Thursday, June 11, 2015

Personality type and the social environment

    Actually I have to say when I sit down and think out problems in terms of working solutions.  I tend to work best in a very quiet non distracted space, but this sort of discrimination goes beyond say persons in it.  It is, for instance, one in which I tend to like distractions like television off, and generally uninterrupted in terms of pace and flow.  I like to break probably a fair amount, or when I am 'zoning' cranking out algorithms, and sometimes moderating output where I am not working as heavily on one given day relative another.

I think of the other types of potential social work environments where some, perhaps, arguably like to be in a 'go to a given destination' sit down at a desk environment, but I actually like a bit of relaxation and recline when working.  That is, not necessarily sitting in accordingly the best 'ergonomic' posturing.  At that, if it isn't regarding the manner of time spent, scanning news or getting to distracted by ongoing social events in the world.  I imagine some work environments may be similar.  Some researchers actually like to surround themselves, as I have read, by a degree of seeming 'entropy' and disorder, for instance, stacking books up all around them presumably for some sort of creative ideas reference which maybe wouldn't fly in other types of social environments where a certain 'ordered' desk cleanliness might be expected.  

It really varies and depends I imagine with respect to the personality type on the matter of what they tend to prefer and not prefer.  Although in defense of others in such environment, expectancy shouldn't be fully compromising in that others generally find intolerable the social conditions in working say, for instance, in a lab where personal conduct is expected at some fundamental level to be equitable enough so that people can at least work more likely side by side and not having such compromise given to one person's demands exclusive of everyone else in such environment.  That is a point of fairness to say the least, or it seems one might be bettered suited to other social work environments.  

Social work environments, not that they aren't problematic, may also demand certain types of hygienic and orderly flow that doesn't exist in others.  For instance, a laboratory setting may not function as well if it were less orderly and more chaotic, or if one were inclined to certain discipline of research that were in conflict to social habits, at least theoretic disciplines may be a better pursuit? I do go so far to say where discipline and social expectations may be a bit over reaching may apply in so far as specific cases in the laboratory setting that may not be applicable outside it.  On the other hand, if general conduct appears to be generally demonstrated in decent order, I would be reticent to draw as much judgement for body work or contributions.  This is to say discounting end contribution because of certain personal proclivities shouldn't be the basis of judging work.  In the end, when it comes to the acceptance to given work, its really the contribution that matters.  This sort of raises a personal concern of mine especially so when it means that anyone should be potentially find science work less desirable because of the conditions of the social environment that exists.  This applies equally true to gender inequalities that exist in the workplace as much if at the outset social discrimination have turned out biases in so far as the distributions of those of one gender relative the other.  It is also true that there are a lot of conformed expectations likely drawn with respect to the types of personalities that are picked up and drawn into a given work environment.  For instance, making all the hurdles to reach higher academic levels, I imagine, are already in place that discriminate people for all sorts of sets of performance related biases as well as given potentially to the types of socially normative conditions that people might work....if this weren't more obvious that academic performance should be likely in some respects cultured by the very social setting that people are often raised.  Children are pitted against their peers, and at times if at times it isn't true relative to others competitive social environments promote 'winners' in obvious chord to resonating competitive based learning systems.  Hard marks for losers, on the other hand, speak of the likely the role and facility of expectations potentially drawn.  In essence, this runs at the fundamental heart of societal stratification where prisoners seemingly move in and out of a revolving door, and intrinsically find it hard to break away from the clutches of recidivism.  Of course, political speak often chords to the contrary of 'freedom' in opportunity, but it seems likely a sociological study on these matters strike another chord to the notions of self esteem and self worth in that picture.  Successful individuals are likely to have sustaining infrastructure and social networks aiding in their success while those that don't have these same social networks are less likely to find alternate paths.  To this degree, in one study, children that were told they were not likely to be successful were less likely to be successful as a matter of social reinforcement, and that exceptional patterns of social defiance to being told of one's condition were exceptional not the norm.  If it is true that children are characterized by being told that their role in life is consigned to a particular culturally biased and gender biased position, they, any role in genetics aside, were more likely also to live up to such roles via social conditioning.   It seems if women are likely in a modern role of distraction, are that they may be as likely given and conditioned to the roles of desirability, not that this shouldn't be equally true of men likewise, but this speaks, perhaps, of just an inkling of why gender biases exist in such world.  If we are likely to appreciate and give room, on the other hand, to other males in the world where it is such that valuation is still given, as it may have been popularized, in roles to the extent of defining of a whole other appreciable personality social class, on the other hand, it seems the male image could be strikingly predominant in some respects to an emerging tolerance given.  On the other hand, maybe it is still so that others in society are still expected to conform as in the notion of 'having it all', professional career, family, and some level of personal physical and social desirability, or where at the heart of discrimination, evidence for discrimination might be found all around us.  That is, neither conforming in essence to typified physical attributes, manner of personality, might be the basis for 'not getting hired' and potentially not succeeding with respect to vertical occupational mobility.  

At the upper echelons of academics, it seems where others have succeeded, jumping through any manner of hurdles in getting to a given position, there is likely all the biases, and likely quirks of personality given in doing so....I've read in some description that some might have sought owing to any number of stresses resort through alcohol, drug use, sleep disorder, or anything else applicable to all the measures put forth.  I am not certain if this also a testament to the at times social hazard which speaks of yet another potential reason why some may find less desirable the types of social stress that should exist where it does in performing up to certain metric levels.  Pursuing the path of least resistance may be likely for most other, and maybe some gender cultural biases in terms of raised personality types speaks of why imbalances exist as they do, and I wonder how many academic institutions make it something of a priority to aid in the management of schooling to the extent of reducing potential stress, or if it isn't something of inherent gender bias all along that faithfully believes in the success of its institutions by conformed cultural notions?  This is pretty much at the heart of our competitive male oriented society at the upper echelons.    

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Crazy future and concern for the further rising of dystopias

   This is a bit of an off the cuff consideration for the future of what things might be like if world populations continue inclining as they have.  

    The Reverend Thomas Malthus once stated concerns for human populations neither meeting the needs to its given population and predicted the potentiality of some disaster having blighted humanity where part of the world's populations would be in disastrous decline a quote from him as follows:

That the increase of population is necessarily limited by the means of subsistence,
That population does invariably increase when the means of subsistence increase, and,
That the superior power of population is repressed, and the actual population kept equal to the means of subsistence, by misery and vice.[7] 

