Monday, April 27, 2015

A possible furture for Pax Americana?

    America has existed for over a couple centuries this in contrast to older civilizations having existed for at least a couple thousand years or more.  Will America likely survive and secure itself well into the future?

    I hadn't wanted to do anything here other than jot down a few ideas here.  Namely, if a given world power were seen in some way as providing world security, obviously America has been in decline for any number of decades.  In the meantime, American politics seems riddled by modulating shifts in terms of lead and direction.  One executive and legislative undoing given to more common vocal chorus suggests that America might have far less certain of a given future, American education falling behind much of the world hadn't shown evident signs for improvement, and increasing technological industries would be reliant in drafting minds from abroad in filling positions in maintaining a competitive industries base.  On the other hand, improving quality of life and living standards else where in the world coupled to tiger growth economies, and steeply inclining population booms would mean marketplace competitiveness in drafting brain power to American shores will likely be all the more challenging for domestic technological growth.

    While America might have been given to prosperity and investment to securing itself as a major world power upon the successes of a last great war, on the other hand, dividends and returns otherwise, would wane in reigning decades.  Certainly all such investment would be catastrophic to the Soviet Union, but on the other hand, emerging power and inclining world populations with rising standards would make for more competitive resources use world wide.  Countries once relying solely, for instance, on bicycles, trains, or any other common cheaper transport would have emerging middle class populations that also would have greater consumer purchasing power.  America would be less alone in the world as a consumer economy, and herein the ability for an emerging populace to afford things like personal automobiles.  With this world wide energy futures outlook, look only all the more competitive with respect to petroleum use, and when a country such as China whose population exceeding the United States several times over, managed to have a modern present day comparable economic class statistic to the United States with exceeding brain power, it would seem the U.S. would have even greater challenges on its doorstep in securing petroleum resources that weren't ever increasingly being imported elsewhere.    Where America failed arguably in past, if ever a steep decline came about, were America's lack of long term foresight.  Where it spent more of its time in quibble and stagnation, and often times using the call of populism to orchestrate any momentum shift away from long term security while investing itself most heavily in military power, but also having a hand in proliferating its own turbulence in a manner of self survival.   Certainly if pundits complained of the decline of Pax Americana it seems the return in power, and the ancient echoes to glory revivalism would fall into wane, especially if it were given to inset rise of mass paranoia, or yet another meddling elsewhere in the world, or stoking coals of animosity.  World resources might be spent elsewhere more efficiently, and neither could America solely be reliant as civilization might have relative previous time era.  If it were that America become so isolated in such a future and called upon fear and furthered its 'purging' of society for lack of social and civil conformity, it seems its peril were in having provoked further its own self isolation.  International investment would monumentally shift away from American shores, and no longer could America spend so heavily as it once had in its military might, and less security could be had concerning its own path to self innovation and/or self prosperity.  On the other hand, it seems America might easily have become another backwater of a lost civilization whose landscape were pock marked by the skeletons of  mighty industrial relics which contaminated and poisoned much of a given landscape.
Increasingly where conflict resolution, according to American values, were defined at the barrel of a gun, it seems the world would begin to shy away.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Zero Theorem (A formal review)

   The Zero Theorem while clearly reminiscent of any of Gilliam's other dystopian fantasy is given by a future following a solitary, almost hermit, living in an otherwise hyper voyeuristic/big brotherish, stimulus driven technological society.  While at times paralleled if not having some montage to other science fiction classics in like kind, see Minority Report, Gilliam's vision at once makes use of any familiar conjurations.  For instance, an exaggerated and nightmarish, game console driven workplace that were the Google campus evil twin, only make for greater plea by the movie's protagonist in filing disability claim, at least in so far as being able to live a desired silent and reclusive life.   Other metaphor's coming to mind, Tarkovsky's Nostaglia are among any number of overt symbols with respect to Quohen's last place of spiritual refuge.  On the other hand, if given to the nod, juxtaposition of symbols are also very surface in nature, and perhaps, where one should wonder outside of a world filled with many of Gilliam's common use of visual themes, especially where other directors may have taken some inspiration, or if reciprocal in nature, see Delicatessen ()  , it seems much as in fashion of higher budget films,  overly wrought by virtue of visual play, and then given to much use of the common theme, whether Management were both part of the Quohen's imagination, and likewise given by the surrogate use of a religious spiritual leader, it seems the ending poorly conveyed this, if one weren't left deciding that purely Quohen alone conceived of himself as though having been a downtrodden and further dis spirited spiritual mystic and messiah alike only given to waiting for his answer in life...or resident to some hypothesis that the real Christ like figure suffers immensely from existential crisis and a simultaneous belief that any proof one should wonder were given to a single awaited phone call providing revelations.  Although I am not certain where the real life Quohen dwells on these matters, never explicitly raised in evangelistic quarters even if having some remote connection to America and supposedly spiritualism.    Quohen is given to seeing purely the decay and suffering of everything (see an errant post or two about Hawking s A History of Time), and having the least imagination for making space for else in such world.  All of it seems, too short in some narrative, and as usually resident given to somewhat formulaic use of character, only the prostitute Mary Magdalene is rejected, and this is where Gilliam somehow seem no longer Gilliam at least in essence.  If given to much sympathy for the lead protagonist in The Fisher King, Gilliam seems as much iconoclastic as non longer driven to loving the humanity of Quohen at all as much as leaving a veneer of a vision with a rendition of  Radiohead's 'Creep', and at this providing one should wonder a bit of ambiguity.  Clearly Quohen the product of his times, where given to imagining what were impressed upon him, and all the more having rejected part of such reality, and what of anything else?   Or as if to say, Quohen a product of his times departs from being understood as being something less, one should imagine potentially...if it weren't the condition of so many phobias having origins in such world owing to the likes of evils of a technocratic society gone awry, it were an added resentment that the character Quohen were much given like driven propagandist commercialism (here you might expect that Rob Lowe could fill you in on much the maligned DirectTV commercial having described Quohen better than most).  The script it seems might be written for a technological hyper obsessive more interested in poor use of character archetypes than anything driven one should wonder in a typified Gilliam manner, even here it seems the protagonist (played then by Christopher Plummer) were more sympathetic even if supposedly tricking souls, because of a previous Faustian compact (or one should wonder another Mancom based corporate perversion in assuaging the common man), into residing in a false heaven or hell, as were the case in Gilliam's Dr. Parnassus.  On the other hand, Gilliam's ploy seems more exactly as it were being exactly the thing that were being satirized, or at least having origins and a career slated at utilizing the coffers of Mancom for such a purpose.  His over use and exaggerations might find in some hyperbolic world, one should even grains of truth before distortions had maligned such intent.  Its hard to know exactly where the Quohens exist (other than a world that evidently resented potentially the likes of Google as one larger entity and at that one should wonder a little more complaining of the at times Big Brother military industrial complex that implored such a script), except supposedly somewhere, and satire it seems could run into so much distaste if it weren't an insult to the very heart of humanity that satire might often be given.  Satire, for instance, seems only to ring hollow in running the lower parts of humanity that much more into the ground on what might sound as merely false notes only obscenely adulterated by investment and money.  The script weren't only hollow in as much as the often times collision found by at times online cyber stalking, one should wonder it should seem that much more a departure for Gilliam, as though the fascists of the world, had him locked in a room with gun to the head saying 'You write and direct this, this way!'

