Monday, February 24, 2014

Wiki house


on my recent thought tangents.  One since stumbling upon this site through a referring article.  Went to download sketchup plugins for design work with template, but unless I were misunderstanding the plugins, felt that something were amiss in terms of ease of use in the design plugins.  Sure, existing designs may be great for work already accomplished in terms of re duplication, but still felt that working towards the goal of creating new designs that weren't strongly resembling replicas of any other previous generation would require more intensive work.  For example, creating customized ribs for different cross sectional design geometries requires extending the idea of s-joint placements (both mirrored and staggered) for the given rib stack, then determining the location of secondary and primary placements (which are specified according to general design principle...but neither stated in the clearest sense for instance...distribution of placements according to load/bearing weight principles).  Generally other physical attributes of geometry could be more easily lifted and reapplied.  In any event, the extension I were hoping in some future plugin, might allow, for instance, a user to work with a more crude 4 gon cross sectional shape, and then from this extracting cross sectional ribs which should form a basis for a structure (or at least part of this).

Or in other words, providing auto generation design tool, which allows users to work with simpler design elements and then having engineered this design to a wikihouse type structure.  In this way the user doesn't have to become encumbered by the design elements which I would argue are complex enough to make assembly more chore driven.    And eventually, I could see this extension working in the higher order of n gon cases and likewise, to three dimensions simply applying cross sectional analysis on an iterative basis along a given plane axis.  Then the user could roughly play around with a given three dimensional design form and let the script engineer and approximate the design structure to wiki house specifications.

Cool site in any event. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Faust Its a rainy day

Fake food scandal

Fake Food Scandal

    It seems while homeopathic/therapeutic medicines in recent months has been noted for certain absences in regulations concerning product usage labeling, ingredients and a gambit of issues, it would seem another potential scandal may be emerging concerning product labeling and food safety in general.  The above link points to a Guardian article on this topic.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Yes I like Dr. Seuss too...

Trending in Heroin related deaths on the East Coast of the United States

Heroin overdoses in the state of New York

New generation being cut down by illicit drug use.  Hearing personally of more deaths related to some form of narcotic/opiates abuse in recent years, not withstanding the sad pharmaceutical like Oxycontin (which in theory is government regulated).  One at least in terms of product safety regulations in theory someone should be there to blow the whistle on bad products, unfortunately illicit drug trade may be unlikely to have much of the same consumer protections.

Heroin abuse story out of Northern Virginia, including state wide death related statistics

I'd also mention a recent article (not referenced here) that mentioned Mass. state police having seized a fairly sizable shipment of heroin ominously running with a title like 'Obamacare' or having had skull and cross bones affixed in label pictorials on the heroin's packaging...hard to know whether this is typified in heroin trafficking product packaging or whether its more the obvious.

You can do a search in Google's news filter 'Heroin' to pull any number of related articles on this topic by the way to see any current or past news information related to this topic.


    So many worlds apart divides, divisions...thinking about this in the context of an absurd space, that much that should be known of a world were relegated to the confines of a few miles in general, and more likely to the space of a room, or a collection of rooms at best.  If your dreams were preoccupied by living space and dwelling, it seems more likely resulting from a life experience of it?
    Again reflexively thinking of absurdity here, like you could be on a plane for nowhere maybe if you scrapped the cash together, and articulated some crazy plan, like flying to the Baffin Islands just for the thrill of the idea, no less in winter time, with less gear in tote, you were learning some other tongue, for another time and place, or for the idea of being a little more at kinship to the neolithic ancestors, but this idea you reasoned more so at forty given among other ideas were displaced to the fact, that would have one putting the idea off, even if there should be anything of preventable obligations otherwise.  The idea should seem as far fetched as sixteen year old that would spend the course of several months alone in that wilderness, talking to himself like a crazed lonely lunatic while gliding away on cross country skis ferrying what could be thousands of pounds of gear by cross country skis over at least a traverse of a hundred kilometers both ways, and then to make matters worse, the idea that one should repeat this only for the suffering of a big icy several thousand foot shield, but it is at least the idea, and so in to the rhythms of doing something, one should find oneself, forgetting about really how insane existence really should be in that absurd space one existed.  Here I've absurdly enough in the lap of luxury contemplate notions vague and distant, as it were strangely enough arriving.

Then the only concept absurdly enough is the experience that one should have before it, and this assimilated in the manner I were doing this same thing in some other time and place.  Here one well reasons even if the background and scenery changes at least functions may be applied in a similar manner, and then comes this mindset with it, moving as it were without sinking into the place.  I am not sure that one in a lifetime really invests oneself likely into really knowing beyond this absurd functioning a given space.  At least if you hadn't felt strange enough not being in the space that you would preside in for the time and space that were allocated for you in that way, you'd find yourself feeling strange, maybe uncomfortable, euphoric, unhappy or anything else, on a whim, finding existential sadness for the better part of the world that functioned exactly the way that one would have functioned in a given space, moving about the doldrums, the horse latitudes were supposedly given this name as in mid life crisis, were much should be stagnant, the dead weight of livestock imposing the notion to lighten the load of the vessel, I leave off on this bit of digression, this were neither a cue to conveniences of any sort, or that generally one should find anything so circumstantially life or death on this matter, at least as to the 'calms of cancer', or crabs that would nip at your heels.

    And to this end, neither looking clearly for any resumes, for the better part of a given time frame, absurdly if you felt preoccupied by the circumstance of life and death, while strangely enough people should seem generally unfettered by it, it is what one should gather of life at times, at least discordant existence is always there, generally if you consulted with the psychologists, more so it seems possible the concurrence might be how to look beyond irrational thoughts, unless you were legitimate to such a view (e.g., terminal illness, or happenstance, coming from a war torn area of the world, or having been a victim in some way).  In time though, as it seems in passing, even there, one could imagine, outside of cultivated worlds, understandings between these places of dis chord might not be so well merged, as the momentum of silence were building to enshroud all of this.  Letting this pass, how in managing, other then supposedly managing, or supposedly anything of accomplishment, and for all accomplishment, there should seem only a vague notion of others reflected at times in the others interests and views it should seem, that weren't agreed upon together, as in the culture that were amassed over the thousands of years, and hundreds in forming to any number of ideas that weren't to the ownership outside a given concentric space, not that anything should be wrong with this, but that it shouldn't seem odd or unnatural, until one had noticed this strangely enough, its hard to imagine a world turned inside out being so well conditioned to the expectations that one might have accumulated in time of it, and here so conforming to it a self projection as in how it should be perceived, at least very limited to the space of one's self perception.  Harder to imagine, that beyond this projected surface exterior sense of things, all should seem completely dis similar, and, however, tenuous alike, and essentially one wonders, this leading into the next absurd chorus which serves into the repetition of things past.  It seems lurking somewhere, enough for the time being, yes very well into the life that you'd known, only if it were sane enough being there relative to another state.  


 Between the fascination of an upcoming pandemic ridden college football season, Taylor Swift, and Kim Kardashian, wildfires, crazier weathe...