Where it seems Malthus, a man for the ages in recognizing the base foothold that civilization's have in so far as human population growth as related to its food production, may neither have predicted clearly things such as the 'Green revolution' which would amount to dramatic scientific achievements in creating boons for food production gains having started mid 20th century.  On the other hand, Malthus may have some renaissance in a modern world where, at least in recent times some indicators point to the possibility that something of 'food production' gains may be on the decline but not drastically at the moment.  This, however, doesn't exhaust possibilities that there could potentially be something of catastrophic collapse in industrial food agriculture somewhere somehow in some un foreseen way, or maybe even for seen.  As some potentially might theorize, for instance, as food production hegemony is given to any particular large scale production to food crop types, any narrow range of food products themselves having been engineered only towards specific increasing crop yields relative to amount of land use, could prove disastrous as long as populations are increasingly interdependent on these sorts of yields and something were to wipe out the surpluses of food in general resulting.  The other downside to this occurs when focus of agriculture food crops research has narrowly focused itself in some devotional manner to say industrial corn/maize production, or say wheat, and soybean alone.  While neither factoring other research into other alternative crop types, both increasing potential food production yields.  I say this not necessarily with respect to improving food productivity necessarily by way of 'franken foods' as in genetic modification, but that likely as age old as the process of hybridizing crops through selectivity processes, not that this doesn't also have potential future ramifications.  The future world, however, if it such that people potentially are living longer lives coupled to the relation of some potential declining food productivity gains, may be met, one might potentially imagine, by something of rising social and economic divisions where life expectancy on the other hand, is well below more affluent populations.  Here potentially, one might be thinking in the realm of science fiction where dramatic stratified contrast exists between richer and poorer populations.  One population clearly more dominant and 'elite' with respect to a broader mass of peoples that not only literally control food resources here, but that also happen to have a vast 'ring world' separating their enclave even more so relative to other peoples restricted to  hellish terrestrial bowels.   Not that I am certain that things would exactly be given in this way, but it seems to potentially illustrate rising the result of dramatically increasing social differences in the way earth is populated and the types of life that one might have.
    Bright prospects, however, even as some may be inclined to speak out on the horrors of modern social issues are that some mitigating factors to population increases might be in existence.  For instance, the hermetic 'creep' Quohen in the movie 'The Zero Theorem' having some manner of sexual dysfunction could be a boon to decreasing social population pressures.  Obviously, 'Quohen' isn't out their playing the 'sexual field' and even if he were in the virtual sense, he weren't communicating sexual diseases in the process.  I've seen recent sociological essays written, for instance, in the Atlantic speaking out to the horrors of sexual dysfunctions of this order, for instance, having arisen in Japan (pardon me if the opinion piece weren't an Atlantic, the 'truth is out there' however), and at least the articles thrust attribute to sociological trends in Japanese population decline were given to something of increasing desire of individuals of either sex resorting to adult entertainment materials.  The article, for instance, goes on further to claim that one male individual were so dysfunctional that he couldn't be aroused by anything other than 'female power rangers'.  On the upside, and again forgive if I am wrong to the article's original contributor(s), there is a problem with this?  If it weren't cosplay or anime alike given to this trending sociological issues, on the other hand, yes it seems potentially there might be less in a given populace seeking long terms relationships, or as in the phenomenon of rising 'stay at homes' less inclined to venture out into the world in general and would rather socialize virtually, more likely it seems any number may be actually benefiting their world in other regards.  Declines in sexually transmitted diseases for one, and then in so far as world population growth reducing potentially another problem.  The other upside is that there may be something more humane by these natural gratification seeking inclinations, one it is given to a particular lifestyle choice that isn't clearly harming any one, other than not leading to the furthered propagation of peoples in a given world expected to support someone else's pension fund.  In truth, however, where problem's may be occurring with some of the writer's rising sexual dysfunction assertions maybe in the omission of sociological trends in Japan that may have little, in fact, to do with sexual dysfunction and problems related to economics.  It is also true, for instance, that Japanese couples have been more inclined (at least in the past decade) to put off marriage, and/or even cohabitation owing to rising costs and neither having the sorts of economic mobility that would exist in previous generations.  Any rising desire for sexual gratification, say through virtual adult entertainment industries may be something of a subsidiary effect owing to some bigger primary effects leading to a given sociological trend here.  Otherwise, yes, it seems potentially true that maybe there is a trend towards naer do wells given to hermetic lives, there is a reserved term I believe in the more extreme case for those Bartleby the Scriveners of the world.  It seems as our world as it is more virtual could also have the net effect of communicating not only less certain types of diseases, but that population growth may be counterbalanced by changing social habits here.  With the likely prospect of less human's literally driving cars, given to automated driver less personal transportation systems, people may be less inclined to get out into the world, or in some manner posing less of a statistical issue in communicating problems in the world in general.  The darker ramifications, however, being it might seem that 'Quohens' relate so much less to the ever increasing noise generated in a world inclining only to higher densities.  It is also true less American teenagers, have been desiring to get out and get driver's licenses also.  The long term prospects thus, for a shifting social demographic also could be a change with respect to the heart of a big American consumer industry.  Less males relating, for one, to the personal automobile, as a symbol of male vigor, may indicate shifts in the longer term in so far as auto manufacturing.  A positive of this, however, are that there may be less polluting vehicles out in the world contributing to the carbon cycle, not withstanding even with short term declines in gas prices, that fuel energies in this sector will have some tapering demand, thus balancing some world energy resource uses, especially as the product consumption use of first world 'free market' economies have shifted away from old personal consumer trends.  One would likely add, however, I foresee that fuel efficiency standards not merely on the incline given by driver less systems in optimizing transportation in the way of reducing fuel usage, but that also, one may be less likely to see teenagers hot rodding their vehicles.  Relative to the old 'rebel' James Dean myth having once existed, future days may be headed to a closure more so on this.  I have read of focus and attention given here, on the other hand, it seems in recent times to the loss of some cultural ideological American spirit, or some to say where are the children desiring in principle to move about the world given to the same self reliant and independent spirit in taking charge of their own futures, or having sought independence.  The problem may not be exactly spirit, however, especially in the way of potential bust cycles, as it is true in other tenured 'first world' countries, this trend may be given to much the dictum of economy as it ever where in the past, when a periodic social shift might find only more occupants living under the same roof, and old bachelors and maids alike in that view, or at times where families under more dire circumstances might have moved leaving some road side relational casualty in the process.  It is also one might imagine, the duress having led potentially to the outcome of 'war' as has happened in the past, although maybe with future countries having invested themselves more so in the collective sense to economic security, individual dreams and desires have been tempered or mitigated otherwise.
    One may wonder though, however, were stresses as related to resources have increasingly risen, could also factor potentially somewhere down the road in some way to increasing likelihood of conflicts.  The saving graces, however, given to technology are that we also live in a world where at the moment, there should be in theory less inclination towards conflict if it is such that resolutions to these disputes are given to creative solutions either in the allocation and usage of resources in general.  Thus if, increasingly water usage and water sanitation issues have emerged, there could be potentially only more ways in dealing with these issues from the standpoint of future technologies.  That is, in how societies are using water and necessary water needs.  If it is true that in a future world  better use of existing resources are likely, it seems these are also likely mitigating factors to conflict in general, provided that there aren't other reasons given driving such.   As I have seen written, changing valuation of economic resources seem also to be shifting to greater likelihood that our futures could be shifting more towards technocratic systems where distribution, allocation and otherwise general management of all resources are only further handled in the way of analytic handling by data processing in such world (and one might imagine exponentially increasing as with the rate of adoption relative to our past), or where the power in resource management may really lay is not directly in the hands of individual humans potentially making 'poorer' decisions but in systems that aid in thing like forecasting, and/or given to much smarter engineering technologies.  It also means potentially the closure of old eras where less civilizations are likely to see their advantage in the longer term at the expense of others.  Which is to say, increasingly 'regulatory' environments could be prospectively more so especially with potential inter conflict management mitigation, or it seems potentially with increasing populations the solution to violence may be more likely interceded by not only our technology but also given to the nature of human populations coexisting in higher densities.
One may look to the metaphor of transport automation here, or even with shipping transportation management which has increasingly moved towards further automation such that any high percentile rank in this, has shown only strong interdependence for the safe and adequate functioning of such systems.  Where futurist writers likely do have something right here, is that we may be more likely to live in a future where technology abounds in governing the systems that we live in and strongly determining management outcomes, and that interdependence is only further likely not less with increasing population growth.  Where we have it wrong potential, in such vision, is that we consider it wholly unnecessary to consider the ramifications otherwise, or likely it seems if we think solely of our independence alone, this could be like the logistics disaster of food stuffs sitting on the tarmac rotting away while it were meant to serve in mitigating a crisis.  This is to say, the functioning of larger civilizations and economies alike are ever given to interdependence on the technologies serving especially as they vitally serve more so in the roles that they are allocated.  That is, otherwise, without, less sustainability is likely to result.
   The upside of technologically increasing civilizations are that, for instance, the aid to ending exploitative systems such as the formal use of 'slavery' in the United States was only furthered by inter competition differences between old systems and progressive newer ones, or in part, while much support could be made for the ethical and moralist movements that strongly aided in the ending of institutional slavery, technology was also potentially a factor here.  One may stress human labor unable to compete with machinery producing products would also lead the way to mechanized farm machinery commonly used today that is quite vital to the sustainability of American agriculture, and obviously it were a send to do away with old institutional horrors.  In modern times, it seems if anything of manufacturing horrors resembling institutional slavery found in the past, perhaps, likely any threshold should exist, machines outdo human labor in these instances in removing it.  If our futures are given to the inclination of how we live and work, this isn't given by static notions.  That is, that our future is given by ways not by exploitation or stressing human labor to the brink in social un sustaining ways, it is that our future is given by ways of finding any new diversity of occupation to flourish in ways that were neither previously had.   Where at times I have seen some futurist writers remiss in conveying in a given dystopian vision, concerning technologically based human enslavement of a given populace, is that very essence of 'slavery' itself seems to be human programmed endeavor alike to the technologies fashioned.  That is, if there were some advantage given in an older economic system to the notion of human populations being enslaved, it were humans doing the enslaving and programming this very much into the structures of their societies.  Other futurist writers have imagined in other ways, however, where societies have seemingly moved to the degree of cutely obscene laziness (or see the Lotus Eaters), or in the darker view where a race of people have taken up almost machine heavily divided roles in fulfilling the obligations and needs of another race of peoples.  It is a part of the technology of industry itself and humanity in it that serve fashion these roles as has happened in the darker chapters of world history as it continues today.  That is, where the good and the bad of technology coexist.
   I might lastly comment, as an independent publisher, that I might not likely be engaging in the activity of blog writing if it weren't for such technology, or likely ever heard of...granted being merely a now myriad of voices out there engaged in the process of this type of publishing.  Secondly, it is essence my personal social status likely compelling me in this manner.  Neither having the same 'social' life or the same pre occupations and obligations that others might have, leads one potentially to an endeavor such as this.  I've seen recently a social post, 'Why do we make life so hard?'  I might assert that this were entirely relative.  Likely we'd find living the life that other people lived in the past unbearable I might imagine if it weren't for all the conveniences that make our lives today more equivalent in some ways to Roman aristocracy, and this type of lifestyle disseminated more broadly than ever, such that our poor today might enjoy far more luxuries than the 'poor' of the past, especially considering that you might be lucky to live beyond your thirties back then, or in saying if you think its bad now?  I think of the common Roman peasant meal back then which were to say something of grain soup with chunks of rock debris thrown in the mix, pretty bland gruel and that were likely just about it for a day in day out meal.  Then if you were thinking you might be a warrior back in those days.  Highly not likely, usually this were reserved for wealthy land owning classes of the 'elite' back in those days, just as much as voting rights were given to these exclusive classes.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Artificial Intelligence and self awareness.