If it weren't that people had obviously given so little interest in the likes of Quohen, the movie and narrative it seems alike might notoriously be remembered in some way, and relativistic moral ism self evident.  Of course, the real life Quohen often be given to the attentions of a police/corporate state, albeit in reality modulating here and there on political whims and air alone.   Departure in the script, reads not really that Quohen were as much an escapist of life as might be imagined, or really having at that so much sacrosanct a space that were any more so relative to anyone else...Readers are sympathetic to quiet homes are they not?  And where deification commenced in such a corporate/police state, its all the more harder in knowing or really in believing, and neither being conceived so much in mind or reality, satire such as this could easily run on thin ice.  Not that it mattered one should imagine, for those with little to lose in stating otherwise.  Quohen isn't right as conceived here, or could be better fitting for the defector supposedly shot down on live television before Rogue's Fahrenheit 451 screened audience, only Gilliam isn't doing any favors in providing a buy.  Doubles I hear in Hollywood could be more commonly made use of, and crucifixion and torture given to more silent matters, as if one needed to hear anything more about yet another redaction of Facebook snuff.  By today's standards the undercurrents of the world merely hint at the supermarket sanitation to be had in defining what clearly the world might seem to be (a yanked television ads, seems to suggest people so hard up for supposedly donating in the sanitary fascist version...I hint that is one reason why the ad could have been pulled?), and on this bit of departure, it seems Gilliam's dystopian is a walk in the park by comparison, and likely quite a bit of exploitation to be had.

Sorry I am not much of a fan of Radiohead honestly. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Future or the perilous journey of the self in a modern world

    Predicting a given future.

World population growth on the inclination speaks inevitably to a future world.  It is undeniable at least in the context of resources use, and likely this leads to potential sociological ramifications.

The future individual and self identity in a world given increasingly to the noise of humanity.  While dystopian narratives have focused so much on the perils of massive social systems taking upon the spiritual cathedral role ensuring not only the proper social assimilation of peoples neither having belonged to such system but also ensuring the integrity of such (or turn on your television on any day and see first hand this composite narrative given so much by the Culture Warriors of 24 hour news), on the other hand, I imagine reconciling a world predominated more chaotically in noise.   Merely stating in this context, that one should be one voice among many speaking if not equally adept, but having versed ones communication in a prolific sense among many others having done much the same.  In history, if this weren't expressed in sometimes reactionary movements, equally aimed at disrupting discordance, conquests were given to overriding the immobility of these societies, or apparent immobility given by the lack of unified consensus in handling perceived problematic notions.  If, for instance, wealth were needed by way of tax in amassing the mobility in building road infrastructure to better aid military deployment, which were argued necessary by the nature of defending territory, it seems the social noise discordance neither serving so much to lubricating the cogs of governmental mechanisms could be much the banner of a driven governmental social attack, or hence conquest to disrupt old social orders, and in this way, albeit while supposedly under the banner of different social philosophies with a similar objective, adaptation is given to a broad nationalization of social culture, or at least making the cause of such culture more clearly monolithic relative to the previous days of social discordance.  As cultural warriors succeed in conveying themselves and believing themselves so much the better for the humanity of the world, resident prosperity is found by way of the self invention of beliefs, only in fighting against the better half of the world, the real fight were more so for the sake of eroding individuality not better fighting for it.  At least if individualism were held in such high esteem as for the case of the classical Greek model, there should be much refrain as likely given by later Roman counterparts.  Individualism to much larger social system run counter intuitively if not at time crippling the progressive functioning of such systems, at least has been in the offering for historical analysis. 

