The Dark side of Ground Hog you had regrets doing the film Garfield...
I am not sure if its my missing a detail, but a point in the time loop points an ambiguity in the way of determinism/free will and forgetfulness?!
Or in other words, in a determined past, it should seem obvious that events would unfold according to an expected history no matter how hard the time traveler attempted to change them, but to the person entering into a deterministic time loop, their perceptions could
be quite different, or in other words, it seems convenient to this determinism that a form of amnesia had arisen (?) potentially
robbing her of the sense that she were fruitlessly making effort to repeat the same course of error, or too ignorant to
see (because of her psychological/emotional issues outcomes), or because of psychological issues willing wanting to forget
and repeat the same set of actions for the sake of the chance to be with her son once again(?) seems that this later
possibility could be less so, unless this were like a role played 'theater' in which she re conditions herself into the thing
that she wishes most not to become which is that broken reflection of a killer. The first case (mentioned above) seems more possible a condition were imposed physical
amnesia reinforces a determinism, that literally the fall off an boat into the waters has selectively washed away memories
which would prevent her from clearly sensing or seeing what were going on, and that the car accident may have potentially played
some role in her forgetting exactly the nature of previous 'past future' events, whether the writers choice in having this character
witness this were mere a device to the observer (as in demonstrating the scale and potential scope of the character's toil), or
that she sensed something greater of the mass of dead pigeons/seagulls amassed in the same spot where she had thrown its given
carcass seems neither so clearly resolved. At least one's sense of this were that at least if she knew anything of the fate
of the Triangle's passengers, the fear of any known consequences were certainly mute, likely because of her experience and
conditioning to these events (?).
Thought provoking movie on the matter of attempted revisionism, and the electric fence.
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