   I think self awareness often given in the Artificial intelligence question is a bit too over drawn.  Self awareness appears given to both intelligence and memory.  To be self aware might be given in by our memory capacity to recognize who are in a present versus historical context versus who we are not, that is, by a world of differences and distinction.  Intelligence in such list given by our sense of differentiating such world.

From the standpoint of engineering design, these two problems have already been solved.  Namely, our civilization has already artificially engineered memory.  Our civilization has already given rise to the intelligent senses alongside sensing algorithmic structures which aiding to sensory input and differentiation of a world landscape, that is, by for instance computer vision.

Interestingly enough the examples of human modeling attempts at artificial intelligence, have produced personality types either that seem to suffer from dementia, or schizoid type personality disorders.  Most of this I imagine likely comes from the random access design nature of their memory systems.  Here probably 'smoothing' systems may likely be of some aid here...for instance, this problem may be approached by smoothly weight ranking falloff probabilities for recall using some smooth function for weight ranking such falloff in 'short term' memory registers.  Also another related problem is smoothing the ranking of environmental stimuli in so far as governing predominance of things like 'focus' or 'attention'.  Obviously it is necessary to do these things, otherwise, human might be covering their ears in a city if they were likely given to things like hyperacuasis.  Diminishing and weight ranking commonly induced and understood 'noise' stimuli is an important neuro synthetic processing issue I imagine.

It is on the other hand to figure quantitatively the number of angels dancing on the head of a needle, otherwise, where a crucial threshold might exist that defines a form of life that resembles what we may have conveyed of an intelligence given to the scope, depth, and sensitivity of higher order life forms given our particular sets of biases.

I don't think it honestly takes a whole lot to mathematically or computationally engineer something that is artificially intelligent by the definitions that I have proposed.  Thus, there may actually be very simple life forms out there that have some innate 'intelligence' designed by its sensory processing and differentiation of the world.

Just because something doesn't have a 'face' does not mean it does not have some 'sentient intelligence'.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Artificial intelligence in plot design for Simulated games

   A sort of out loud consideration on how one might approach the procedure in defining notions of a plot, events, or anything related to the random simulation of a game environment.

I think of design in these terms in terms of broad versus narrow classifications.  Its not that one might expect a fully artificial intelligent system to produce plot structures where nothing has been previously self learned and expected to learn otherwise all matter of language, syntax, alongside interaction in a given environment, but that somehow relations between the world may be given in a learning/memory system in the first place.  Otherwise, it seems one might be left to ramping up evolution, providing the potential chemical building blocks of life and then having waited for a l G.O.L  to provision such a world.  This sort of simulation would obviously need to side step hundreds of millions of years to form essential the very simplest of self replicating simple single celled organisms, and by chance for another billion years, one might imagine, multi cellular organisms that were far more complex.  It seems in theory one might arrive at intelligent life somewhere along the way.  