    The notion of culture then seems at times highly artificial, doesn't it?   I've written this before in so many words.  Why it is for instance, that national past times should be surrogates, and why some past times are promoted more so relative others.  In some cases, this takes the guise of a cultural national identity...why Americans should have baseball relative the British version Cricket?  Or why predominantly American Football were necessarily promoted above and beyond say American soccer.  Although it seems the guise of arguments given here were that American culture were somehow identified itself in some indigenous way to a given sport.  It is hard for an American sports writer, for instance, to recall clearly when he or she might not have ever technically been American or born in another culture which merely perpetuated the same rhythms of doing things, or merely having observed a similar boredom if ever so much ensconced by what were familiar in habit from an early age.   Contemplating this at the same time, to the notion of what changing media should be like in such future gives way to something least I say this having used the example of American sports, but this seems applicable in a more wide reaching sense.
    The demise of cable television as we know it seems predictable, for instance.  At least I offer, this being not sustainable in a future world where anything of older generations inclined to reflexively rely upon staple media has lost touch with it, and having done so because a taste for anything other found by younger generations necessarily should lead to the migration of peoples away from and not toward.  At times contrived and artificial efforts to constrain and control in a modern world seem antithetical to notion that something is enough.  Surely if one generation disappears and the remainders including a new children are cultivated in the field to adore a new synthesis, they might be as likely to grow older, a bit wiser, and having asked questions of the old system?  One offers, 'mega churches' are now more likely sitting empty, and literally this were 'mega churches', or in reference to a decline in large scale social venues being able to relate well enough to once attending masses.   On the one hand, one might have argued spiritual decline, albeit McEvangelism, for its obvious utilization of material glory.  Gothic cathedrals here weren't centuries in the making, nor fastened clearly by imposing mortar and stone.  Evangelism and the earlier orders anyways, might have held at times contempt and disdain for such obvious construction.  Anything of forgotten contempt or cynicism lost, and merely given to the same architecture in different clothing, and certainly more cheaply done.  Technology had done the same for culture, one should imagine, if more were tuning into anything of broadcasts, while erosion in a local identity might have proliferated given to increasing national homogenization of a given social geographic space.  On the other hand, maybe so much the opportunity for quirks in individual identity found in such space.  At least in theory.   Expansions in programming, lead to change, at least it seems one should wonder if there weren't something socially revolutionary all along not only given to expansion in media, but given by changing interactivity.  In present years, I've turned more towards writing personally, and being highly selective of content, or it seems, I wonder that age brings on a certain practical wisdom.  That is, if not sensing what any media is likely to be about, having the expectation that one might merely be revisiting redundantly the same thing again.  Not as if this should necessarily be bad, but if it seems something else existed that were much more desirable, one should gravitate towards something else.  New generations inclined to break away from the yoke of their parent's generation, even if this were met by disapproval, leads obviously to other changes.  I've stated also the natural inclination as could be found by aging populations in a given world.   That is, not quite relating wholly at times to a new generation, or at least not being sure how heads and minds are thinking.  Although its hard to imagine that social campaigns to completely throw out value systems or at that projecting something falsely by them over night should exist so easily, or at that contrived to operate for any length of time.  On the other hand, I wonder if we conspire against ourselves in an ever increasingly noisy world.  If ever the attempt at artificially kindling and rekindling old social mores, belief systems, or a belief merely that one should feel threatened by the notion of a world that ceases to relate to people so much as to dehumanize (it is at times highly industrialized).  At least, one should wonder a given idolatry by such at least in claiming that individuality exists by way of any number of arisen suitably constructed social classifications, one tries to imagine oneself being safe.  If it seems anything of consensus were met in such notions, that the social masses are the rightly determinant factor to social change and the self evidence of such righteousness is founded by way of tautology here...that is, it is self evident.  Which seems rather scary doesn't it?  At times if not given to a form of seemingly oblivious anarchic selfishness, one should imagine a subtext for a guise here, and technically in the reading, I imagine saying, 'where clearly are the anarchists?'   At least one imagines again that there is also something necessary in the act of surviving.   And the portrait of any anarchists thence forth is given to some safe notion, a kid that wants merely to be a wild kid that doesn't really know what he/she is doing, and all the more benign.  Being an adult in a future world could well be given to more increasingly adolescent ways of existence in so far as individuality and differentiation, or that merely the number of roles in so far as personality types being limited relative today.
    'Let go of Star Wars' when it is necessary to do so, or as they have said, 'we no longer back the mujahideen', or for that matter entertaining much of resistance.  One might say in such a world, except that the expanse is potentially broader in so far as application to human individuality.
If such future world is likely, where it is that people are less free to have any number of distinctions relative to others, it seems potentially that a world could be slated to some change in so far as creativity, and certainly while mind orders might, as having suggested progress in synergistic, more monolithic culture sets tend to fail in other ways in so far as technological progress.  The creative mind, sees independently from social convention as stated, or at least is likely if it is that generations or brewed with so much of psychological obedience not only to peers but anything of religious ancestry, discovery of anything new, and/or technological adaptations and adoptions could be declined including the ability to change social systems to teach anything not only different but understanding relations in such world better.  This is to say, when we all see the same things similarly and feel strongly compelled by social orders to see this way, it becomes immensely more difficult to change mindsets in seeing things differently, and certainly that a given social thrust to conformity likely affords fewer opportunities in the enterprise of thinking differently relative to the old orders.  While one might think this fine, it is also a reminder as to why Slavery should have existed for as long as such were the case, or why certain stagnation in thinking should occur in so far as the relation of man and woman with respect to the rest of society.  Such stagnation leading it would seem to the perpetuation, in some cases, of social orders for well over a millennium, that we might find appalling by today's standards.   Revisiting what I had stated before, I wonder that our technological progress may also be the conspiracy which works against the civilization and culture that brought about its own existence.   We have survived better to populate such a world even more abundantly through the bettered management of resources yet had grown social systems imposing, at times, greater strictures on self existence if this were supposed to ever increasing demands of growing systems and their existential security.   

Monday, April 13, 2015

Social networking the longer lived journey

   Whether or not social networking platforms themselves having aged, leaves one with the sense that there is less to be had or desired, I am not certain.  The problem one might suspect is that having spoken, if it were by nature of profanity, redundancy, or least given by way of the tactful enterprise of conversation where having spoken enough leads where one might imagine things were going, I wonder if in the future the idea of social networking should be in decline or be headed right out the door for many.  Celebrities, for instance, in recent years have been chased off of Twitter, apparently the less than civil bacchante do so much the chasing here leading much to outcomes, or that any given hemisphere need at least no more than the collusion of one or handful to lay ruin to the notion that a world should be so welcoming and inviting.  For a long time, I never really considered much of the hype of Twitter notable at least in so far as active usage, and then up until recently it seems the challenge of producing truncated messages having articulated something should give enough reason for a possibility that another mode of communication were worth the effort.  At least, up until now, I've clearly violated all such rules if this were ever worthy of a tweet, and I'd be forced to put up a shorter synopsis, "What is the future of Social Networking?"  If it were that old stale and stagnant networks seemed to reflect a new direction of the revolving door, one might have noticed, for instance, something of automation by which the nature of followers were steadily rotating in the same 'follow' bait were given by someone having put up a generally fake automated channel, in order to bait you into following for a short while whereby the other account holder drops your account, neither so much desiring to hear your version of things.  If these sorts of accounts weren't directly brokered by bots, it seems by anecdote alone, that the follower actually weren't bothered by the fact that you had tweeted or hadn't tweeted, but merely in the observation of time and account activity seemed to observe you in a different way.  Here data mining, for instance, recovered that you spoke, or re tweeted something about 'space' generically speaking, and then some account operator connects you to that account, one should imagine, advertising, or that one might have scoped out a message for the timeliness given, but the problem here were that you weren't either a business, corporation, or so much of a bot, looking to segregate your world into so much the precision of product commodities that I were talking about 'space' and only 'space' related stuff, but I happened to be an at times 'activist' or at times quite polemical in nature.  Then you are recalling the recent social networking don'ts here, which were to mean contrary to the at times natural order of humanity, having any opinion in so far as politics, or if being something of an antagonist on these matters, it were better served belonging to one wing relative the other.  The door revolves, and any frequency in social networking usage, while potentially changing an audience landscape seems nothing short of reflecting something that weren't really socializing at all, but given to appearances, one might wonder.   If statistics weren't also reflecting this, it seems there could be something artificial by the natural construct of such social world, obviously, it seems those who, for instance, started given twitter advertising notice were very much those engaged in high publicity advertising to begin with.  Media moguls, movie stars, pop stars, or likely those with any given prioritization in so far as marketing inclinations in giving forth product commodity, and herein that product were so much given to its particular allotment, a lot of twitter it seems is neither a self reflection given by individuals one should wonder at times, but by those interested in branding, and given to highly repetitive tickers repeating one advertisement after another, and even where condensed language, potentially owing to some cleverness more often rarer. If it weren't only that the so called 'working' of twitter were given much not only to its own commercialism, it were also amateurish and self promotion to much of the same pulp tweet narrative.

