You see it daily in a given code of society, all ambition circulating, its positive goals. Its ease in functioning, its self reward. Its providing endowment for the quietly observant. Those that appease it, and even given to its functionaries who aggrandize its rewards. For all this measure, defining success, successful life, career, and anything else making for the life that one desired to have. Maybe you are on the outside of it all, observant of it, cognizant of how failing teeth could cost you an interview with the lesser of cosmetics in hand, or so much aware to the caution of how you speak daily in selection of carefully measured words. Others speak of anger at political correctness, yet you live in the bastion of conservative political correctness where it is expected that you are silently observant of them that are less observant. You would be supportive silently of their work. Luminous functioning is given even, part time work is more common place, is it? Pay mobility is more lateral than vertical these days and given to all the daily refrains of functioning in another world. Supposedly life is sober for this other professional world, supposedly sober even if one were vicariously aggrandizing all the wealth that were far less than sober. Dreams are there, likely beyond one's reach as it has been timelessly coded.
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Between the fascination of an upcoming pandemic ridden college football season, Taylor Swift, and Kim Kardashian, wildfires, crazier weathe...
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Okay so if you read into python scripting examples of moving vertices around in Blender, it seems whether using a bpy.context or c...
I've looked through a series of web sites on this topic, any number of these ranging in various degrees of technical information, but...
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