from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject import math TRACKER_COLORS = [ (0.0,0.0,1.0), #blue (0.0,0.75,0.0), #green (0.6,0.0,1.0), #purple (1.0,0.5,0), #orange (0.5,0.5,0.5), #grey (0.6,0.15,0.15), #maroonish (0,0.3,0.0), #dark green (0,0,0.5), #dark blue (0.5,0.35,0.1), #muddy (0.5,0.25,0), #dark orange ] def Gtkcolor_to_rgb (c): return**16),**16),**16) def overlay (color_1, color_2, method=1): return color_1[0]+color_2[0]*method,color_1[1]+color_2[1]*method,color_1[2]+color_2[2]*method ERROR_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = (1.0,0,0) BASE_SIZE = 35 # The "normal" size of a box (in pixels) BORDER_WIDTH = 9.0 # The size of space we leave for a box BORDER_LINE_WIDTH = 4 # The size of the line we draw around a selected box LITTLE_LINE_WIDTH = 0.25 NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH = 1 # The size of the line we draw around a box SPACING_FACTOR = 40 # The size of a box compared (roughly) to the size # of padding -- the larger this is, the smaller # the spaces SMALL_TO_BIG_FACTOR = 3 # The number of times wider than a small line a big line is. LATIN_QWERTY_TH_LOWER = {1:'q',2:'w',3:'e',4:'r',5:'t', 6:'y', 7:'u', 8: 'i', 9:'o', 10:'p'} LATIN_QWERTY_TM_LOWER = {1:'a', 2:'s', 3:'d', 4:'f', 5:'g', 6:'h', 7:'j', 8:'k', 9:'l'} LATIN_QWERTY_TL_LOWER = {1:'z', 2:'x', 3: 'c', 4:'v', 5:'b', 6:'n', 7:'m', 8:'ABC'} LATIN_QWERTY_TH_UPPER = {1:'Q',2:'W',3:'E',4:'R',5:'T', 6:'Y', 7:'U', 8: 'I', 9:'O', 10:'P'} LATIN_QWERTY_TM_UPPER = {1:'A', 2:'S', 3:'D', 4:'F', 5:'G', 6:'H', 7:'J', 8:'K', 9:'L'} LATIN_QWERTY_TL_UPPER = {1:'Z', 2:'X', 3: 'C', 4:'V', 5:'B', 6:'N', 7:'M', 8:'abc'} LATIN_QKEY_LOWER = {1: LATIN_QWERTY_TH_LOWER, 2: LATIN_QWERTY_TM_LOWER, 3: LATIN_QWERTY_TL_LOWER} LATIN_QKEY_UPPER = {1: LATIN_QWERTY_TH_UPPER, 2: LATIN_QWERTY_TM_UPPER, 3: LATIN_QWERTY_TL_UPPER} class NumberSelector (Gtk.EventBox): __gsignals__ = { 'changed':(GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,GObject.TYPE_NONE,()), } def modifykeys(self): if self.caseflg: Key_Layout = LATIN_QKEY_UPPER else: Key_Layout = LATIN_QKEY_LOWER for y in Key_Layout: for x in Key_Layout[y]: b = self.bdict[(y,x)] b.set_label(Key_Layout[y][x]) self.bdict[(y,x)] = b self.show_all() def setkeys(self): if self.caseflg: Key_Layout = LATIN_QKEY_UPPER else: Key_Layout = LATIN_QKEY_LOWER self.bdict = {} for y in Key_Layout: for x in Key_Layout[y]: b = Gtk.Button() l = Gtk.Label() if Key_Layout[y][x]==self.value: l.set_markup('%s'%Key_Layout[y][x]) else: l.set_markup('%s'%Key_Layout[y][x]) b.add(l) b.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.HALF) l = b.get_children()[0] b.set_border_width(0) l.set_padding(0,0) l.get_alignment() b.connect('clicked',self.alpha_clicked, (y,x)) self.table.attach(b,x,x+1,y,y+1) self.bdict[(y,x)] = b def __init__ (self,default=None,upper=9): self.caseflg = 0 self.value = default Gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.table = Gtk.Table() self.add(self.table) self.setkeys() self.connect('key-release-event',self.key_press_cb) self.show_all() def key_press_cb (self, w, e): txt = Gdk.keyval_name(e.keyval) if txt.isalpha(): self.value = txt self.emit('changed') else: self.emit('changed') def alpha_clicked (self, button, val): if self.caseflg: Key_Layout = LATIN_QKEY_UPPER y,x = val aval = Key_Layout[y][x] else: Key_Layout = LATIN_QKEY_LOWER y,x = val aval = Key_Layout[y][x] if not aval == 'ABC' and not aval == 'abc': self.value = aval self.emit('changed') else: if aval == 'ABC': self.caseflg = 1 self.modifykeys() else: self.caseflg = 0 self.modifykeys() def get_value (self): return self.value def set_value (self,val): self.value = val w = Gtk.Window() w.set_app_paintable(True) w.set_type_hint(Gdk.WindowTypeHint.POPUP_MENU) w.set_decorated(False) ns = NumberSelector() def number_changed_cb (b): w.destroy() print('value:', ns.get_value()) Gtk.main_quit() ns.connect('changed',number_changed_cb) w.grab_focus() w.connect('focus-out-event',lambda *args: w.destroy()) w.add(ns) w.show_all() Gtk.main() r = w.get_allocation()
This is a pop up window for a QWERTY keyboard using latest gtk3+ libraries in python. Albeit has resizing issues initially when toggling caps, this provides a structural framework for on screen pop up keyboard (e.g., something that might be similarly used in tablet based apps).
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