floating in space, the perceptively attractive force may be noticeably small in acting upon either my hand or the cup for that matter. But here is the catch, notice in the equation while say limiting mass and Gravitational constant are small, that as r < 1 approaches zero, in the equation surely gravitational force becomes more and more noticeable. Why doesn't gravitational force ultimately seem to prevail, or maybe it does? It seems in logic owing to any number of forces that do exist, other more exerting forces, may noticeably prevent in distance scaling thresholds say the two atoms from ultimately ever attracting to a zero space vanishing fact these forces are so much stronger they are responsible for integrity of atomic structure and from gravity causing atomic decay?! It seems while potentially as distance between two mass objects (say atoms, quite small in mass) could attract owing to gravity, and that theoretically while classical equation neither prevents the two atoms for attracting from mass center to mass center towards a zero distance threshold, strong forces should at least prevail in so far as integral distances being maintained (through repulsive force interactions). But it seems inside the atom if a particle has any mass at all what prevents the same being true in so far classical gravitational mechanics? this point seems strange and odd, and something ultimately seems must be missing in so far as the classical mechanical picture here.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Could be possibly an example of nothingness of information, that once existed! :)
Hmm, apologies for any using data at this site. Honestly a literal pain maintaining here, so without getting into so much in the depth censoring of information, I've decided to pull it all.
Qualifying censor with respect to any number of issues, however, possibly misconstrued and so forth.
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