This isn't robustly written for pattern matching as a C sharp to Python translator but at least it provides a somewhat easier method for porting code with literal translation. I manage to do this by the way through a combination of things, but some key points are some translator dictionary terms
- A string match on these word terms means that list type is provided from a given c sharp array type to a python list type. In python lists may commonly be grown or shrunk through a populate or remove functions, but I opted for the method of instantiating a fixed list type matching a given array.
-or type (e.g., int is integer type, double is double type, and so forth) , there is also another layer (redundant) in matching a given type whether it falls into a python list type of specific multidimensional allotment or not a list at all. This type list can be customized for pattern matching on keywords, by simply populating added type words with translation data.
This may still have some bugs, although I've done some testing up to now...I haven't scoured this to remove much of deprecated stuff, but at least it appears to be functioning fairly well.
class conversionCsharptopython: classscope = False classfuncscope = False casescope = False casevalues = [] casevar = '' caseenditer = 0 caseiter = 0 classfuncscopeintervalleft = [] classfuncscopeintervalright = [] classname = '' indentlevel = 0 classfuncnames = {} classfuncnames_rev = {} classvars = {} classfuncvars = {} classscopecounter = [] var = [] linescope = {} writenextlineclosuref = False classfuncwords = ['public','private'] keywords = ['Debug.Log','break', 'Console.Write','return','//', 'new','.ToArray()','DenseVector.OfArray(', 'DenseMatrix.CreateDiagonal(','.Length]', '(int)','(double)', '(float)'] keywordinterpret = {'.ToArray()':'.tolist()', '.ToArray ()':'.tolist()', 'DenseVector.OfArray(':'numpy.matrix(', 'DenseMatrix.CreateDiagonal(':'numpy.matrix(', 'Console.Write':'print','Debug.Log':'print', '//':'##', '(int)':'', '(double)':'', '(float)':'', '.PI':'.pi','Math':'math','true':'True', 'false':'False', ';':'', 'Sin':'sin','Cos':'cos', 'Tan':'tan','AssetDatabase':'##AssetDatabase'} instantiationkeywords = {'new Vector[':'Vector [','new findter(':'findter.findter(', 'new Boundaryedges(':'Boundaryedges.Boundaryedges(', 'new float[':'float[', 'new computetranslations(':'Computetranslations.computetranslations(', 'new computetranslationsgroup(':'Computetranslationsgroup.computetranslationsgroup(', 'new int[':'int[', 'new linearalgpckg.pointsrescale (':'linearalgpckg.pointrescale (', 'new AssemblyCSharp.computetranslations': 'Computetranslations.computetranslations', 'new Vector3 (':'mathutils.Vector([', 'new Vector3(':'mathutils.Vector([', 'new LoadHeightmap(':'LoadHeightmap.LoadHeightmap(', 'new double[':'double[' } ##these are defined types. This list likely expands. defheaderwords = {'int':'single','float':'single','int[]':'list', 'int[ ]':'list', 'int[,]':'2dlists','int[':'sr','float[]':'list','float[,]':'2dlists', 'float [,]':'2dlists','int [,]':'2dlists', 'double [,]':'2dlists', 'float[,] ':'2dlists','Matrix ':'matrix', 'Matrix []':'list', 'Matrix [,]':'2dlist', 'float[][]':'2dlist','float[][,]':'3dlist', 'Vector ':'matrix', 'Vector []':'list','Vector [][]':'2dlist', 'double':'single', 'double[]':'list','double[][]':'2dlist', 'double[,]':'2dlists','bool':'single', 'Boundaryedges':'single', 'findter':'single', 'computetranslationsgroup':'single', 'computetranslations':'single', 'int[][]':'2dlist'} falseequiv = ['(int)','(double)','(float)', 'checkpoints', 'point', 'checkpoint'] ##arraylist = {'int[]':1, 'int[,]':2, '':} def __doublelistinit(self, lefteqtokens, listlenstring): returnstring += lefteqtokens returnstring += '=' returnstring += 'Initialize.initalize.doublelist(listlenstring)' return returnstring def __intlistinit(self,lefteqtokens, listlenstring): returnstring += lefteqtokens returnstring += '=' returnstring += 'Initialize.initalize.intlist(listlenstring)' return returnstring def __matrixinit(self,lefteqtokens, matrixdatvarstring): returnstring += lefteqtokens returnstring += '=' returnstring += 'numpy.matrix(' returnstring += matrixdatvarstring returnstring += ')' def replacekeyword(self, stringline): for word in self.keywordinterpret: if word in stringline: stringline = stringline.replace(word,self.keywordinterpret[word]) return stringline def deftype(self, stringline): if '[]' in stringline: if '[][,]' in stringline: return '3dlist' elif '[][]' in stringline: return '2dlist' else: return 'list' elif '[,]' in stringline: return '2dlist' else: return 'single' def getsetclosure(self, sep, sepc, stringline): sepcount = 0 sepccount = 0 line = 0 indexr = 0 for char in stringline: if char == sep: sepcount += 1 if char == sepc: if sepcount == 0: print('found') indexr = line break else: sepcount -= 1 line += 1 return stringline[0:indexr] def getsetclosure2(self, sep, sepc, stringline): # this assumes set closure is found at its first instance sep pairing which is included in the string search sepcount = 0 sepccount = 0 line = 0 indexl = 0 indexr = 0 for char in stringline: if char == sep: if sepcount == 0: indexl = line sepcount += 1 else: sepcount += 1 if char == sepc: if sepcount == 1: print('found') indexr = line break else: sepcount -= 1 line += 1 return stringline[indexl+1:indexr] def writenextlineclosure(self, stringline): self.writenextlineclosuref = False return self.getsetclosure('[', ']', stringline) +')' def instantiationcheck(self,stringline, itera): #problems between c sharp and python, are that one would likely #want class level object types instantiated at the outset in python #whereas class object type variables maybe instantiated later #. The solution is to initialize a variable with some arbitrary # value that fits necessary operable conditions. Easy if we # are working with non array types. More difficult otherwise. # Can you think why? Obviously, array type objects may not # be instanced with any defining array length, so we'd need to fish # out this information in the body of the program. So we'll need # to define special instancing rules and search algorithms to aid # us. instantstring = '' iterm = -1 maxcount = 0 wordflag = False for word in self.instantiationkeywords: if word in stringline: maxcount = 0 iterm = -1 count = 0 wordflag = True for word2 in self.defheaderwords: if word2 in stringline: ## print('stringline at word2 match:') ## print(word2) ## print(stringline) check = False for word3 in self.falseequiv: if word3 in stringline: if not stringline.find(word2)-1 == stringline.find(word3): check = True else: check = False break else: check = True if check: if len(word2) > maxcount: maxcount = len(word2) iterm = word2 iword = word break if not iterm == -1 and wordflag: ocheck, varname, matchtype = self.checkreturnvar(stringline) if '//' in stringline: print('at // check:') print(stringline) print(varname) if stringline.index('//') < stringline.index(varname): instantstring += '##' instantstring += self.getspacing2(itera) print('variable name:') print(varname) instantstring += varname instantstring += ' = ' ## print(word2) ## print(iterm) if self.defheaderwords[iterm] == 'list': rightval = stringline.split(iword)[1] print('rightval:') print(rightval) val = self.getsetclosure('[', ']', rightval) ## val = rightval.split(']')[0] try: int(val); c = True except: None; c = False instantstring += 'Initialize.initalize.list('+val+')' print('instantiation with new list: ') print(instantstring) self.writefileline (instantstring) return True elif self.defheaderwords[iterm] == '2dlist': rightval = stringline.split(iword)[1] val = self.getsetclosure('[', ']', rightval) ## val = rightval.split(']')[0] instantstring += 'Initialize.initalize.2dlist('+val+')' print('instantiation with new 2dlist: ') print(instantstring) self.writefileline (instantstring) return True elif self.defheaderwords[iterm] == '2dlists': rightval = stringline.split(iword)[1] ## val = rightval.split(']')[0] print(len(rightval.split(','))) if ';' in rightval: val1 = rightval.split(',')[0] val2 = rightval.split(',')[1] val2 = self.getsetclosure('[', ']', val2) instantstring += 'Initialize.initalize.2dlists('+val1+','+val2+')' print('instantiation with new 2dlist: ') print(instantstring) else: print('************') val1 = rightval.split(',')[0] ## val2 = val.split(',')[0] instantstring += 'Initialize.initalize.2dlists('+val1+',' self.writenextlineclosuref = True print('instantiation with new 2dlist: ') print(instantstring) self.writefileline (instantstring) return True elif self.defheaderwords[iterm] == '3dlist': rightval = stringline.split(iword)[1] val = self.getsetclosure('[', ']', rightval) ## val = rightval.split(']')[0] try: int(val); c = True except: None; c = False instantstring += 'Initialize.initalize.list('+val+')' print('instantiation with new word match 3dlist: ') print(instantstring) self.writefileline (instantstring) return True elif self.defheaderwords[iterm] == 'sr': rightval = stringline.split('new ')[1] if '{' in rightval: rightval = rightval.split('{')[1] val = rightval.split('}')[0] instantstring += ' [' + val + ']' print('instantiation with new special: ') print(instantstring) print(self.linescope[itera]) self.writefileline(instantstring) else: rightval = stringline.split(iword)[1] print('rightval:') print(rightval) val = self.getsetclosure('[', ']', rightval) ## val = rightval.split(']')[0] try: int(val); c = True except: None; c = False instantstring += 'Initialize.initalize.list('+val+')' print('instantiation with new list: ') print(instantstring) self.writefileline(instantstring) return True else: ## no match defheader match but we have a instantiation of somesort ## so we replace some things on the line newstring = '' newstring += self.getspacing2(itera) newstringadd = self.getStringnotabsspaces2(stringline) newstringadd = newstringadd.replace(word,self.instantiationkeywords[word]) newstringadd = newstringadd + ' ##' +iterm newstringadd = newstringadd.replace(iterm,'', 1) newstringadd = self.replacekeyword(newstringadd) newstring += self.getStringnotabsspaces2(newstringadd) print('instantiation with new word match not list:') print(newstring) self.writefileline(newstring) return True elif iterm == -1 and wordflag: newstring = '' newstring += self.getspacing2(itera) newstringadd = self.getStringnotabsspaces2(stringline) newstringadd = newstringadd.replace(word,self.instantiationkeywords[word]) newstringadd = self.replacekeyword(newstringadd) newstring += self.getStringnotabsspaces2(newstringadd) print('instantiation with new no word match: ') print(newstring) self.writefileline(newstring) return True else: return False def instantiationWithoutNewCheck(self,stringline, itera): maxcount = 0 iterm = -1 count = 0 wordflag = True for word2 in self.defheaderwords: if word2 in stringline: check = False for word3 in self.falseequiv: if word3 in stringline: if not stringline.find(word2)-1 == stringline.find(word3): check = True if word2 in word3: check = False break else: check = False break else: check = True if check: if len(word2) > maxcount: maxcount = len(word2) iterm = word2 if not iterm == -1: newstring = '' newstring += self.getspacing2(itera) newstringadd = self.getStringnotabsspaces2(stringline) newstringadd = newstringadd.replace(iterm,'',1) newstringadd = self.replacekeyword(newstringadd) newstringadd = self.getStringnotabsspaces2(newstringadd) newstring += newstringadd print('instantiation without new: ') print(newstring) self.writefileline(newstring) return True else: return False def getStringnotabsspaces(self, stringline): #use the second function of this type for now. def findnonemptyr(stringset, itera): returnit = 0 if stringset[itera] == '': returnit = findnonemptyr(stringset, itera-1) else: return itera return returnit def findnonemptyrts(stringset, itera, map2): returnit = 0 index1, index2 = map2[itera] if stringset[index1][index2] == '': returnit = findnonemptyrts(stringset, itera-1,map2) else: return itera return returnit def findnonemptylts(stringset, itera, map2): returnit = 0 index1, index2 = map2[itera] if stringset[index1][index2] == '': returnit = findnonemptylts(stringset, itera+1,map2) else: return itera return returnit def map2dlist(listset): count = 0 mapset = {} setindex = 0 for listr in listset: listindex = 0 for strin in listr: mapset[count] = (setindex, listindex) listindex += 1 count += 1 setindex += 1 return mapset def getcopylist(stringset, itera, iterb, map2): index1l, index2l = map2[itera] index1r, index2r = map2[iterb] allset = [] if not index1l == index1r: print('stringset:') print(stringset) retset = [stringset[index1l][index2l:len(stringset[index1l])]] print(retset) if not index1l+1 == index1r: retsetb = stringset[index1l+1:index1r] retsetc = [stringset[index1r][0:index2r+1]] allset = retset+retsetb+retsetc else: retsetb = [stringset[index1r][0:index2r+1]] allset = retset+retsetb else: allset = stringset[index1l][index2l:index2r+1] return allset def buildnfrmsetl(stringset,itera, add): namestring = '' for i in range(0,itera+1): ## namestring += add + stringset[i] if not i == 0: namestring += add + stringset[i] print(i) print(stringset[i]) else: namestring += stringset[i] return namestring def buildnfrmsetlr(stringset, adds, addt): namestring = '' ## for i in range(itera,iterb+1): ## namestring += add + stringset[i] count = 0 strngsetcount = 0 for set1 in stringset: setcount = 0 print(set1) for strin in set1: if not count == 0: if setcount == 0: namestring += adds + strin ## print(i) ## print(stringset[i]) else: namestring += addt + strin else: namestring += strin count += 1 setcount += 1 strngsetcount += 1 return namestring def findnonemptyl(stringset,itera): returnit = 0 if stringset[itera] == '': returnit = findnonemptyr(stringset, itera+1) else: return itera return returnit def buildnfrmsetr(stringset,itera, add): namestring = '' for i in range(itera,len(stringset)): if not i == itera: namestring += add + stringset[i] else: namestring += stringset[i] return namestring def getsplitsets(stringline): splitsets = [] spaceset = stringline.split(' ') count = 0 for word in spaceset: tabset = word.split('\t') splitsets.append(tabset) count += 1 print(splitsets) return splitsets splitsets = getsplitsets(stringline) map2 = map2dlist(splitsets) iterb = findnonemptyrts(splitsets, len(map2)-1, map2) itera = findnonemptylts(splitsets, 0, map2) trunclist = getcopylist(splitsets, itera, iterb, map2) return buildnfrmsetlr(trunclist, ' ', '\t') def getStringnotabsspaces2(self, stringline): def forward(stringline, itera): retiter = 0 if stringline[itera] == ' ' or stringline[itera] == '\t': retiter = forward(stringline, itera+1) else: if stringline[itera] == '': retiter = forward(stringline,itera+1) else: return itera return retiter def rev(stringline, itera): retiter = 0 if stringline[itera] == ' ' or stringline[itera] == '\t': retiter = rev(stringline, itera-1) else: if stringline[itera] == '': retiter = rev(stringline,itera-1) else: return itera return retiter iter1 = forward(stringline,0) iter2 = rev(stringline, len(stringline)-1) return stringline[iter1:iter2+1] ## spaceset = stringline.split(' ') ## print(spaceset) ## iterl = findnonemptyl(spaceset, 0) ## stringl = buildnfrmsetr(spaceset,iterl, ' ') ## spacesetr = stringl.split(' ') ## print(spacesetr) ## iterr = findnonemptyr(spacesetr, len(spacesetr)-1) ## print(iterr) ## stringr = buildnfrmsetl(spacesetr, iterr, ' ') ## ## tabset = stringr.split('\t') ## iterlt = findnonemptyl(tabset, 0) ## stringl = buildnfrmsetr(tabset,iterlt, '\t') ## tabsetr = stringl.split('\t') ## iterrt = findnonemptyr(tabsetr, len(tabsetr)-1) ## stringr = buildnfrmsetl(tabsetr, iterrt, '\t') ## ## spaceset = stringr.split(' ') ## print(spaceset) ## iterl = findnonemptyl(spaceset, 0) ## stringl = buildnfrmsetr(spaceset,iterl, ' ') ## spacesetr = stringl.split(' ') ## print(spacesetr) ## iterr = findnonemptyr(spacesetr, len(spacesetr)-1) ## print(iterr) ## stringr = buildnfrmsetl(spacesetr, iterr, ' ') ## return stringr ## def getStringnotabsspaces(self, stringline): ## def findnonemptyr(stringset, itera): ## returnit = 0 ## if stringset[itera] == '': ## returnit = findnonemptyr(stringset, itera-1) ## else: ## return itera ## return itera ## ## ## def buildnfrmsetl(stringset,itera, add): ## namestring = '' ## for i in range(0,itera): ## namestring += add + stringset[i] ## ## return namestring ## ## def findnonemptyl(stringset,itera): ## returnit = 0 ## if stringset[itera] == '': ## returnit = findnonemptyr(stringset, itera+1) ## else: ## return itera ## return itera ## ## def buildnfrmsetr(stringset,itera, add): ## namestring = '' ## for i in range(itera,len(stringset)): ## if not i == itera: ## namestring += add + stringset[i] ## else: ## namestring += stringset[i] ## return namestring ## ## spaceset = stringline.split(' ') ## iterl = findnonemptyl(spaceset, 0) ## stringl = buildnfrmsetr(spaceset,iterl, ' ') ## spacesetr = stringl.split(' ') ## iterr = findnonemptyr(spacesetr, len(spaceset)-1) ## stringr = buildnfrmsetl(spacesetr, iterr, ' ') ## tabset = stringr.split('\t') ## iterlt = findnonemptyl(tabset, 0) ## stringl = buildnfrmsetr(tabset,iterlt, '\t') ## tabsetr = stringl.split('\t') ## iterrt = findnonemptyr(tabsetr, len(tabset)-1) ## stringr = buildnfrmsetl(tabsetr, iterrt, '\t') ## return