New search function on module library...abstracted a bit more here, recommend using with caution with high recursion counts...unfortunately through runtime exception with open recursion (at tree depth) for gi.repository libraries here, so implemented a counter to avoid run time error.
To implement function typically call at terminal you'd want to set modulepkg to instance object of the loaded module...e.g.,
>>a = gi.repository
if the searchword module file is saved as file
>>searchword.searchword(a, 'Gtk', 3)
Searches the repository libraries at recursion depth of three levels at each top level directory paths.
def findresult(a, word):
results = []
for item in a:
if word in item:
return results
def searchword(modulepkg, word, recursioncnt):
resultsa = []
a = dir(modulepkg)
asearch = findresult(a, word)
if recursioncnt > 0:
for item2 in a:
exception1 = False
exception2 = False
modulename = eval('modulepkg.__name__')
exec('import ' + modulename)
b = eval(modulename + '.' + item2)
print('execption trying modulepkg.',item2)
exception1 = True
if exception1:
b = eval('modulepkg.'+ item2)
exception2 = True
if not exception2:
results = searchword(b, word, recursioncnt-1)
for item2 in results:
strngpath = item + '.' + item2
return asearch
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