On the other hand, it seems one might engage in a wholly simplified process of modeling where one might have defined relations at the outset which describe the matter of diversity already having been formed by some presuming evolutionary state(s).  As in the in plot design, there is also an inherent presumptive role given by the game designer in description to the setting and opportunities given by characters in such world(s).   Thus I say if it is a game about hunter gathering in the social context, a bit of research could be necessary in defining the possible 'occupation' and role that any simulated intelligent life form might have in so far as interactivity with a given environment and the role of chance defined by such role.  This being said, a bit of historical research yields that the 'hunter gathering' may have some manner of diversity of specialty in definition to characteristic ideas of a 'class' type society, but specialty may neither be given to so much devotion that a role were so much to the exclusion of a class being more so relative to all other classifications.   However I state this for a reason in which even describing simulated intelligence by classifications is given to a dynamic course in one context and a less dynamic course in another context.  

The classic role playing game does provide excellent opportunity in defining characteristics of a personality or an individual.  However, in the classical sense if it is defined by the precept that a warrior is always a warrior, a ranger is always a ranger, the modern world would be filled by examples where the warrior retired from a given occupation and chose another profession by trade only because of the very limited occupational role potentially given by a profession.  This is to keep in mind social evolution in classification to role and classification changes the social relations defined in such simulation.  The actor thus decides to become a rapper and grows a beard randomly in time.  However, feels neither well suited to a given occupational role and changes direction in life.   It may be true, however, that for the classification of individual that were inclined so much to entertainment, that on the other hand the jump from actor to singer/entertainer may not be such a great leap in reality even if this to include the beard in a given simulation world.  On the other hand, to move from theoretical physicist to crochet pattern designer could seem a stretch but it is one's use of a simulated world here.  Maybe Oragami artist to crochet pattern designer but actually I think there are some involved broadly in topology mathematics that might be attracted to the notion of knots in the universe and the geometry patterns formed by twisting spatial curvature around.  Maybe it isn't such a big leap after all?  

The Outline

In any programming language, I suggest at a basis learning how to use the hash map here.  It seems essential in mind here to describing at a very core level the nature of classifying anything of an imagined world, and simulating what exactly might happen in it.   

A simple relational map might describe, as in the tradition of a role playing simulated environment, the relation between emotional and physical traits and say a given occupational classification, but even here one might not engage in the pattern of bias so often given in stating who clearly needs by a minimum to pass for a given type of role by given statistics, other than letting a social evolution play out.  The character fails as an artist, once might have considered joining a given monastic religious order, and suddenly becomes a ruthless dictator.  It seems in terms of all the traits used in defining the art, maybe something clearer were provisioned here, but maybe in less the static sense of inherent characteristics and role, chance played an outcome that made less viable the succession of events that would put such a character on track to become a successful artist in general.  The character maybe is angry, at odds, or unhinged by other looming larger scale social factors, exudes all the charisma of a leader and then by chance is given all the opportunity of social successions leading to a rise in power. 

However, classification is defined in the elemental/atomic sense by any particular set of characteristics.  On the other hand, in modeling relative to randomness and more random real world possibilities, it seems, there is nothing left to a writer's necessary intention and desire to put a character clearly along a given path with bias, inclination and desire in seeing that outcomes should be expected in fitting to the less open ended world.  The open ended world, on the other hand, doesn't necessarily fixate on one character reigning as king, if a warring states, or something akin to tribal war lord ism leads to social conditions which has a throne that should seem like a revolving door.  Of course, describing how such social factors emerged in the first place might seem complex, or if left to randomness period in so far as atomic/elemental social relations maybe it is entirely possible to recreate this sort of social scenario.  One might imagine, on the other hand, in today's world, likelihoods might seem far less so for any number of reasons, and this could come with more broad characteristic changes in a given population set.  That is, for instance, in one descriptive setting, more broadly inter social connections were neither so tightly localized in defining characteristic personal notions.    It seems, thus, for instance, in one classification setting the parameters of a social environment might be defined by classification in one way or other here.  Obviously the 'hunter gather' societies might more strongly relate to the concept of 'tribe' whereas 'state' driven societies may have individuals relating less to localized social bonding.  Maybe in your world classification this is given by some epi genetic characteristic literally coded into the genetics of your simulated intelligence drivers, or maybe it is something defined by more atomic/elemental considerations that has less clear and obvious coded expression.  Then I am wondering how in the classical sense of attribute description one arrives at the implicit description of a 'statist' versus 'non statist' society invariably by descriptive degrees.  The atomic/elemental description given sociological classifications is much more complex here, one should imagine.

The idea of an outline, however, may be to avoid how it is to clearly reproduce such a condition, and more given to essential characteristic which allow the formation of inter social relations.  I'd say it is probably most important in considering as in the tradition of role playing having a classification of attributes, and then having pre defined any number of 'occupations/roles/classes' that might be possibly defined and relating some way the nature of attributes to their social roles.  In you world, the king might not be king for long, and you have left this to some measure of chance.  Between all the social nodes, something is given between those relating, for instance, between the king and all of his loyal versus less loyal subjects.  In describing this from a real world standpoint, one might loop thread a computation which were measuring especially where applicable the conditions which might lead to a king being deposed.  I say threading since this invariably seems a procedural multi tasked method (outside of turn based mechanics).   The other ideas is that one might not think of the entire simulation as something of an Aristotelian clockwork like system.  That is highly deterministic and given by set structures with set outcomes.      The thread thus might be activated when other conditions have arisen necessitating possible outcomes, such as when characters might rationally act when they think it is most optimal to their advantage and/or given to the degree of 'wisdom' and 'intelligence' in acting, or lack thereof, which describes the fateful end of those having waged a failed 'coup'.   It seems as in the idea of occluded rendering, that is, where some objects are neglected in rendering a perspective graphic representation of scene, the same should be true in considering relevance to the rise of a potential social event.  This quite important, since one may not consider the role of the farmer that were given to much greater ambivalent role and social relationship, even if he disliked the king's taxes, but generally had nothing of greater social connection providing accessibility to the king's physical locality.  On the other hand, a peasant's revolt may lead to a collective of farmers that gathered with pike and pitchfork in hand for the armed revolt that may need quelling.  Maybe not all the farmers died in a given simulation, maybe some where thrown in a dreadful prison, maybe some had land confiscated, and families were displaced, and this would be coded in to the innate memories of offspring.   

These scenarios, however, extend beyond obviously classifications such 'Intelligence", 'Wisdom', 'Strength', 'Charsima' for instance alone, and thus I might map out for instance, another social node hash set by another description such as 'neighbors'  as a map set.  I could physically graph this social node set, not unlike describing the physical relations of one point to the next in so far as land topography, and I can also describe a similar inter nodal relationship pattern system that describes social relations.  I've used the term complex, for instance, in randomly forming these structures as in the analogy of chemical bonding processes.   However, even in my description process, maybe there is needed modification?  I am thinking here that, for instance, the common complex which describes equal reciprocal relations need not apply.  For instance, consider that the relation of the King is not as strong to the farmer as it is for the Farmer to the King. 

Now imagine the complexity of having many different tasks being created at once, which describe the ying yang of movement patterns between all characters at once.  The King sends the tax collector while the farmer is the field, disrupting the farmer's daily pattern of movement, and maybe the the tax collector's movement weren't as timely as predicted, owing to an arising unrest conditions which had made the roads less safe to travel.  Thus it seems maybe less like clockwork the tax collector arrived to make arrangement for payment.  It is also to consider the effective measure of events to come, for instance, when un sustainability suffices in so far as ordered social hierarchy results when massive social change occurs.  What is to happen when the peasant is no longer to have the same land, or given to difference of rules in so far use of land rights?

