Thursday, August 2, 2018

The iconoclastic narrative of Trump as told by Trump

   Trump recently when visiting Kansas City and speaking in front of the VFW (note: it is expected that Trump may actually deny as he does in the near maximal sense of offering denials), offered to his audience, "Don't trust what you hear!'  That is in reference to Trump, that anything said can not be trusted.  That strange moment, certainly reminds of the authoritarian persecution mania strain running in Trump, but it is also one that is self iconoclastic since after all aside from faith or lack thereof, Trump would concede that such statement offers that little truth of accomplishment or failure is owing to Trump, though he'd also state (easily surmising), I never made such statement.  Its contradiction is almost what I coin for the political behaviors of a leader as 'maximalist populism'  or in simpler terms, 'Be all for everyone, and let them invent your self narrative.'   Though Trump is re pleat with double negatives, and certainly that anything possibly said involves a negation in many cases.  There is, however, this perverse nature of Trump when having stated 'there is not believable reality' and only faith, beyond entrenchments or simply in having hoped to maintain an exploitation between polar extremes.  There is no argument.  There is no saying otherwise.  There is only faith, and faith in a human leader that apparently contrives a narrative of the non reality of reality.  Think about this, however, it is an investment of belief in the infallibility of a human leader, however, that Trump simultaneously argues and argues against (in the likely scenario of refutation), and here he attempt to escape the culpability of his own self leadership.  There is and isn't the good economy that is the simultaneously the apocalypse of gone defunct economy, all things that Trump would likely say that he never said.  Its hard to understand this type of political logic, as to where it ends, excepting that ardent supporters could be sensed only having filled in this narrative as they have pleased.  It isn't that Trump ever bashed, after all, NBC, the same media that served to create the icon of Trump that Trump himself demolishes.  Maybe this is incorrect in saying, however, in that Trump manages the stasis of his own image.  Beyond the faith in the talking statue of Trump that said, didn't say, is nothing.  Trump only hopes, as with human imagination, that his ardent followers are creating their own image of him in absence to much thought given about the 'non reality of now'.  However this chaotic politics continues remains to be seen.  Press secretary Sanders invents as much as Sessions as much as Pompeo the Trump that is seen, and in many respects none are really observing him

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