Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Presidential debates 2020

    A number of opinion pieces have come out thus far confirming what a lot have suspected.  The debates being merely an extension of Trump's pure self interest and tone deaf behavior.  It is one thing if this has been relegated purely to entertainment television, but when a leader that has enormous power and given a history thus far into the midst of pandemic, climate change related fires in the Western parts of the US, and much else, Trump served to show what concerns and fears people the most.  He obviously cares little but to defend himself at the expense of all of us.  That in and of itself made the debates difficult to watch.  On the note of taxes, Trump expressed the system was made for him to trample around as he pleases.  Trump indicated little interest in reforming much of anything here. Since Trump has been in office a worsening of economic conditions dividing rich and poor, appears only as likely.  The rosy perception of a 'jobs' president here is given more than just by job alone but economic mobility.  Unfortunately, there hasn't been and likely won't ever be a substantive debate on issues like this with a leader like Trump given his likely attempt to sabotage the process. Trump has made economic recovery worse as the US is heading from fall and winter with the very likely growth in cases, that Trump has repeatedly attempted to downplay and deny.  With differences in pandemic handling elsewhere in the world, and the expense of human lives, it isn't hard to see a resulting cost relatively speaking.  None of this had to happen this way.  What American's may feel is that Trump in all his insincerity has left people feeling more vulnerable to virus, in their own economic outlooks, and increasingly at the mercy of an environment that remains ambivalent of their own plight and condition.  For that Trump in a past town hall offered the assurance: 'you are on your own'.  That is Trump.  He made himself clear.  Now vote!  

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