Sunday, June 23, 2013

It is hardly more illuminating to take a look at the astronomical and the cosmological sections, which contain pictures that can be identified as the Zodiac signs still familiar today (Aries, Taurus, Libra, and so forth). Scarcely another illustration in the Voynich manuscript is as unambiguous. Unfortunately, this observation does not result in further insight into the book's origin. The celestial bodies illustrated in the astronomical section cannot be identified and probably are only figments of imagination. Some Voynich researchers believe they recognize in these pictures the Andromeda fog or the Pleiades, but this again is just speculation.
Did you account for the relative change in position of the stars?  Constellations seen from earth wouldn't necessarily appear the same from another celestial position especially more distant from earth. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Mental Health III


    Searching for something really to speak of, but nothing in mind at the moment.  Eating lots of cheese lately.  :)

I can't help but think about the acronym POTUS, when I first heard it I hadn't realized that it meant something different...I thought it were a coded plea for marijuana or something like this...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Google Glass versus the dirt cheap Eyeglass Binoculars

I am waiting for the day when I walk up to super market checkout, and the cashier says, "Hello Christopher!  How are you today!"

I say, "How did you know my name?!"

She or he is sort of sly at this point, and I happened not to be wearing any google glass, but they are.  Instead all I could afford were the

recent Camman glasses, which seemed cool to me, plus I could spot an end cap with the organic chips a mile way then!


 Between the fascination of an upcoming pandemic ridden college football season, Taylor Swift, and Kim Kardashian, wildfires, crazier weathe...