Sunday, January 24, 2016

Thoughts added into the mix

  Just because there is a possibility that gravity seems defied in the process doesn't mean that exceptions rule, one should offer, or that similarly if something appears to be given an exception, one is surmising of the countless number of ways that an exception should exist.  This should include the searching of small invisible tethers representing wings, but beyond a momentary exception in life, it seems there is exactly that which is life itself, and the general order about which most go on living.

These sorts of stories, run along the lines, 'Yes, I remember way back when where for a given moment my orderly sense of the universe might have seemed nearly obliterated.'  Then life strangely proceeds as uneventfully as it should generally proceed.  Though one should less likely reconcile anything of a coincident nature entirely, though it seems inevitably if there were pedestrian in nearest vicinity, given probabilities, yes, there could be a chance for something that seems off to the ordinary placement of events.  Though I have seen a manatee on television, I may likely not see one in person if I ever as likely stay away from the typical public exhibition of such or at least avoid traveling to Florida, and as ever as much there is a possibility that I would encounter anything seemingly weird to experience, there is as much likelihood that everything will seem as likely as expected in the orderly sense of the world as I have perceived it.

     Neutrinos are known to exist, yet their existence is ever elusive and rare, and certainly no one, outside of possessing exceptional equipment that might detect their presence or have been aware up to the time that science has deemed an existence of something so elusive.  The same is true for dark matter in general, or as it is referred 'wimps' which should seem quite similar to neutrinos in being so weakly interacting and elusive at that.  What is likely embedded and/or seemingly true to the sense of our appropriation of the world, on the other hand, bares the substance of a given reality that we have sensed of it, and what may be more unseemly of it is likely at times when something is made less transparent.  Small things tend to be given to any number of persistent discoveries that should keep classification catalogs churning, and even for larger things, yet a new planet is suggested out there somewhere in the deeper recesses of space.  All of this buried in the details of seeming random noise.  The strange curve balls that are thrown, though maybe are not often so usually something that might strike one as being obvious, but certainly share a degree of subtlety.  One should imagine what desire or reason that does exist is to remain a mystery for another's reasons alone, and there might be anything elucidated in the process or desired not having been elucidated at all for many reasons.
Though if it is ever claimed that 'bad clams' were tossed, they are also responsible not only for the structural framework of galaxies but a lot in this universe all given to the metaphor of usually things that remain quiet and generally unseen.  The order of things, thus, may not be thought in the context of provocation at least maybe not in the immediate and most obvious sense of the word.

'Show' ...not always...and likely for many many reasons.  

Thursday, January 21, 2016


I am surrounded by these wall clouds and at the center of a boundless void of blue sky remains

I am surrounded and the pine is weeping.

Rain falls inside the car with its window rolled up.

Though maybe the light aberration in the sky were simply as though a given lens of light through distortion  of an atmosphere, even while the blowing of wind through the trees might have seemed as though given by an invisible hand passing through the wind.  All yesterday, or in years past, given to another settled recourse and seemingly predictable, all events given as though from the continuity of a likely causality.  Bumps in the night could be so easily explained.

There were a time when seemingly everything thought understood seemed completely off...
as though one lived in a place where everything were given by impressions that may as well have been illusions.

Where does one go from there as likely?  As it all were equally likely, given that maybe anything were recalled with a sort of abstract oddness...that is having all the quality of a disjoint reality and anything further surreal to the world that seems to tick predictably with the movement of the clock's second hand.

Probably the closest in describing such a sensation is usually given to the company that someone believes they are firstly going crazy or are insane, until they have reached a state of psychological equilibrium and culture shock alike in having discovered that there could be a reality to a seeming ill logic given by it.   The woman passes through the door which leads from the baseball stadium to the statue of liberty without having so much the continuity of all the steps that would normally lead to it, and is given to a fit of culture shock and psychological disruption, and this is completely normal.

I do remember in a way, even while keys are flitted flimsily in the lock.  I do remember while all the everyday order of things go about a daily progression in mind that makes one mindful of all the commonplace and mundane things first and foremost at times as equally likely, or that in such timeless order, everyday existence etched something continually as it were given by likely conditioning.  All of the universe is also seemingly here even while remembering there were some rather weird times in the past throwing a monkey wrench on such notions.   Did you forget that there were something greater going on beyond the Earth?  Did you forget that there any large number of lifetimes passing elsewhere relative to Earth also?  Did you forget that you are also neither the center of the universe?