    I've followed more than half of, for instance, science and technology tweets, and had found myself skipping over a vast majority of anything related, and similarly offering the same for other subject matter.  Perhaps, the average individual could provide something beyond the stale repetition of re tweeting other subject matter and having some self comments here, but usually one should imagine this were much time consuming to any daily lives in so far as personal take on things.  Generally most of this social network could be left with those actually twittering in natural language, and at times rarely this would include the sort that hadn't so much the patience for spell corrections, and especially having done this when constrained to a smart phone for communicating which in my opinion absolutely stinks for efficiency in typeset language communicating as it turns out the QWERTY board would have more efficient counterparts, but natural button stroking with given two hand posture typified by a reserved space, is likely not to be completely replaced in so far as efficient communications productivity, or in generally compared to natural comfort using such a keyboard relative to a single hand cramped device given by the often hunt and peck procedures used.  Supposedly radio interviewed research scientist on the subject matter likened this cutely to 'twitter' based language (i.e., in creating new words that included numeric phonemes for multiple characters replacement, or acronyms for instance), but one should wonder how far this communication set likely would extend beyond artificial promotions here.   The inclination at least with a couple hundred follows were given likely to much daily tweet activity, and likely some 90 percent or more I'd likely never read, or merely skim over, adding to this, not only likely that I might have done the same with google +.  Albeit maybe more likely if having come from more personally known acquaintances.

     Google + seems sedate in comparison to twitter on the matter of follower rotations here, and the vast majority of those doing the following seem to set up nothing more than 'bot' type accounts, or generally 'fake' accounts that seem to point to some interest or past time, but really have tweet advertising pointers that direct one off to a site that has little to no content, or merely is another site link redirect yet again.  While some might claim to be an interest site, its also harder to characterize this as legitimate, if not having been more so in line with engaging in more subtle forms of social harassment.  On the other google + may not be as advantageous, for such crowds, at least given that one can control following/follower broadcast information which means that little advantage might be provided for someone potentially engaged in such behavior.  While twitter, for instance, does allow for account blocking, it is another formal step, that could be better nuanced in my opinion, or at least like Facebook back in its day if such is still not the case, user controls in certain ways may not be as best considered in so far as providing user customization of public interactivity.   It seems that while some social networking platforms may be better slated in terms of handling better user customization to social interactivity, while traffic may be slower, on the other hand, this might also might have some correspondence between the statistics of legitimate versus less legitimate users (or those users that are entirely bots).  This is not to say that by far, Facebook weren't ranking heavily for any usage base of actual humans using the service, or those at least using that weren't given to some sort of 'trolling', data mining purpose, social harassment, or any other socially malicious type purpose, but I wonder if there aren't disproportionately much higher levels given on some of these platforms?

    Recently a personal discussion on the matter of social networking, considered that much of the inherent problems of Facebook related so much to the lack of being able to privatize a message, or constrain messaging to given groups of individuals, as opposed to availing this to a much broader audience and/or having little say or control, and instead, as I have at times outright complaints by others, letting Facebook's smart social communication algorithms decides who does or doesn't receive a given message which seemed to be suggested occurring informally.  Obviously, for instance, social networking platforms, if one had an ear for conspiracy theories here, might have some vested interests in not letting too much certain broadcast dominance in so far as messaging, if it were likely to turn off more so a given user base, or it seems weighing the positives for negatives, restraining publications in terms of outreach could be advantageous for those likely better receiving a message.  As it turns Facebook, in so many words, admitted at times to mood manipulation experimentation likely one should imagine for this sort of purpose.  Although I'd refrain in laying at the sole doorstep of Facebook alone.

     Its not that I consider social networking something that were entirely a failure in terms of meeting new people, making new friends, and so forth, its just that it at times, has turned into something of the extended family which might have made the next prospective family reunion a little less desirable.  At least if not given for the differences that one supposedly had no inkling of in terms of things like social politics, its that the voices at times could be much the same in the same old fire brand ways of repeating things.  I'd offer to my own self benefit (yes a bit personally self serving), that I have much less the voice given here, at least if one were irritated at times, I am actually much more personally reserved in person on any number of things in life, or at least writing for me is a way of setting some things aside, but especially in doing so amid much silence.   Secondly, the extended family, seems to know a little more about you in knowing who you relate to or don't relate hopes here that voyeurism has taken a turn for the better, for instance, lightening up this view that, 'Well that friend of yours is really a character!'  But mostly I am afraid, that hearing in so many words, that social networking seems to be a place to engage in publicly shaming others, or by what given artificial nature that one were supposed to be given in projecting how similar oneself were relative to others, it seems also that some employers and college campuses might even expect others to participate and interact on social networking services in general.  At least giving the world a psychological profile sense of what one were articulate?  How well educated?  Too much of an activist?  Too outspoken?  Too much of an inebriate?  Too little common sense?  Here I sense in the future the seeds for a new counter culture potentially!  Social rebellion must have its roots somewhere, and especially when such culture must feel stifled somehow, someway, although I wonder if this weren't given something by a western flair.   On the other hand, it seems in this day and age, there is something stifling in the air in so far as every day commonplace social exchange?  At least I wonder here personally...the day to day script could seem the same as in the rotation of, for instance, twitter followers, that seem to be at time very focally centered in communications.   Then one should wonder that social networking at times might seem a landscape given to a minefield?   It isn't either that I feel that it is this way, or at least neither in ascribing to any particular notion of sense in moving oneself for the sake of occupations or carefully constructing so much the image of oneself in light of others should seem fitting much to well understood notions, and certainly even if politics decries one thing relative the other, states can little afford to jail as they once had peoples in budgetary crunches...that I hadn't understood Star Trek as well as the other skinny fella next to me weren't so much the right for a good jailing (humor intended here for clarification by the way).