Thus unlike as in the old world static mechanics model, the farmer always remains the farmer, but potentially even given the limited ranges of options that might exist in such times does become destitute, or maybe in some rarer upheavals event has some rarer new found appointment in life.  

As to the outline, it is also seems that if you were looking for a 'story' you might be looking not at any one given simulation point but going where the action were so many words, you might have measures put in place that describe the dynamic nature of a characters social and geographic mobility.  Obviously dynamism plays an attractive role?  Or maybe you were satisfied with conditions otherwise?    

In a given simulation environment it seems something else might emerge.  That is, it is possible, yes, that irrationality could be modeled in so far as emotional decision making.  That is, how many investors may choose to invest relative to those not choosing...and this at times should seem like a 'brownian' walk.  A young woman leaves the house even knowing the possible ramifications of doing so to meet another man out of wedlock, or at least is not always given to the orderly expectation of rising early in the morning to attend to morning chores, or going to bed early from a day's exhaustion even if this is probably most likely in all other circumstances.  In any event, less synchronization even comes from something seemingly idiosyncratic owing to the mis alignments between such seemingly orderly events.  The Farmer, for instance, might have run into problems with equipment used in tending the field, or at least now that one were accounting for more descriptive details, and the state of any number of objects, a broken farm implement requires the attendance of a local smith, the daughter of the farmer happenstance meets the smith's son of approximate similar age, and both are attracted to one another, and so describe this dynamism need factor in another consideration which is that your world may need entropy in it.  Modern games do this, of course, if predictably, it still remains less articulated as other static features that describe yet another world, and that is why the daughter no longer remained faithfully by her father's side.  Yet even in the case of idiosyncrasies the similar possibility of the daughter's departure may have occurred owing to the regular timely arrival of the transport of something given by the regular face happenstance having done the transporting.  

When describing character states, as in the character having a map filled with attributes and 'neighbor' node relations, it seems also describe a character's state as described by geography and routine as given by 'occupation' or some classification of a role, whether this were more disorderly or more orderly.  In this context, it may be more common to think of physical geography as in the chord to a social geographical landscape.  The miller's daughter marries the miner's son, and thus the miller's daughter is subsumed into the social and physical geographical landscape of the miner's son, or maybe vice versa thus describing a dynamic transition of social occupation potentially and much else including neighbor social node relations.  Life and death also describes also potential social discordance here, given that the miller having died an untimely death, leaves the miller's daughter stranded without continuity of similar means, means that she is likely to take more seriously previous suitor's advances.

Memory Simulator

This is already suggested in a given outline structure of a social map for each intelligence node, but what is memory, beyond an occupation, and how is this evoked?

As in the idea of replicating the human mind, it may seem less sensible to retain each and every bit of extraneously learned detail.  This is too cumbersome.   One would have for the intelligence node a memory map.  This may be dictated by some manner of probability and impression, for instance.   Lasting memories may be formed more strongly by self repeating and idiosyncratic impressions, but maybe not so fast?  An intelligence in order to make coherence in a world filled with noise, may tune extraneous information out...for instance, you run a circulating fan for a month, and relative to the first time the unit started, you might have noticed less the white noise generated when you initially started the fan relative to the time a month later after repeat exposure to such noise seemingly has rendered its effect quieter.  That is, the human mind has the ability to filter out or tune out information as it does the ability in noticing differences with respect to environmental change in information.  Thus the farmer tending the field, may notice less through a given routine similarity all details of his daily occupation where the result of tilling the earth hadn't produced anything noticeable in mind relative to the day previously.  Maybe he noticed other types of details associated with climatological variations, such as the ground were more resistant to tilling, owing to the lack of rainfall, and that his efforts were greater for the amount of work energy input into his system, or conversely the same when heavily water saturated soil would mean imply greater mass density for the same volumetric displacement given previously.  The farmer may be equally likely to have an impression or memory formed by the untimely pattern changing effect of his daughter having run away from home, and even if the exact details weren't strictly remembered faithfully, he might have supplied some reinforcing idea in mind of what happened associated to the idea that his daughter no longer remained in the house.  On this point, it may be equally possible that less than true representations of events are kept in mind regarding a sequence of events, and that eye witnessing of events themselves may be recalled with any number of variations, and that certainly in a given simulator design for memory there may be limited accuracy, for instance, supplied with respect to the detailing of recalling such events.  Maybe you consider a continuum in so far as recollection...but there is something atomic in essence also given by the formation of short and long term memories here.  The intelligence node may be less likely to pay attention to background details, that is, scale and sizes of assembled crowds in terms of exact numbers, while remembering more strongly the details of what may have occurred for a given event, and if there is even something in reality even suggestive of this.  A intelligence node may accept 'false' memories of extraneous details of a given event potentially if this is neither in as much conflict or collision with a more strongly recalled detail of such event.  I think of the analogy of a long phrase written on a sheet of paper.  The first person is to read, memorize this and repeat this in the ear of the next person.  Only after initialization, the second and all other subsequent persons are to whisper in the next successive person the message that were whispered from the previous person.  What ends up happening is that the message is most likely to be adulterated and in some cases scrambled quite a bit relative to its original form.  Atomically describing this problem is similar to the problem of remembering a series of numbers.  Of course, one might realize that in terms of permutation mechanics on numbers, a study done on memory retention found that given a population number where necessary minimums number of digit range should exist in so far as distinctly addressing any number of households on the issue of telephone numbers, a memory study concluded that seven digits were in the more optimal range of human memory retention.  As it turns out similarly, the more bits of information that creep into a given event, the more likely some bits of information may be tossed while others not.  Thus, if one were to describe any number of attributes of an event, which is often evoked, by a given state recollection of a system in putting all the intelligence nodes in place, and simultaneously having laid out all game state parameter data, on the other hand, the intelligence node participating in a given event may be less apt to remember any number of things with respect to such event state.  But I'd stress again this may not be subject to the same randomness for some bits of information relative others, and a continuum like description may be better in describing degree of retention.  Some bits of information are more likely to be remembered, for instance, if one's livelihood or occupation depended on it, especially as intelligence node matured to such an age where repeatedly having learned through environment such interdependence.  Thus the farmer may have been less likely to listen and remember the daughter's 'veiled' threats in leaving the home, but he might have remembered more faithfully subsequent threats after she had left home, if the impression and meaning were left in the wake of such threats.  On the other hand, if she threatened to 'leave' and left all the time, only to return each and every time with certain probability, she might also be more likely ignored.