stringr def adddefheaderword(self, word): if word not in self.defheaderwords: rettype = self.deftype(word) self.defheaderwords[word] = rettype print(word) print(rettype) def checksingleline(self, stringline): if ';' in stringline: return True else: return False def strengthmatching(self, stringline, flg): def getsubstringindex(word1, word2): #word2 is a substring of word1 (that is smaller) return word1.index(word2) def checkindices(word1,word2,stringline,subind): #word2 is checked as amatched substring of word1 (that is smaller) ind1 = stringline.index(word1) ind2 = stringline.index(word2) if (ind2-ind1) == subind: return True else: return False flgset = [self.classfuncnames, self.classvars] cwordlist = [] cword = 'abc' for word in flgset[flg]: if word in stringline: check = True strength = len(word) for word2 in flgset[flg]: if word2 in stringline: if (len(word2) > strength) and (word in word2): ind1 = getsubstringindex(word2, word) if checkindices(word2,word,stringline,ind1): check = False break if check: stringline = stringline.replace(word,'self.'+word) return stringline def checkclassfuncscopelineexec(self, stringline, itera): ## cword = 'abc' ## for word in self.classfuncnames: ## if word in stringline: ## if not (word in cword) or not (cword in word): ## stringline = stringline.replace(word,'self.'+word) ## cword = word ## print(cword) stringline = self.strengthmatching(stringline, 0) self.checkclassvars(stringline, itera) ## self.checkclassfuncvars(stringline, itera) ## print('first self app:') ## print(stringline) ## cword = 'abc' ## for word in self.classvars: ## if word in stringline: ## if not ((word in cword) or (cword in word)): ## stringline = stringline.replace(word,'self.'+word) ## cword = word ## print(cword) ## print('after self app:') ## print(stringline) stringline = self.strengthmatching(stringline, 1) if not self.instantiationcheck(stringline, itera): if not self.instantiationWithoutNewCheck(stringline, itera): newstring = '' newstring += self.getspacing2(itera) newstring += self.getStringnotabsspaces2(stringline) newstring = self.replacekeyword(newstring) print('no instantiation: ') print(newstring) self.writefileline(newstring) def checkreturnvar(self, stringline): removelist = {'{':'', '}':''} def removes(stringline): if '{' in stringline: stringline = stringline.replace('{','') if '}' in stringline: stringline = stringline.replace('}','') elif '}' in stringline: stringline = stringline.replace('}','') return stringline def getname (stringline, wordmatch): if '=' in stringline: print('indexing:') print(stringline.index(wordmatch)) print(stringline.index('=')) print(wordmatch) if stringline.index(wordmatch) > stringline.index('='): varmatch = stringline.split('=')[0] varmatch = self.getStringnotabsspaces2(varmatch) return varmatch else: varmatch = stringline.split('=')[0] varmatch = varmatch.split(wordmatch)[1] varmatch = self.getStringnotabsspaces2(varmatch) return varmatch else: return stringline.split(wordmatch)[1] strength = 0 matchindex = 0 matchtype = '' i = 0 found = False var = '' for word in self.defheaderwords: if word in stringline: if len(word)>strength: strength = len(word) matchindex = i matchtype = word var = getname(stringline, word) var = removes(var) ## var = stringline.split(word)[0] ## var = self.getStringnotabsspaces2(var) var = self.removespacefromstring(var) found = True i+=1 return (found, var, matchtype) def checkclassfuncvars(self, classvarstring, itera): #deprecated/bordering. Using alternate string # parsing methods above. def findnonemptyr(stringset, itera): returnit = 0 if stringset[itera] == '': returnit = findnonemptyr(stringset, itera-1) else: return itera return returnit def buildnfrmset(stringset,itera): namestring = '' for i in range(0,itera): namestring += stringset[i] return namestring classlevelstring = '' ## print('linescope: ') ## print(self.linescope[itera]) if not itera in self.classfuncnames_rev: ## if self.linescope[itera] == 2 and self.classscope: ## writestring = classvarstring[0:len(classvarstring)] ## writestring = '##'+writestring ## print(writestring) ## self.writefileline (switchfirstline) if not '=' in classvarstring: if self.checksingleline(classvarstring): v = classvarstring.split(';')[0] v = self.getStringnotabsspaces2(v) print('p check: ') print(v) print(len(v.split(' '))) if len(v.split(' ')) > 1: if not '()' in v.split(' ')[1]: vs = v.split(' ') ##next line finds from the right hand side ## the next(first) non empty character set vsriter = findnonemptyr(vs,len(vs)-1) classvar = vs[vsriter] classtypea = buildnfrmset(vs, vsriter) classtypeset = classtypea.split('\t') classtype = buildnfrmset(classtypeset,len(classtypeset)) self.classvars[classvar] = classtype self.adddefheaderword(classtype) else: if not '==' in classvarstring: print('unidentified type hit: ') eqleftvar = classvarstring.split('=')[0] check, classvar, ctype = self.checkreturnvar(eqleftvar) if check: self.classvars[classvar] = ctype ## classlevelstring = else: classvarset = eqleftvar.split(' ') ## presuming non empty character set supplied classvarnameiter = findnonemptyr(classvarset, len(classvarset)-1) classvarname = classvarset[classvarnameiter] classtypea = buildnfrmset(classvarset, classvarnameiter) classtypeset = classtypea.split('\t') classtype = buildnfrmset(classtypeset,len(classtypeset)) self.classvars[classvarname] = classtype self.adddefheaderword(classtype) return True ## else: ## return False else: return False def checkclassvars(self, classvarstring, itera): #deprecated/bordering. Using alternate string # parsing methods above. def findnonemptyr(stringset, itera): returnit = 0 if stringset[itera] == '': returnit = findnonemptyr(stringset, itera-1) else: return itera return returnit def