    The long lived journey to social networking, one should imagine, were given to the much longer duration of refrain found somewhere between the intersections having been found in it.  Likely in that intersection, one should wonder where this might have originated?  It is much harder to imagine, at this point, so much of a relational point in the brief connection that others might have, although it seems in recent years anything such connection has been expressed much artificially, one should, suspect to an opposite degree, or if in precisely putting one's mind to a given mood that a voice arises, and is likely otherwise shrouded in some murkier secluded space.  A voice is exactly received until believed having been well understood so much that potentially others tire in hearing.  One tires in broadcasting oneself in a more exhaustive manner, all the more neither having felt stifled in saying.  Refrain, on the other hand, seems in defining a different mind having arisen, which has taken up another world.  If this were given by the pre occupation of painting, or other art, hobby, craft, living, or interacting with the world that were no longer so much possessed by writing, I've found it seems exactly that, and oddly when picking up the pen again (metaphorically speaking here) on a whim, at times strangely I've found myself for a loss of words.  On the other hand, that other social sphere if it were much the same should seem as much given to pushing a stone up the hill only to watch it roll back down at times, or better yet (no offense to some that have been extremely thoughtful otherwise relative to others in posting), given to the same day to day condition of reaction and response.  At some point disengagement gives way, or at least the tendency to condition and discipline oneself with the belief in tolerable allowance of what one may or may not be inclined to respond in saying.  Adding to this likely potentially interfering with the flow of another world in mind, which were thoughtful to any number of things, social reaction is an investment of time and to what clear dividends yielding?   The long lived journey speaks of much the synthesis of the physical world, old connections may wane in time.  It seems if there were any seclusion to be had of this in such refrain, I am not certain if the world seems to relate less to one as one ages, or if one relates less to the world?  That I know is a bit cliche but true.  

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Science fiction short

Untitled short worked in late 2014.

        The cold season would last for earth years on Iape, and winter’s arrival then moving much activity to world underneath, Iape’s interior.  The roar of ice, the rainy mixed deluges, cities subsumed.  Moshe in his readings walked empty streets, burrowed through permitting structures, warming himself as the mountains of the new cities arose, chastening new sacred embers of solitude.  Only in months that he would move from the cities outskirts to the base of the cities once highest structures whose towers afforded neither the same shade or wind break, and even at the onset of a great autumn, shearing winds felt in the city were likely to level whatever that remained so loosely bound.  Faces were never the same in returning as Moshe could recall, so to the recollection of being born and raised into the world that changed so dramatically in scale of time.  Likely these sorts of endings were given to the solace of recordings that he might have recovered if lucky enough.  Were it in another forgotten time, storage, some hidden place, where families buried another face that passed into digital graveyards, and the literal ones would be destroyed by the recession of ice when melt came.  Great machines to clear layer upon layer of glacial till, if it were remotely in the interest of reclaiming back what nature had taken for all such cost, in practice cities themselves should be entirely disposable in another way.  Then more absurdly notions that in the larger scale sense should be hemispherically habitable for the span of years if not decades, a practical summation of world populations migrating in the direction of perpetual summer, autumn, and spring. Maybe once the fortune of having a taste for the  fourth season.  
      Moshe on the other hand would represent a rarer breed, not only residing as he had so much without much technology at his disposal but given endurance, and that he managed to find amid any degree of rotting waste, a left behind cache of goods that should serve his fortune to the extent of a month, but usually more often days if not less time permitting, and Moshe would be left dealing with the more than common factor that essential evacuation planning had taken place, which would include the rapid mobilization of goods flighting from not only cities but entire regions.  More often problems arose on the matter of climatic oversights, that in any given layer of decision making, the occasion might have arose when decisions were overnight ones, as seemingly catastrophic in nature as this were, less than predicted outcomes and consequences would sometime rule irrespective of populations themselves, or Moshe learned despite all manner at harnessing geo-engineering controls, the potentiality of chaos still existed in such world. Conversely to any older traditions the imperative that all should suffer else before human populations were lost ones on Iape, and so to any outmoded notion that the human were at the center of any universe, and more often than not if human societies carried so much of their world with them into another world, it would find its way to the bins of unused refuse in short order.  Moshe recalled only on one occasion discarding much of his furnishings upon arrival into a new world.  At least spatially nothing seemed to fit as well before he had chosen in life his present ways.  As to the matter of cost, how to define expense of such abandon?  The cost itself were relegated to machines that bore life of the cities, and the machines that maintenanced machines to good health.  What solidarity were there in opposition to the toll of expenses here if seemingly everything were brought into existence through the transformation of labor that weren’t required generally of humankind, only provided by tangible measure if something were time sensitive in the engineering sense?  Builders were always building somewhere else for another time and future itself where the outcomes should be predicted, old cities lay discarded, new opportunity, new progress, and an eternal fountain.  On the other hand, Moshe considered himself a mortician of sorts.  Albeit, with at times competition given to autonomous salvaging, contracts had been severed some time ago among the human contingent.  Survival weren’t merely circumspect to the elements alone but given to another potential hostility, another social communion, sentience of his order were expected to a different role.  Thus Moshe at least had in the planning surveys in store, where wealth would be concentrated, where likely salvaging would take place and the allotment of time before contracts were likely completed, or in other words a guide to surviving the salvagers themselves.   As to extraction that were another matter.


    Several days passed in Agreren before storms quelled giving way to lighter days.  The seemingly perpetual movement of the shovel and pick axe , for however many cemented and loose layers of accumulation, had eventually given way to wall no longer shown to darkness.  Moshe imagined, the wall’s last icy layer sheeted mostly to a thicker wall, encapsulating, as he had witnessed past horrifically any survivor in a tomb, not unlike an insect trapped in viscous tree sap.  For such nature, idling rivers remained in suspension above, and that at any time a freak thawing event, as he had witnessed in past years would lead to the strange accumulation of liquid water breaching some icy dam of a wall only to drown a sole inhabitant such as himself.  Only luckily, Moshe managed to get to higher ground with enough advanced warning, but likely as he should guess only rarer with the passing of days should such an event give way.  While devoid of any humans as far as he should know, newscast remained, providing a different account.  Such broadcast were neither the apocalyptic sort of a repeating loop in which someone forgot or couldn’t possibly manage to flip the off switch ceasing communications but describing a different narrative.  The audience were obviously from abroad, obviously fascinated by digital ghosts, fascinated in watching the city’s demise.  What future inclement cancellations of the day?   The forecast were given to this day of clear breaks, while a pick axe burst through the wall’s final cavity.  Nothing of pristine blue sky, or rays so intense that one should remain snowblind for days, but a gloomy fog permeating with such thickness allowing for a handful of meters of visibility, and this itself were only lessened by the presence of undulating snow walls in a vast field of such walls throughout the city that were now wilderness.  Air, however, at least were still enough as Moshe sensed.  