As in the case of nodal graphing of memory itself, one may likely consider associative structures likewise in forming a memory.  A 'memory' then may not be merely given by the attached label of the 'Quohen' but also that 'Quohen' were a 'story teller', 'invitee to the king's court', 'young male', 'dark haired', 'green eyes', 'strange gait', 'obsessive compulsive', or that he recalled and retold the story of 'We' by 'Yevgeny Zamyatin' in the King's court which were recorded at such a time, the King has a mental map of 'we' -> 'Quohen', 'we' ->'obsessive compulsive story teller'.  Maybe 'we' -> 'Quohen' fades more likely in time from memory, but the other 'we' -> 'obsessive compulsive story teller' does not fade as remarkably from memory as it stands out in the King's mind.  The king says one day upon recalling 'we' to one of his other long standing retainers, 'Who was that man that gave us this story?'
This sort of fuzzy recall is given by simulated probability, and where it seems there is time allowed involved in the process of recollection.  It is also gives rise to the motive and/or flow of thoughts, or seemingly 'stream of consciousness' processes that may arise in the process of recalling memories.  'Stream of consciousness' is I may add by in large something that seems to be given by associative processes.

Augmentation of Memory

Memory augmentation can give rise to its own set of classifications, that is, whether an intelligence node could be described as a 'scribe' or someone whom records on virtual media records, and that written language exists in a given virtual civilization, or that any person in a civilization engages in the act of remembering faithfully a story and engaged in the oral tradition of 'story telling'.    Obviously virtual aids to memory are accounted for in describing the translation of memory, and/or recounting a potential history, but also aids in the directive, for instance, of the King's inquest into the matters of the failed coup when much of actionable remaining dust has settled, and yet another level of motive has arisen such to the leader's desire in scrutinizing the 'state' and its affairs, but this also pertinent to the accuracy and orderliness of larger distributive systems being able to logistically function and manage in a much greater and more generalized sense.  A farmer may have changed somewhat his status in life, by some strange means, for instance, so that he no longer directly works the land himself but instead employs persons to do such work for him, that take upon the position that he once held, and that he manages and distributively tracks by level accountancy the work done by others.  The farmer could also potentially be more likely educated in some manner of at least rudimentary mathematics and likewise have some accountant's experience.  The lack of experience, might also play into resources having been stolen or mismanaged because as in the previous section of this writing the intelligence node is only able to accurately retain any particular level of information in detail.  It seems in another classification, one may be likely to describe an intelligence node as having memory augmentation here, if having the training and abilities possessed by the characteristics of versing the reinforcement of memory through 'oral' methods, or at least reinforcing memory where it is attached to virtual world objects that are responsible for such recollection.  If on the other hand, the documents are stolen or the intelligence node 'memory retainers' which are responsible for communicating more faithfully recorded information, it seems the state of attached augmented memory may change.  To what degree of separability exists between information more natively self recorded as opposed to given by artificial constructive aids in so far as stimulating the everyday affairs of the individual by occupation is another matter in open ended intelligence fuzzy decision criteria.  The King may not verse himself, for instance, every day repeatedly over the same sets of memory data, but may think more randomly and fuzzily at a point of recollection associated to a story about the man whom told him the story that he remembered so many years ago.  The later 'written story' were recorded physically by the king's scribes, and the story having been retold provokes an associated memory to the 'story teller' who told it.   The king is compelled to have a retainer/investigator search for the whereabouts of the 'story teller', and this leads to yet another chapter of something in a given open ended world.

How to Store this information and Simulate

It seems that that entering more so in to the realm of information with larger scales and objects therein, management of memory is an issue literally likewise.  Typically in traditional sense of recording game state data, fixed parameters maybe more likely given for static classes of data, yet in this model we consider much less static.  The soil that is displaced is more permanently displaced, the virtual node that has shifted remains semi permanently shifted, or there should be no static Non player characters in such world.  Essentially in such a world data, and inter relational maps, over the course of a given lifetime could become huge.  Then I think about it and the real world is this way even where our civilization has come to approximate an ever shifting continuum of changing states that are ever occurring in it, the same problem is no less true in a given artificial intelligence design system.  Again, I say it a core basis it is less likely to be sufficient to put all 'state' data lump sum into the same type of container object and the expect to obviously search and find this information rapidly, or at least you'd likely clog your system rapidly trying to find small bits of information, and then in terms of relational ordering another potential nightmare of a problem.  Some larger game system have turned to relational databases anyways to handle the problem of bulk data, although likely in any object oriented programming language environment you may find object classes that are designed for relational mapping purposes.

Then imagine threading in real time a world of a thousand intelligence nodes at once interacting and going about their business in a given every day context coupled with any manner of simultaneously threaded simulation processes creating added environmental dynamism.  It may be easier to see its not hard to clog a system rapidly here potentially.  A turn based decision strategy approach, however, provides an easy ordering management process to the structure of how events play out, but on the downside mean that potentially one may have to wait for the tens of millions of other decisions having played out before the next round of the simulation has taken place.  The threaded approach on the other hand does not require waiting for other points in simulation to pass, and given to priorities in so far as computational hierarchy.  Furthermore, it seems we may have less information to occlude, since in such world, one may potentially desire not ignoring any process of the simulation with respect to all nodes of the game environment.  At least, that is, the process which drives the quasi randomness and evolution of the game state and all plots having emerged.  Flux and transient data, on the other hand, may immensely reduce memory load in this problem since information may undergo graduated changes game state data overhead may be in like kind reduced.  Although maybe it seem possible that for accounting yet another repository is kept which tracks and neither degrades any such accumulated information at all which is merely in recording with exactness the simulation state.  Which is to say, that constantly the simulation state is given is recorded not unlike a screen recorder tracking the movements of the simulation at all times and could be recalled in a point in time past.