buildnfrmset(stringset,itera): namestring = '' for i in range(0,itera): namestring += stringset[i] return namestring classlevelstring = '' ## print('linescope: ') ## print(self.linescope[itera]) if not itera in self.classfuncnames_rev: if self.linescope[itera] == 2 and self.classscope: writestring = classvarstring[0:len(classvarstring)] writestring = '##'+writestring print(writestring) ## self.writefileline (switchfirstline) if not '=' in classvarstring: if self.checksingleline(classvarstring): v = classvarstring.split(';')[0] vs = v.split(' ') ##next line finds from the right hand side ## the next(first) non empty character set vsriter = findnonemptyr(vs,len(vs)-1) classvar = vs[vsriter] classtypea = buildnfrmset(vs, vsriter) classtypeset = classtypea.split('\t') classtype = buildnfrmset(classtypeset,len(classtypeset)) self.classvars[classvar] = classtype self.adddefheaderword(classtype) else: if not '==' in classvarstring: print('unidentified type hit: ') eqleftvar = classvarstring.split('=')[0] check, classvar, ctype = self.checkreturnvar(eqleftvar) if check: self.classvars[classvar] = ctype ## classlevelstring = else: classvarset = eqleftvar.split(' ') ## presuming non empty character set supplied classvarnameiter = findnonemptyr(classvarset, len(classvarset)-1) classvarname = classvarset[classvarnameiter] classtypea = buildnfrmset(classvarset, classvarnameiter) classtypeset = classtypea.split('\t') classtype = buildnfrmset(classtypeset,len(classtypeset)) self.classvars[classvarname] = classtype self.adddefheaderword(classtype) return True else: return False else: return False def removespacefromstringstart(self, stringline): if stringline.startswith(' '): rstring = stringline[0:len(stringline)] rstring.replace(' ','',1) return rstring else: return stringline def removespacefromstring(self, stringline): scount = stringline.rfind(' ') return stringline.replace(' ','',scount) def getspacing(self): spacestring = '' for i in range(0,self.indentlevel): spacestring += '\t' return spacestring def getspacing2(self, lineint): spacestring = '' for i in range(0,self.linescope[lineint]): spacestring += '\t' return spacestring def getclassfuncinputs(self, classstring): funcvalinputnamesstring = '(self' leftparsplit = classstring.split('(') rightparstring = leftparsplit[1] leftparstring = rightparstring.split(')') funcinputvals = leftparstring[0].split(',') i = 0 ## funcvalinputnamesstring = '' for funcinputval in funcinputvals: if not i == len(funcinputvals) - 1: funcvalinputnamesstring += ', ' funcinputvalsplit = funcinputval.split(' ') funcvalinputnamesstring += self.findfirstnonnullfromlast(funcinputvalsplit) else: if len(funcinputvals) < 2: funcinputvalsplit = funcinputval.split(' ') if self.findfirstnonnullfromlast(funcinputvalsplit) == '': funcvalinputnamesstring += self.findfirstnonnullfromlast(funcinputvalsplit) funcvalinputnamesstring += '):' else: funcvalinputnamesstring += ', ' funcvalinputnamesstring += self.findfirstnonnullfromlast(funcinputvalsplit) funcvalinputnamesstring += '):' else: funcvalinputnamesstring += ', ' funcinputvalsplit = funcinputval.split(' ') funcvalinputnamesstring += self.findfirstnonnullfromlast(funcinputvalsplit) funcvalinputnamesstring += '):' i += 1 return funcvalinputnamesstring def findsecondnonnull(self,splitlist): firsthit = False for item in splitlist: if not item == '': if not firsthit: firsthit = True else: return item return '' def findfirstnonnullfromlast(self, splitlist): c = splitlist[0:len(splitlist)] c.reverse() return self.findfirstnonnull(c) def findfirstnonnull(self,splitlist): for item in splitlist: if not item == '': return item return '' def checkusing(self, stringline): if 'using' in stringline: if stringline.index('using') == 0: newstringline = "##" + stringline print(newstringline) self.writefileline (newstringline) return True else: return False return False def checkleftbracenextline(self, stringline): if '{' in stringline: self.cmtleftbracenextline = False else: self.cmtleftbracenextline = True def checknamespace(self, stringline): if 'namespace' in stringline: self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) newstringline = "##" + stringline print(newstringline) self.writefileline (newstringline) return True return False def rebuildsplit(self, splitset): line = '' for stringpart in splitset: line += stringpart return line def checkcmtleftbracenextline(self, stringline): if self.cmtleftbracenextline: if '{' in stringline: ## newstringline = stringline.split('{')[0] + stringline.split('{')[1] ##newstringline = "##" + stringline newstringline = self.rebuildsplit(stringline.split('{')) print(newstringline) self.writefileline (newstringline) self.cmtleftbracenextline = False return True else: ##expected good code writing no double left bracing on the same ## line ##self.cmtleftbracenextline = False return False else: return False def checkclass(self, stringline): if 'class' in stringline: classstring = '' classstring += 'class ' classstringf = stringline.split('class') classnamestringlist = classstringf[1].split(' ') ## ## assumed class name returned below is non null value good ## ## programming classname = self.findfirstnonnull(classnamestringlist) self.classname = classname.split('\n')[0] ## classstring += self.getclassfuncinputs(self, stringline) self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) classstring += self.classname + ':' print(classstring) print(self.cmtleftbracenextline) self.writefileline (classstring) self.indentlevel += 1 self.classscope = True return True else: return False def checkiffuncandscope(self, filea,lineint): ## deprecated function using buildclassfunccompletion instead markincheck = False markin = 0 scopelevel = 0 markout = 0 for i in range(lineint, len(filea)): if not markincheck and not ';' in filea[i]: if '{' in filea[i]: ##if not markincheck: markin = i markincheck = True self.classfuncscopeintervalleft.append(i) if not '}' in filea[i]: continue elif not markincheck and ';' in filea[i]: return False if markincheck: if '{' in filea[i]: scopelevel += 1 self.classfuncscopeintervalleft.append(i) if scopelevel == 0: if '}' in filea[i]: markout = i classfuncscope = True self.classfuncscopeintervalright.append(i) ##classfuncscopeinterval = [markin,markout] return true else: if '}' in filea[i]: scopelevel -= 1 self.classfuncscopeintervalright.append(i) def buildclassfunccompletions(self, filea,lineint): def findnonemptyr(stringset, itera): returnit = 0 ## print(stringset) if stringset[itera] == ' ': returnit = findnonemptyr(stringset, itera-1) else: return itera return returnit def findnonemptyl(stringset, itera): returnit = 0 ## print(stringset) if stringset[itera] == ' ': returnit = findnonemptyr(stringset, itera+1) else: return itera return returnit def buildnfrmset(stringset,itera): namestring = '' for i in range(0,itera+1): namestring += stringset[i] return namestring def findname(filea, itera): niter = 0 ## print(filea[itera]) if not '(' in filea[itera]: niter = findname(filea,itera-1) else: return itera return niter def nocommentcheck(filea,itera, name): if '//' in filea[itera]: if filea[itera].index('//') < filea[itera].index(name): return True else: return False else: return False ## def parseclassfuncname(stringline): ## leftpar = stringline.split('(')[0] namelist = ['namespace','class'] markincheck = False markin = 0 scopelevel = 0 markout = 0 recordline = '' namelistcounter = 0 for i in range(lineint, len(filea)): for word in namelist: if word in filea[i]: namelistcounter += 1 count = 0 ## print(namelistcounter) for i in range(lineint, len(filea)): self.linescope[i] = scopelevel if scopelevel == namelistcounter: ## print(scopelevel) if not markincheck and not ';' in filea[i]: recordline = filea[i] if '{' in filea[i]: ##if not markincheck: markin = i markincheck = True fiter = findname(filea, i) leftpar = filea[fiter].split('(')[0] filea[fiter].split('(')[0][len(leftpar)-1] == ' ' ## print(filea[fiter].split('(')[0][len(leftpar)-1]) funcnameiter = findnonemptyr(leftpar, len(leftpar)-1) funcnspace = buildnfrmset(leftpar,funcnameiter) ## funcnspace = leftpar[funcnameiter] funcnspaceset = funcnspace.split(' ') ## print(funcnspaceset) ## funcspacei = findnonemptyr(funcnspaceset, ## len(funcnspaceset)-1) if not nocommentcheck(filea,fiter, funcnspaceset[len(funcnspaceset)-1]): self.classfuncnames[funcnspaceset[len(funcnspaceset)-1]] = fiter self.classfuncnames_rev[fiter] = funcnspaceset[len(funcnspaceset)-1] ##self.classfuncscopeintervalleft.append(i) ## if not '}' in filea[i]: ## continue ## elif not markincheck and ';' in filea[i]: ## return False elif scopelevel < namelistcounter: if '{' in filea[i]: csplit = len(filea[i].split('{'))-1 scopelevel += csplit if '}' in filea[i]: csplitl = len(filea[i].split('}'))-1 scopelevel -= csplitl self.linescope[i] = scopelevel elif '}' in filea[i]: scopelevel -= 1 if '{' in filea[i]: scopelevel += 1 else: self.classfuncscopeintervalright.append(i) if markincheck: ## if '{' in filea[i]: ## scopelevel += 1 ##self.classfuncscopeintervalleft.append(i) if scopelevel == namelistcounter+1: if '}' in filea[i]: markout = i classfuncscope = True markincheck = False csplit = len(filea[i].split('}'))-1 scopelevel -= csplit if '{' in filea[i]: csplitl = len(filea[i].split('{'))-1 scopelevel += csplitl if scopelevel > namelistcounter: markincheck = True else: self.classscopecounter.append(i) else: self.classscopecounter.append(i) self.classfuncscopeintervalright.append(i) ##classfuncscopeinterval = [markin,markout] ##return true elif '{' in filea[i]: scopelevel += 1 if '}' in filea[i]: scopelevel -= 1 else: if '}' in filea[i]: csplit = len(filea[i].split('}'))-1 scopelevel -= csplit if '{' in filea[i]: csplitl = len(filea[i].split('{'))-1 scopelevel += csplitl else: self.classfuncscopeintervalright.append(i) elif '{' in filea[i]: scopelevel += 1 if '}' in filea[i]: scopelevel -= 1 ##self.classfuncscopeintervalright.append(i) count += 1 def checkclassfuncname(self, stringline): if self.classname in stringline: return True else: return False def checkleftbrace(self, filea, itera): if itera in self.classfuncscopeintervalleft and '}' in filea[itera]: ##self.indentlevel -= 1 return filea[itera].split('{')[0]+filea[itera].split('{')[1] def checkclassfuncscope(self, itera): if itera in self.classscopecounter: self.classfuncscope = False def checkrightbrace(self, filea, itera): if itera in self.classfuncscopeintervalright: if itera == self.classfuncscopeintervalright[len(self.classfuncscopeintervalright)-1]: ## self.classfuncscope = False self.indentlevel -= 1 elif self.casescope == True: if itera == self.caseenditer: self.casescope = False self.indentlevel -= 1 else: self.indentlevel -= 1 else: self.indentlevel -= 1 print('right brace line: ') print(filea[itera].split('}')[0]+ filea[itera].split('}')[1]) return True else: return False def checkcontrolscopenonfor(self, filea,itera): returncheck = False markrightpar = False for i in range(itera, len(filea)): if ')' in filea[i]: rightpar = filea[i].split(')')[1] if not ';' in rightpar: if '{' in filea[i] and i in self.classfuncscopeintervalleft: return True else: markrightpar = True else: return False else: if ';' in filea[i]: return False else: if markrightpar: if '{' in filea[i] and i in self.classfuncscopeintervalleft: return True return returncheck def findcasecompletion(self, filea,itera): val = [] for i in range(itera, len(filea)): if not '}' in filea[i]: if 'case' in filea[i]: casesplitright = filea[i].split('case')[1] value = casesplitright.split(':')[0] val.append(value) else: self.casevalues = val self.caseenditer = i break def getfor(self, stringline, itera): ##retrieve brace information, presuming a (int i = 0; i<...;i++) example ##structure, my writing style, this is not generalized returnstring = '' if 'for (' in stringline: leftpar = stringline.split('for (')[1] elif 'for(' in stringline: leftpar = stringline.split('for(')[1] rightpar = leftpar.split('){')[0] parsemicolonsplit = rightpar.split(';') parsemicolonsplit[0] = parsemicolonsplit[0].replace('int ','') rangemin = parsemicolonsplit[0].split('=')[1] var = parsemicolonsplit[0].split('=')[0] rangemax = parsemicolonsplit[1].split('<')[1] print(rangemax) rangemaxnew ='' if '.Length' in rangemax: rangemaxnewl = rangemax.split('.Length')[0] rangemaxnewr = rangemax.split('.Length')[1] rangemaxnew = 'len(' + rangemaxnewl+')'+rangemaxnewr else: rangemaxnew = rangemax ## returnstring += self.getspacing() returnstring += self.getspacing2(itera) returnstring += 'for ' returnstring += var returnstring += ' in range(' returnstring += rangemin returnstring += ',' returnstring += rangemaxnew returnstring += '):' return returnstring def getif(self, stringline, itera): ##retrieve brace information, presuming a (int i = 0; i<...;i++) example ##structure, my writing style, this is not generalized returnstring = '' ## leftpar = stringline.split('(')[1] ## rightpar = leftpar.split(')')[0] ## returnstring += self.getspacing() leftpar = stringline.split('if')[1] rightpar = self.getsetclosure2('(', ')', leftpar) returnstring += self.getspacing2(itera) returnstring += 'if ' returnstring += rightpar returnstring += ':' return returnstring def getelse(self, stringline, itera): ##retrieve brace information, presuming a (int i = 0; i<...;i++) example ##structure, my writing style, this is not generalized returnstring = '' ## returnstring += self.getspacing() returnstring += self.getspacing2(itera) returnstring += 'else: ' return returnstring def getelseif(self, stringline, itera): ##retrieve brace information, presuming a (int i = 0; i<...;i++) example ##structure, my writing style, this is not generalized returnstring = '' ## leftpar = stringline.split('(')[1] ## rightpar = leftpar.split(')')[0] leftpar = stringline.split('else if')[1] rightpar = self.getsetclosure2('(', ')', leftpar) ## returnstring += self.getspacing() returnstring += self.getspacing2(itera) returnstring += 'elif ' returnstring += rightpar returnstring += ':' return returnstring def getparinput(self, stringline): parleft = stringline.split('(')[1] parright = parleft.split def getswitchvar(self, stringline): if 'switch' in stringline: varpar = stringline.split('(')[1] var = stringline.split(')')[0] self.casevar = var def getswitchline(self, caseiter, itera): if caseiter == 0: switchline = '' ## switchline += self.getspacing() switchline += self.getspacing2(itera) switchline += 'if ' switchline += self.casevar switchline += '==' switchline += self.casevalues[0] switchline += ':' else: switchline = '' ## switchline += self.getspacing() switchline += self.getspacing2(itera) switchline += 'elif ' switchline += self.casevar switchline += '==' switchline += self.casevalues[0] switchline += ':' return switchline def checkcontrol(self, stringline, filea,itera): charcheck = ['\t',' '] atypes = ('for','if ','if(', 'switch', 'else', 'else if', 'while') atypetrans = {'for':'for','switch':'switch','else':'else','else if':'else if','if ':'if', 'if(':'if'} strength = 0 ratype = '' for atype in atypes: if atype in stringline: if len(atype) > strength: for char in charcheck: if char == stringline[stringline.index(atype)-1]: ratype = atype ## this suffers unfortunately from the possibility that a word ## is embedded in a variable name...although we eliminate ## with additional checking algorithms the possibility that ## a single line non control loop set of tokens are interpreted ## as a control structure by cross checking outside for paranthesis ## , braces, and semi colons. Semi colons outside of for loops ## at least in my programming writing style should suffice in most ## cases to be interpreted that a structure is not likely a control ## structure as opposed to a single line executable set of tokens ## control paranthesis are expected on a single line with control ## token. Thus I haven't taken into account the possibility ## of multi line control token statements. check = False if '//' in stringline: if stringline.index('//') < stringline.index(ratype): check = True if not check: if ratype == 'for': print('for stringline:') print(stringline) rightpar = stringline.split(')')[1] ## if self.checkcontrolscopenonfor(filea,itera): forstring = '' forstring += self.getfor(stringline, itera) self.indentlevel += 1 self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) forstring = self.replacekeyword(forstring) print(forstring) self.writefileline (forstring) return True ## else: ## return False elif ratype == 'if ': if atypetrans[ratype] == 'if': ## if self.checkcontrolscopenonfor(filea,itera): ifstring = '' print('if stringline:') print(stringline) ifstring += self.getif(stringline, itera) self.indentlevel += 1 self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) ifstring = self.replacekeyword(ifstring) print(ifstring) print(itera) print(self.linescope[itera]) if '{' in stringline and ';' in stringline: stringexec = stringline[stringline.index('{'):len(stringline)] self.checkclassfuncscopelineexec(stringexec, itera+1) self.writefileline (ifstring) return True ## else: ## return False elif ratype == 'if(': if atypetrans[ratype] == 'if': ## if self.checkcontrolscopenonfor(filea,itera): ifstring = '' print('if stringline:') print(stringline) ifstring += self.getif(stringline, itera) self.indentlevel += 1 self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) ifstring = self.replacekeyword(ifstring) print(ifstring) print(itera) print(self.linescope[itera]) if '{' in stringline and ';' in stringline: stringexec = stringline[stringline.index('{'):len(stringline)] self.checkclassfuncscopelineexec(stringexec, itera+1) self.writefileline (ifstring) return True ## else: ## return False elif ratype == 'switch': ## if self.checkcontrolscopenonfor(filea,itera): self.findcasecompletion(filea,itera) self.getswitchvar(stringline) print('switch stringline:') print(stringline) switchfirstline = self.getswitchline(self.caseiter, itera) self.indentlevel += 1 self.caseiter += 1 self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) switchfirstline = self.replacekeyword(switchfirstline) print(switchfirstline) self.writefileline (switchfirstline) self.casescope = True return True ## else: ## return False elif ratype == 'else if': ## if self.checkcontrolscopenonfor(filea,itera): elifstring = '' print('else if stringline:') print(stringline) elifstring += self.getelseif(stringline, itera) self.indentlevel += 1 self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) elifstring = self.replacekeyword(elifstring) print(elifstring) self.writefileline (elifstring) if '{' in stringline and ';' in stringline: stringexec = stringline[stringline.index('{'):len(stringline)] self.checkclassfuncscopelineexec(stringexec) return True ## else: ## return False elif ratype == 'else': ## if self.checkcontrolscopenonfor(filea,itera): elsestring = '' print('else stringline:') print(stringline) elsestring += self.getelse(stringline, itera) self.indentlevel += 1 self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) elsestring = self.replacekeyword(elsestring) print(elsestring) print(self.linescope[itera]) self.writefileline (elsestring) if '{' in stringline and ';' in stringline: stringexec = stringline[stringline.index('{'):len(stringline)] self.checkclassfuncscopelineexec(stringexec, itera+1) return True ## else: ## return False else: return False else: return False def checkcase(self, stringline): if self.casescope: if 'case' in stringline: self.indentlevel -= 1 switchfirstline = self.getswitchline(self.caseiter) self.indentlevel += 1 self.caseiter += 1 self.writefileline (switchfirstline) return True else: return False else: return False def checkfunc(self, stringline, filea, lineint): ## for word in self.classfuncwords: ## if word in stringline and not ';' in stringline: if lineint in self.classfuncnames_rev: ## if '(' in stringline: ## if self.checkiffuncandscope(filea,lineint): ##if ')' in stringline: funcstring = '' ## funcstring += self.getspacing() funcstring += self.getspacing2(lineint) funcstring += 'def ' if self.checkclassfuncname(stringline): funcstring += '__init__' else: ## classstring = stringline.split('class') ## classnamestringlist = classstring[1].split(' ') ## ## assumed class name returned below is non null value good ## ## programming ## funcstring += self.findfirstnonnull(classnamestringlist) funcstring += self.classfuncnames_rev[lineint] funcstring += self.getclassfuncinputs(stringline) self.checkleftbracenextline(stringline) print(funcstring) self.writefileline (funcstring) self.indentlevel += 1 self.classfuncscope = True return True ## else: ## return False ## else: ## return False else: return False ## def checkvardefinition(self, linestring): ##simplest keyword token looks for '=' are there points ## of ambiguity on this?! Potentially I might want to confuse ## this with '=='. Definitions often omit this and may have ## a single line ';' character, but this is not necessary for ## program execution. So searching for '=' may aid us here. ## We can rest a little easier that any control loop ## using conditional logic '==' are previously scanned in our ## body parsing structure. ## This may not be very good in retrospect unless I eliminate ## other keywords on given line/multi line def writefileline(self,stringdata): stringdata = stringdata.replace('\n','') stringdata += '\n' self.writefile.write(stringdata) def readwritefile(self): filea = open(self.file, 'rU') semicolondatasplit = [] lineint = -1 fileb = self.getfilelines(filea) self.buildclassfunccompletions(fileb,lineint) for line in fileb: lineint += 1 self.checkclassfuncscope(lineint) if self.checkusing(line): continue if self.checknamespace(line): continue if self.checkcmtleftbracenextline(line): continue if not self.classscope: if self.checkclass(line): continue else: if self.checkclassvars(line, lineint): continue ## if self.checkclassvars(line): ## continue if not self.classfuncscope: print(lineint) print(line) if self.checkfunc(line, fileb, lineint): continue ## if self.casescope: ## if self.checkcase(line): ## continue if self.checkcontrol(line, fileb,lineint): continue if self.checkrightbrace(fileb, lineint): continue print(line) if self.writenextlineclosuref: line = self.writenextlineclosure(line) self.checkclassfuncscopelineexec(line, lineint) ## ## filea.close() self.writefile.close() def getfilelines(self, filea): filed = [] for line in filea: filed.append(line) return filed def startwritefile(self): self.writefile = open(self.writefilenamepath +self.filename.replace('.cs','')+".py", "w") def __init__(self, filenamepath=None, filename=None, writefilenamepath=None): self.filenamepath = filenamepath self.filename = filename self.file = self.filenamepath+self.filename self.writefilenamepath = writefilenamepath self.cmtleftbracenextline = False self.startwritefile() path = 'C:\\Users\\StrangeCharmQuark\\Documents\\New Unity Project 4\\Assets\\' filename = 'Boundaryedgesgroup.cs' path2 = 'C:\\Users\\StrangeCharmQuark\\Documents\\' a = conversionCsharptopython(path,filename, path2) a.readwritefile() filename2 = ''
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