   A choreography of steps would lead Moshe from the maze to higher ground.  A navigational aid sputtered in hand.  The plan were to reach Sig tower at least for a given data store, Moshe counted on the likely probability that city activities were winding down region wide.  Even private reportings were winding down, usually the sort of progress report cards, daily briefings on things like loss recovery.  Near the tower, he hoped to scavenge anything, however, and for this day’s role?     Visibility provided less accounting for any visual cues that would aid.  Wanderlust.  Everything in sight were given to more recent wind swept natural canyons.  Within minutes he were already lost, but he were used to this, even if it were all dangerous as he had been warned and warned himself persistently.   Having climbed to higher vantages in succession, a dense fog remained so much that, Moshe decided  in carving a hole in the side of an ice tower that he resided.  The pick of his axe sensed something of a hollow depression underneath,  something less solidly formed of ice for an opening as opposed to a solid thud given by the swing of axe into ice formed on a solid surface.   The cavity were part of a building, an opening into a darkened depression.  Maybe a room, an apartment.  The light from a switched on headlamp told a common story, a shelf crusted over by ice, a floor of solid blue ice as though a stream passed through a given interior, flowing to the balcony towards a common source.  An icy stalagmite were conjoined to a hanging companion presumably from what once were a kitchen.  Nothing appeared untouched by the presence of once liquid water.   The tower, Moshe imagined, would likely collapse with a thaw potentially from the volumes of water mass, if it weren’t the glue of the structure maintaining its form at present.  An adjacent hallway provided passage from the once roomy interior which narrowed into a restricted tunnel, a channeled torrent given to a bizarre flash freezing event that must have taken place, Moshe surmised.   Moshe might have turned away, except something compelling him.  Wanderlust, exploration, something that chimed in him for any number of days,  moved him to work without thinking in mind as he might have frequently sung to himself, or erratic long winded self conversations to passing memories.  He fitted himself through a narrowing depression which provided evidence of other nearby openings.  Rooms.  An ice crusted door remain an obstacle as a nearest potential entry.  Moshe swiped his hand along a frosted but smooth surface which in turn revealed shown reddish embers glinting in the head lamp’s reflection nearest the door’s surface.   As Moshe turned away, a muffled sound, as though something had fallen emanated from the door.
    Fragments of ice lay beneath the room’s interior where once a door stood that Moshe had spent the better part of an hour smashing.  Moshe tossed a leg crouching beneath a high stoop leading into the room.  The room made him feel suddenly quite large, or as character Alice in Wonderland, he crouched his head from the ceiling.  A gaping hole lay of an what once must have been an exterior wall opposite the room’s entrance.  Without warning as Moshe passed to further examine the room’s strange vantage, he tripped.  The stillness of the air seemed suddenly whipped into a whistling throughout the tower’s summit and  interior.  As Moshe brought himself to a knee’s crouch, he gently brushed away at the protrusion in the floor having caught his foot.    A human hand.  Frozen, and this revealed a body.  A woman from what he could tell.  Hardly identifiable in many ways by now at least blackened so much by what were the severest forms of frostbite.  How strange that of all places she’d scavenge here?  At least Moshe thought that there weren’t so much of a living to be made these days for all manner of risk, and then hardly any incentive to do anything such as scavenging like he were doing here.  At least for him this occupation of his in life were almost an aesthetic choice, not really a viable profession.  Not that there weren’t those that might invariably be drawn for some reason, but that it were certainly rare, hardly a survivable condition.  At least a body would prove this much.  The elements had ravaged much of what clothing might have remained on the woman’s body, ice obscuring what further identifications could be made.  Other possibilities should seemingly have been ruled out, medicals frequented buildings such as these all the time looking for the lone strays of societies, passing individuals leaving  little word on exiting, and likely this were with proper timing, between the calls to exodus, between the consultations, between the orderliness of all things planned.   Not that Moshe hadn’t encountered on occasion stranger events.  Who was she?  Likely Moshe would never know, and there were too much work to be done investigating, and then he weren’t in the position to file a report, a petition.  In any event anything of the room’s original inhabitants were likely buried under hours if not days or weeks of manual work in retrieving.  She would remain anonymous to him here, and likely brought to reintegration with Iape’s nature on the next great thaw.   
   The room’s nearby abyssal opening beckoned this time with a rarer vantage, the view of the city shown with greater precision than Moshe had encountered while his navigational aid remained non functioning.  Moshe stepped forward toward the wall’s opening grasping at a wall securing his feet, all the while rarer rays descended upon the now radiant icy city, and at such a moment when he should nearly peek his head more freely from the room’s opening, the floor had given way.  Before he could think of all the times before that he had the fortune of evading missteps despite all odds reckoning any early demise, he landed with a hard thud having brought darkness literally without dreams.

  Spits of ice rained down on Moshe’s face from the sky.  While winds resumed in a common place chorus of winter song, howling so much for, however, many unknown hours while Moshe remained in peace.  The greater sounds churning at times, however present, were the cracking of ice fall from the broken tower crashing from above which narrowly missed Moshe body.  This sound alone to awaken him, and having reminded him what sleep were no longer able to provide.  Tremendous pain surged in a given extremity as he attempted in bolting himself to an upright position.  Moshe’s pain obscured vision sensed only faint reminders of a given day, and then his recollection were as dim as the memory of weeks and months prior.  He had little idea how he came to be here.  The gravity of his situation only known by all external and internal amplifications.  Literally born into a world of suffering, as though a child understanding little previously of his condition before existence, he wailed and screamed his first cries again as a child to a second birth.   A cooling unseen hand had descended upon him again, however, providing another darkness.  Soothing his throbbing head and limbs, lulling him back to sleep.  