Scale and information

This is self admittedly a big problem that I would acknowledge much ignorance on matters topically speaking, and also considering that decision making processes or the creation of any new information might scale rapidly, although it seems, social communication say if it were modeled in so far as the scale of human like intelligence doesn't embrace the possibility that growth were factorial in nature (that is, a given cross product) for each and every interaction between one social node and all others that would need be updated in such process, or at least it seems an iterated n body computations problem would suffer from potentially greater scale communications, this would be enormously cumbersome, for instance, at granular levels of number stars in a given galaxy to compute a given simulation n body simulation.  On the other hand, more communal social systems might suffer more from scale issues more so relative to less communal systems, or where at least one biological node is given to distinction in so far as memory relative to other biological nodes.  The point of this isn't necessary in replicating things in the completely granular sense, is it ever often done this way, except where researchers have the potential fortunate access to powerhouse computing systems?  Simulations such that I have suggested I have envisioned are likely to have short cuts or potentially could be narrower in the simulation window.  For instance, it may be necessary to consider limiting historical scale in so far as past reference of information.  It seems on the other hand, outside of research areas, are not sure where more accurate simulation systems are desired with respect to social communication outside of specific devotions of research.   Studies may be done, for example, that forecast geographical impacts of water usage alone, or food production related work, or with respect to communicable diseases in the epidemiological sense, but it seems forecasting these matters maybe more narrowly limited with respect to range of specialization that a study is aimed at.  On the other hand, what I have suggested isn't exactly for any of these purposes alone, nor is needed, and secondly entertainment simulators are likely more narrow in focus where the intent is set at accomplishing the goal of entertaining alone, but I don't think any are designed say for the purpose of a fictional writing aid.  :D, or for that matter cool enough to be adapted into role playing game environments.  One Ultima franchise, came probably the closest to doing this for an mmorpg where there were much dynamically allocated game state data.   Human nature, however, intervening on these issues rapidly evolved a game world that actually ran counterproductive to the promoting the game itself in so far as new players.  New players were likely to have little chance for success in time, and old player much success, and the other problem were that game designers neglected fully entropy as inter change in the system.  This not also reduces the problem of memory, but it also provides new opportunity, and as it turns out in our own reality is also an important law, for instance, in thermodynamics and with respect to life and death cycles of anything mechanical biological in nature or otherwise.    The other playing say that occurs between 'entertainment' type games is that they avoid too much pain in the punishment sense of the word.   Obviously in a real world, I wouldn't touch a hot stove but might be inclined to do so in a simulated one if there were little to no cost ramification, and this presents yet another challenge to simulated dynamic state world systems.  Now some games do present 'punitive' challenges in the way of risking, for instance, complete character death and/or the cost for replacement/reimbursement of damage loss too much for the amount of risk that might be assumed.  Other popular one's, however, generally avoid this or make entropy merely as the type of 'nuissance' of having to go for a quick stop equipment repairs while game designers may simultaneously opt to fix any disproportionately large amount of game state data in the process to balance the system.  Of course, it takes time, but another game that I can think of off hand, balances this entirely by making the synergistic power of large scale state systems immensely powerful relative to even the largest of collective social systems.   Also, it seems risk/loss intervention necessarily means that Player character interactivity neither provides necessary reward to 'sacrificial' strategies alone...that is, one may popular think of the movie, Edge of Tomorrow, encapsulating this problem.  A character dies only to learn something from his or her environment while retaining pertinent information that advances a character to a next position which in such fiction reflects what is common in most simulated game environments found today.    On the other hand with NPC artificial intelligence, it would seem easier to program this through imperatives.  It is also easy to handle where the player dies, and there is little incentive to rework a given path that is likely given to dynamic allocation and no longer applicable for advancement in a given later context.  Perhaps, this might apply in consideration to problems related to fixed geographical allocations, a dungeon that for instance, likely exists and continues to exist generally in some state, but again the work in reaching a given state neither applies in the reward system so clearly where the expense loss to work input is much greater.  Certainly if ranking of position applied, it might be easier to 'sacrificially' die in low ranks but on the other hand, hardly rewarding in the later case where high ranking would require more effort.

The loss of an old challenge

One of the other bigger problematic aspects of a challenge is that players commonly today run through instances of fixed game data, that makes available to all a given puzzle, a dungeon, an area to all as though given to a product commodity.  In reality, a band of heroes might clear a dungeon of all 'evil' therein but it theoretically respawns, or as theory runs in roleplaying, evil is quick to rebound...and nothing of the a famous song's lament that I can recall in mind applies, '...where have all the outlaws' gone.'  In so many words, however, it seems maybe the castle is likely exorcised of its demons, or its properties looted irrevocably so that nothing or less remains behind for future generations..  One might complain in this particular problem model, but on the other hand, if there is plenty of adventure to be had in the world elsewhere it seems players might go else where.  This leads to another problem which is dynamically creating on the fly potentially a new history if it isn't already being simulated in the process, or the new history and the new loot is assigned to the players that horde or exchange it.  Maybe loot winds up in a dealers market where it ends up being warehoused somewhere else, or treasured in someone else's collection.  It seems treasure is likely to be found and contained somewhere and maybe this doesn't exactly die either, or that in such a simulated world, it is virtually impossible for a world system to be entirely robbed of it, or irretrievably destroyed.  Certainly it seems if one engages in the creation of history in the first place for a given state, it leads to all the issues of creating the history in the first place that weren't simulated, or it seems in one context one might start a simple history and forward advance the simulation state, so that castles and kingdom alongside their dungeons were built in the process.  This would include the creation of NPC characters that would exist by the time Player characters entered into such game.  One particular theory worth utilizing is the degree of communicability in similarity of state data, if geographical conditions prevail in certain ways.  Productive lands giving rise to more technologically advanced civilizations or regions of habitations, are likely to communicate in radiating ways outward potentially if something geographically speaking isn't obstacle readily for communication.  Application of this theory, means that one may be able to apply simulation occlusion necessarily to unknown or undiscovered world areas, that topically speaking were avoided by the simulator in the first place or when sparing the simulator of even more complex task handling.
An ocean, for instance, given the level of maritime technology might prove to the be the most obvious and easiest example of sparing simulation work, if few to little intelligence nodes were in theory to exist elsewhere, or again application to social theory leads to further added logic, what were the likeliest of possibilities for advancements.  Although it seems this could be a short cut in logic where it where needing in the rapid generation model, a world system could be as complex and given to scale data by virtue of the Player characters doing the exploration in it.  At least another simulator ideas appreciates not trying to simulate everything but what is generally needed...the drawer is only full when the player opens it and so forth.   The big upside to occluded generated on the fly worlds are that such worlds could seem potentially without limit or border alone, or at least if circumnavigating it might feel as though the experience one might have in traversing our own planet, but that one need not track all data therein in the process.  This is not unlike games that limit the installation of a world system to key starting state positions and then stream data to a given user system where the player enters into new regions that are not stored locally on one's system.  It should seem obvious that where more occlusion is entailed allows for greater granular scale resolution at local levels.  If having, for instance the ability of generating a social node network randomly right away, then it seems a game environment might be able to produce a cast of characters, each with something of a history entailed by a social network likewise.  The king differentiated by the peasant in terms of so many social connectivity nodes, or that at least enough social variability is provided in social graph complex generation so that a world generator seems less 'cookie cutter' in the approach of generating social systems.  The other part of this problem comes by way of simulated seed histories that might have some correspondence to the type of social nodes that should seem unique enough.  Seeding histories may come by way of simulating a social node complex and then forming a geographic social and physical history in the process that describes what develops in so far as social relations and how physical geography is accorded.  Swamps and marshes may be drained, for instance, in the process of human habitation, and turned into a different landscape relative to some previous un inhabited state, or that a mountain might host in time successively larger fortified structures.  For random seeding one might also consider things like social turbulence factors which are randomly generated.  Social turbulence, for instance, might be generated through the aftermath of arisen disasters of one sort or another, or war that has players wafting through throngs of refugees on the road in times of regional or local exodus.  It is I believe important to consider the connection of simulated intelligence and social communication with respect to communicating through geography.  That is, even if those advise us to 'leave no trace' when hiking, we are likely to have an impact on the lands that we inhabit whether we like it or not.  Cereal crops that are produced in turn to feed people and livestock, which in turn effect the ecology and geography of a landscape.  In turn there may also be reciprocal relations between landscape and social psychologies, that is, how might this be expressed by the conditions of lifestyle relative to geographical occupation?  I say this is important since this may have ramification with respect to general social psychology and a general cultural temperament found in a peoples.  Obviously where environments may be forbidding and hostile enough in limiting at times social communication, it seems social isolation may more likely result, and how might this impact a group of people?  Personally this is to allow for even greater creativity of social outcomes in cultural geographic simulation designs.  Some cultures maybe more given to higher degrees of localization whereas other cultures maybe by nature travelers, wanderers and explorers.