Something else...time passes with a given certainty about a very small fraction of space.  Much is occluded from view.  Most that one would likely hear in discussion is given to discuss a portion of a world and universe less likely seen.  What is the likely sense for the space of a proton to a proton?  It seems depressing in a way doesn't it?  That one's atoms are likely as ever bounded, or that you hadn't been able to truly move off this Earth to find out how lonely and at times generally bored, you might have been if it weren't in having some diversion in store?  Lots of space, and generally lifeforms that you may or may not have related to, if it weren't only given by some peculiar interest in studying, given the consideration of science here.  One shouldn't be so certain as to wonder as though one were in a given fog here.  Moving from here to there, and neither given so much to direction as letting the wind pickup beneath the sails and letting one drift further.  That is without so much desire in landing anywhere in particular, and having only settled for a given reason...this weren't the burning of a ship, or having stowed away to some lesser charted territory that remained in the alms of obscurity.  There is an art to drifting in life without so much purpose given.  The swirling wake of water leaves its trace only to vanish rapidly in time from said boat.

Friday, January 15, 2016

True Story...About the Bee

So one day...I am sitting up at this bar...with some people outdoors, and all the sudden all the nearest machines start buzz humming real loud...within minutes someone in our group is breaking out in hives... :)

True Story if you would believe it!

Truth is stranger than fiction at times!  :)
I think a larger question looms here:  if it isn't circumstantially probabilities, then one might ask, "Why is the scope of your problem apparently showing something differed relative to the message that you are attempting to serve?" not...going...anywhere... :)
At least not for now.  

Friday, January 1, 2016

Relativity and the graveyard

The sun went down on any given day rather rapidly relative to the day before, and the day before it, and on such a day a park ranger visited a neighboring graveyard to a given parkland.

One might have a lot of questions for the zeitgeist.

Time today is ever bit as orderly as one might expect.  It seems according to the given passing hour which is led from one minute to the next given by so many seconds.  All to the expectation that consistency is given by all, nor that in the periphery industrial fans were blazing in one's ear.

Certainly no one considers an unfitting end, when there is the warmth of all that one might have remembered in mind.

It seems that others are intent on regurgitating one's submission and torture alike, quickly after having forgotten what others had done in a previous decade.  

Split your infinities

What is it coherence and decoherence?

Or imagine, that along a given path, the Universe, there were at any given time an infinite variation of possible universes.  In likely an infinite number, I had died already.  In a infinite other variation, I hadn't died.  But coinciding here, or coinciding in an infinite number of possible pathways, I happen to be alive for the sake of the path existing in the first place.  Though inevitably from another perspective it is always such that one resides in Universe and not Multiverse which leads to another point...what is reality?  Or more exactly it seems in all those given infinities each and everything is making something up that could very well be desired in a way, but it is all given to some level irresponsibility or responsibility alike?  Inevitably one should imagine this leads to nothing else is relevant but first and foremost in so far as desire and thinking...hmm... anyways.

For now what seems to suit me apparently is that I on such given winter day am pressing key strokes in a given peaceful warm house.

So in one fictional account, it seems like unless I have garbled this version, one character goes onto witness any countless depressive episode after another but decides eventually in settling into one particular place (which is just along one infinitely microscopic timeline)...the aftermath for some reason in the vein of sci fi horror is always the same which is in building the viewership class.

Roundabout, this might lead one to ask at least from the seemingly limited perspective view...
What is the point, of the point, of the point, .... (ad infinitum)?

The knee jerk reaction is that in any variation, as I have discerned it, at least self consistent in principle to the notion of any self consistent organization apparently any relation to non violation of conservation of mass, energy, and apparently whatever organizational method having existed by these rules however conforming to the notion of memory, principality of actions seem to be unchanging in some manner of speaking...hmm...leads to something else thought of in mind, as if the externalization of the world were given from a thought projecting mind, dissolution comes of this when reactions are neither so fitting or at least seemingly so.  Maybe a rare moment here or two until there seems to be little pay off, or merely fitting to the notion that there could be something more purposeful in resuming the world turning.  There is a point?    So one may have well reached some venerable notion which is in having become decayed resonance...nothing is wrong with this, of course, it suits me.  The occasional resurrection of bad material that went nowhere in the first place and ends as likely all the same, seem to speak of all the same bad resource.  All ends more modestly though which is where something from nothing having surfaced and having vanished all the same ends, so many had attempted create something from nothing and merely live lives in the exploitation of these principles, creating something from should gather, a polite reply...

New Year's Serenade

    True.  Discussion is right. :)

  I was writing something but I feel I've said in a way enough, maybe not.  


 Between the fascination of an upcoming pandemic ridden college football season, Taylor Swift, and Kim Kardashian, wildfires, crazier weathe...