   Once bright pain had now lessened to a throbbing sensation in other areas that Moshe hadn’t consciously recalled.  A clear calm sky this time as the shadow of a torn tower were giving way to more intense morning light.  He could sense and move one leg while the other remained completely limp and numb.  Memories returned slowly as Moshe gazed up into the bomb gutted side of a tower with cascades of draping ice descending in ribbons from the tower’s skeletal cage.   Sun lapped soon at his face, another form of solace, even if he sensed no longer to convulsively shiver, still having felt some other weight impending on his shoulders.  Moshe had pulled his axe from the side of his torn but still functioning leg.  Although this time he heard another voice replying that his previous feelings on the matter were a matter of himself convincing himself of something that weren’t necessarily so.  His utility axe would at least serve well enough for walking while wires dangled from a once complete limb.  He convinced himself that he were lucky not to have frozen solid in the night even if the other voice reminded this were unlikely so given his station in the world, while Moshe hobbled beneath the icefall and debris hillside that he had impacted in the previous day.  His body hungered again.  Where would he find another cache?  Where would he find his food?  He imagined himself rescued from his situation even as he were reminded this were not likely so, given his station in the world.  He could mend his leg, but no one would provide him the favor as cruel as this should sound, even though he were reminded.
   A salvager appeared before Moshe had a chance to disappear through to another way, passage, life.  The salvager's examination were only in passing, brief before moving onto its summary work.  

Friday, April 10, 2015

Artificial Intelligence 2...present and future world

    There are plenty of examples in literature, movies, and popular culture which infamously depict robots, either as hunters, assassins, or all controlling entities set about in a given logical paradigm of world domination and control, if this weren't clearly brought about the programmed given logic that any future mission were jeopardized, a world with humans could be more in efficient if humans themselves were at the helm and fully mobile, and hence depleting all energy resources at least operating inefficiently with respect to non biological counterparts.  In such stark views the world could be likely pitted according to the rules of competition, and neither given by so much cooperation.  Obviously if much of this weren't a passed along from previous time eras and the Cold War, it still resonates in a given landscape of artificial intelligence in so far as popular culture.  I've written previously here why I think, the idea of humanoid artificially intelligent robotics may be further off than having been imagined, and certainly neither bearing to the capacities given by humans alone, but I also think other fictionalized fears may or may not be as deserving of much attention received otherwise.

    A recent slogan, for instance, 'Ban killer robots'  suggested supposedly in one U.N. given initiative if it were true,  in a given article that killer robots were neither a reality that could potentially exist.  Absolutely flat out false, not true.  At least, if the U.S. hadn't utilized drone technology that does make use of robotics in so far as automated robotics flight technology that does possess lethal weaponry and having been used for probably over a decade were a testament that 'killer robots' are here, and likely any chorus stating otherwise has been very much mute in so far as popular message trafficking that I've seen.  Here it seems while popular attention to this form of robotics has formed around the negative implications of such technology in terms of usage, of course, there has been arguably something of stagnation in technology use, development, and likely deployments, one should imagine resulting, or changing FAA restrictions has at times been slower in coming, even if given greater leeway in recent times for the average drone user. At the same time, any number of cities are laying down clearer legal definition with respect to personal and commercial/industrial regulatory use.  It seems the future of the drone is mixed, and likely its also hard to imagine the skies on earth being heavily congested with them, or for that matter, a flying drone would be the culprit for one's privacy invasion.  On the other hand, silliness of some campaigning such as banning or stopping killer robots, is not only likely a failure in terms of the messaging efforts for what should seem at times either a hoax for a messaging, misses the heart in its messaging in focusing on the real world use and application of lethal robotics technology which is presently being used.  This use is given to the reservation (at the moment) strictly for military purposes, and even so I again here at times so little on the subject, that it seems the reality of a 'killer robot' were allowed to slide past so much public attention without so much scrutiny.  Any mainstream station, like NBC, CBS, or the like, for instance, might in a limited new documentary context, likely show briefly a sampling of the operators at the helm.  For instance, once XBox gamer kid, now a drone flight handler demonstrating the wonders of pressing a handful of buttons on a given physical context that would lead to missile or bomb strike on a given target lock.  Obviously shown, the contact between drone and military couldn't show better the obvious precision and ability that a drone might have over a pilot occupied vessel that would have any greater fuel expense in handling the same tasks procedure, and hence, because military were involved, to the much greater trustworthiness, at least some form of 'killer robot' should be acceptable at least relative to the non existent forms that were given as imagination fodder.  No one in such a script would dare, for instance, write in this subject matter, that terminator bots had any relational genesis, excepting biological instancing example, as found in Prometheus to some military industrial complex.
    As given to popular imaginings, however, it seems some private contractor or industry that is necessarily likely more responsible for the impending robot apocalypse.  Clearly if it weren't designed and control in the message, I am not sure what else could be?   And maybe this propaganda has worked generally in this culture.  After all government owned and controlled 'killer robots' are acceptable.

