Friday, July 24, 2020

Recent Pentagon announcement concerning UAVs speculations

Seeing the video of footage release from Pentagon sources regarding UAV s led me to wonder speculatively about the type of technology employed.  Having taken so many years ago a course through EdX regarding scram and ramjets would add to my wonder on the ability needed to move vehicles in lower atmospheric flight at say hypersonic velocities.  Namely, as atmospheric pressure increases not only drag but temperature increases as an onslaught to a vehicle.  This type of problem is catastrophic to a vessels as it threatens to burn it up.  

Here is a possibility:

Low pressure and temperature envelopes

Localized ionization and electromagnetic fields creating localized low pressure atmospheric envelope fields.  The idea here is in creating field envelopes which lower both atmsopheric pressure and temperature inside the envelope.  This could be thought of as a mechanism which creates a low pressure pocket in atmospheric space, the integrity of this space is maintained by an ionization field which maintains the integrity of the spatial envelope.  The boundary layer of the field provides a repulsive force cancelling pressure collapse from outside the field envelope while lowering pressure to the interior field.  Ionization and an electric field prevent collapsing of the boundary layer.

What else?  I couldn't say.

All speculation anyways...

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