Personality disorders or Personalities period

This gives rise to yet another conceived challenge in mind.  The king has given rise to an affinity of thought, or an emotional attachment even if it is not expressed as such as being an 'emotion' even though we might tend characterize this, if memory from a given past were recalled.  An 'emotion', affinity for something or someone appears to be given by a formed attachment to a past memory.  Of course, the algorithm itself may not be stated or designed with the clear intent of emotion even though it implicitly is.  Here the routine of story telling in the King's court given by randomly produced stories lead to the King's long term memory collision hit, that is, where the King recalls through associative pathways 'We' -> 'Quohen' albeit in a roundabout manner.  Here an affinity is described even if the programmer hadn't deliberately set about creating any affinity just by virtue of any desired regularity of 'routine' daily life processes.  In fact from this basis, it seems that one might create the notion of 'emotional affinity', and a range of 'personality' that were given from a set social landscape and given by the dynamics of 'routine' having occurred.  The 'farmer' is, of course, inclined at times to speak with other farmers, if at least given to a sense of camaraderie.  The 'banker' likely to speak with other fellow 'bankers'.  The 'smith' with other 'smith's and especially to any new customer having put forth a new order of armor for a son that were drafted by the king in the defense of a kingdom.   Yet by routine alone, if there were inclinations of personality and personal affinities, it might be stated by degree of polarity, those things a personality may not be inclined as strongly in relating to...

If it were 'Quohen' it might be easier in describing personal affinities by virtue of geographic occupation alone in such description, that is, 'Quohen' is most magnetically drawn to his personal, private, and quiet geographic space mostly and is less drawn to unfamiliar spaces which is an implicit clue to his personality type.  The 'King' on the other hand does like to do a fair amount of travel in his spare time, especially as it were in this case in the aims of social diplomacy and were given such an appointment by virtue of agreement a long time ago in so far as between princes that the he would be 'king', or it seems somewhere in the space of 'routine' the description of the 'king' s magnetic affinities would describe things like 'desire to travel', 'desire to be social', 'personal charisma', and then hopefully 'wisdom'.  Although it isn't necessarily that 'charismatics' tend to be the biggest or most far reaching travelers as it were given by some occupation more likely to make such a reality.  Yes at the basis of any number of attributes 'personality' may be expressed, but it also something given by  social geography, by 'routine' I would claim, or at least it is inferred by this.  A 'hunter' may be more likely a 'solitary' individual if groups of 'hunters' are not socially advantageous to such 'occupation', even if the King has organized formally a hunt which has included the displacement of both dogs and prey alike to be had for the choreographed hunt, the 'hunter' normally by profession would normally not have these advantages.  If the 'hunter/ranger' is more likely in reality to be a solitary individual, maybe they have developed less acumen for speaking to others in the way that others that pursue more social lifestyles have learned.  This isn't to say that some 'hunter/rangers' might not be more social relative to others.   This is to say something of personal affinity may be described and anything giving rise to personality conflicts might also be described.

If you have sense of your characters profile ranges, you may consider how and why it is that people get into the professions that they find themselves in the first place.  Politicians may not only attracted to 'social' aspects and aspiration given of such 'occupation' but they may also be more likely the ones that are meglomaniacs, and thus one may have by virtue of the virtue of personal affinities, the potentiality of personality disorders.

Increasing the Social Numbers and Computational Complexity

The bigger problem comes in the way of representing a world system as individual particles, but imagining that the particles themselves exhibit at the same time complex behavior even relative to the sorts of predictable exchanges that might occur relative to the subatomic counterpart.  A million particles on the other hand may likely in so far as single computational system become far more untenable even with short cuts and computation reducing assumption that simplify social interactivity cases.  In this case, it may also be easier to describe a system not by exact positions but by quantum mechanical locus.  That is, if modeling the social behaviors of certain wildlife, likely one may mind frequencies of distribution given to certain geographic locations, alongside transient or migratory paths depending on the type of wildlife that exists.  Human social networks might be described in some similar manner such that the overall functioning of the system might be described without knowing the individual details of what should be occurring in so far as individual social node interactions.  While on the other hand, reducing the computational complexity load of what had taken place before the metaphoric camera, that did examine inter social interactions.  Thus it seems that another computational strategy should exist here namely, a quantum mechanical type system in so far as relating the broader picture of simulation work would be a useful tool, and the microscopic focal picture that examines actual inter social particle/node interactions.

Power of Economy and Civilization Type

Any particular outline of a social simulation is likely to consider what society/civilization exists in the first place since this is likely to describe social permitting conditions and forms the basis of things like profession or any social classification to such system that describe how intelligence may be interacting in a given world.  One could design a system with specific historical conditions fixed, and then having outlined any number of potential occupation/profession types that should exist in such system, but this neglects for simulation change over time growth attributes of a system.  That is, what civilizations may be likely to have technological adoptions over time leading to the changes in a given system which have ramification with respect to social impacts on a given system.  For instance, the adoption of mechanized systems may have social impacts on a given civilization with respect to things like food production strategies.  Furthered productivity changes here lead to changes in the profession classification attributes of a society.   Hunters, for instance, may be needed less as a viable food production sources which in turn leads to the potential opening of other professions.
One present strategy that I've outlined for economy, examines neither quantitatively an economy explicitly at a base level by metric of all range of differing products produced, alongside other economic metrics like measure of businesses, wages and salaries, interests from investments, or anything else related, but instead measures a civilization by its food production alone and having related this to a base food production type in so far as compiling economic power.  A base type civilization is one, for instance, that devotes one hundred percent of its human resources to food production labor while higher order civilizations tend to devote far less of its human resources to food production labor.  In this economic 'power' metric, then the higher order civilization may be given a ranked classification by ratio of a base civilization type devoting 100% of its food production to that of the higher civilization's food production human resource allocation by percentile of overall population.  The power of a civilizations economy then has a 'power' factorization given by this ratio, so that the civilization's closer to the base type have a 'power' factorization approaching a singularity while advanced civilizations tend to have factors that inclining away from a given singularity.  Increasing economic 'power' leads to greater occupation/profession resources 'stratification'.  One can provide civilization type classifications here which add to the degree of any civilization's communicability worldwide here.  Those tending towards the base classification, may tend to be smaller and more localized while on the absolute scale communication at the highest tier is a globalized one.  For instance, today while we think of the world of having been composed of individual countries and states in terms of geo political classifications, on the other hand, by in large the world itself is characteristically defined as a 'globalized' level economy, and that even if individual countries themselves fall under the classification of 'emerging' relative to other countries that are higher 'ranking' overall the seeming communication lines between 'emerging' and 'first world' nations are often blurred, or that even if given regional geographic and local disparities, it may be easier to see that any number of countries throughout the world may belong to a particular civilization type unless they are other non communicative relative to all other.  Having some tangible measure of an economy is likely to encompass both a body social population, and likely to encompass some measure which differentiates one social system relative another.  That is, a measure of economy likely modeling in some manner the differences between social systems having emerged over time, and the consequences resulting.  While modern geo political boundaries seem to provide distinction to the notion of old world order classifications of 'empire' which may relate to more broadly regional communicating geo political social systems versus the seeming distinctions that we have today, on the other hand, we might also consider such social systems very similar outside of the supposedly surface appearances that are accumulated of the distinctions drawn.  


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