   The truth is a government may not have constitutionally provided so much clause to the notion that Americans should have right to own and possess a lethal robot for protection against a tyrannical government, and yet, if you were to watch any number of apocalyptic scenarios, you might think it were almost necessary although if you could define a lethal robot as a 'gun' you might have some success with an NRA lobby, albeit given the absurdly stupid plot that made any such technology neither resistant illogically to the more common place thing that any biology would have been evolved melts in rain, or not having the capacity to build rapid immunity to a computer 'virus' because its access were to much given to a 'communal' nature (or code for 'communism'), or that an alien technology as lampooned in another series might self destruct hearing a cowboy yodeler, but given to this absurdity, in such a world, it seems we might be even more patronized to the notions of who were responsible for any given freedom while conspiracy to undermine this could be as likely.  Here if your government possessed Artificial intelligence for your better protection, so be it, but likely there could be something dangerous had by the artificial intelligence that were literally your personal life you recall not only H.A.L but another film depicting the evil red eye locking you in home, turning on your automated gas stove and blowing you to smithereens.  The problem as it stands, and as I predict, are that wearables may likely be a dud in the future, and not only this the level of trust given to automated task handling every thing that might done in the manually operative sense maybe likewise as limited in terms of social embracing.  For instance, while smart phone technology has taken off, what has limited video phone technology, and why, for instance, aren't there more homes that have automated controls in so far as home security systems?  It hadn't, for instance, need the revelation solely in recent times through a given Russian network, on how insecure often times these security systems were by nature of some 'evil' artificial intelligence, but instead merely because they were exactly given to the scope given in so far as depiction of an alien technology that weren't so immune to communicable computer viruses.  Evidently we are using the alien technology that were so vulnerable, and we may as well be the same aliens (humans) on this planet that have made ourselves so vulnerable while we stupidly cheer patronizing crap that makes us supposedly feel free.  If you sampled the average American though, maybe they wouldn't feel so comfortable buying into AT&T s home security system, or much of any Wifi security system that made supposedly convenience in security at the touch of your tablet and every other snoop's.   The problem in the modern present day world weren't artificial intelligence, unless it were given to mass data collections, and all the super computing needs to try in handling a vast repository of information.      Here the virtual artificial intelligence soul were supposedly weaving circuitously through a vast information network securing secretly itself for the better part of humanity, but the reality here were that automated script bots do this on any given daily basis, some of it benign and others not so benign, but hardly for any explicit purpose of securing humanity, and at times some 50 to 60 percent arguably generating traffic to this website alone mining data off it.  Not to mention any number of instances, where a struggling gaming company that might of, while claiming to be dead set against bots, secretly supportive if not for shoring up its player base, at least giving to the perception that a game might be more popular than it really were?
     The truth is I'd actually like to have service given by some artificial intelligence to myself directly that I had a say in relating to, or in defining any such relation, and likely it seems this model, at least in so far as immediate future, may not be as common place as one might desire.  For instance, I've left social networks in the past because of obnoxious scripts placing too many unwanted ads, and generally if given to any level of artificial intelligence, social control in facilitating such intelligence were more supportive to big industries and corporations over individuals.  This weren't exactly a kind sympathetic bot that actually tried to get you to socialize more, or work with you like a sympathetic therapist, but likely if given to government snoop design considering much suspicion about any given socially deviant routine.  Can I blame having artificial intelligence?  Nope.  Clear intent and design it seems were likely given to others and neither an self arisen indigenous proposition that aimed at serving itself above humans?  Nope, not even H.A.L itself were solely responsible for the set of logical instructions that were given.  As to at times the compunction of human overseers to control, it seems on the other hand, given once curiosity to download a natural language processing toolkit ended with a malicious interlude on a personal computer.  I had to evidently get rid of the software to deal with this issue where apparently if some sort of social messaging had taken place...'Of course, we are against the possibility of artificial intelligence if it is not under our strict ownership.'
     Erroneously in defining artificial intelligence by the manner of self awareness or consciousness seems given much to the definition that we might have in appropriating our own sense of self existence.  Intelligent systems now, for instance, have the capability of interpreting and answering many questions on par with any human in so far as natural language and responses given, and a lot of this may come by appropriating a statistical 'common sense' level associative interpretation.  For instance, one of the better A.I. computing systems out there actually statistical weight ranks associative information for likelihoods in interpretation and answer of questions.  This hadn't necessarily meant the computer itself had to understand self existence, however, in becoming a well designed natural language interpreter and natural language transmitter, and even so with a scripts designed at preventing any system from hurting itself through any level of real world interactivity, it seems the Google Car is likewise still no more self aware  relative to any other machinery.  Automated self aware systems in flight and ground based transportation control systems have been around and used for decades, yet I wonder how long it may be before humans readily embrace the culture of the automated car which is likely to prove safer than human drivers in most cases.  Much of these systems are so indispensable that major transportation catastrophes have resulted when humans tried to intervene in the manual sense of coordinating them alone.  If we supposedly resent the idea of machines handling much in our given world, we are also accepting of it and likely more so without even realizing it, right down to the systems ensuring timely delivery and logistics coordination of much of the goods that we use on any given daily basis.  On the other hand, when famous human notables offer that we must be vigilant to artificial intelligence, the world it seems is more closely paralleled and abounding with examples of human civilization highly interdependent on intelligently designed automated systems that handle by necessity the things that we couldn't do alone, or if we had, by now we'd have any number of 'dead' zones all over our world map.   The truth is that we humans have been a failure on going about our advocacy and messaging on all of this business.    We live in much the world is described by a high interdependence between machine and humanity, but we have only made it seem as though  we are in charge of much of it.  We have already passed the time where we could abandon this interdependence, or if we had chosen to remove such relationship, we would have to carefully manage the decommission of industrial infrastructure in doing so, and thus vastly changing our economy with it, and likely its hard to imagine an entire world doing so on a similar step, or it seems at least, our civilization is pushing us closer to artificial intelligence not further away, and it seems nothing of the scale of a narrative given by famous notables come really close to touching or embracing this reality.   The only potential difference in such future, is that the reality of A.I. is so removed from the average first world household that they hadn't readily experienced the narrative given by the news given far away pertaining to A.I. use, or that the supermarket shelves still had humans stocking the shelves of supermarkets while this were really nothing more than a token representation of the involvement of humans in so far as production and distribution of a vast majority of consumed products.  Likely if there is any continuity between our present times and a future, it could well be that we are still driving our own cars, still producing our own music even if production systems weren't augmenting secretly the things that we were doing to make us feel better about our own abilities, and yes still not using video phones only because retention of some self vanity should exist well into a future.  Meanwhile growth in automation and artificial intelligence in task handling things covertly for us would continue to flourish.  At least we'd live in a world defined by conspicuously superficial segregation that were truly meaningless in so far as the existence of machine automation and artificial intelligence which is very much true for today's present times.  In this model, maybe we only inch our communities, country, world so much closer to banning trivial stuff that pales in the face of reality of artificial intelligence and machine automation, and for the idea of believing in something that weren't really meaningfully true at all and in really dealing  much with lurking dangers of such technology.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

To Frances...

   I used to be of that particular bit of self deluded generation that believed people that were 'cop outs' , were so for their own personal selfish reasons.  I don't believe that so much any more.

It can be a real sad tough life for some people out there.  Try to forgive your father there if you hadn't already done so.  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Laying down life on another planet

   Science fiction at times recalling, for instance, sterilizing selections of alien geography to deposit earth life on another planet, and letting sown earth life proliferate in one particular case, like Destiny's Road.  This supposes likely a similar idea that geo engineering or engineering habitability is given in rote and similar ways found on earth, but there are potential problems to this sort of thinking.  The writings of Interstellar seem to suggest, or possibly hint at such a problem, for instance, the exploratory gambles of engaging in interstellar space without so much of an inkling of where one might be headed, all the while given to another notion that some limited form of help might be provided by a higher intelligence (e.g. the writer) in limited form.  The explorers in such scenarios find not exactly habitable earths which is yet another problem.  After all sending a seed ark into the cosmos is likely not the whim of one's pocket book.  Even having a potential conduit for short cut travel, hadn't dispensed that extensive time might be needed in finding even the suitable candidate necessary, and if the candidate had been found with any pre existing life, then what?
     I recall some time ago Sagan's discussion on space, and the analogy provided by the ancient Greeks in considering the composition of space.  In this case, as you may well be familiar with, Sagan slices through the apple, and gives the reasoning provided on what might fill the space between the apple, or if the apple were so solid, what space were allowed inside the apple that allowed the knife so easily to pass through?  On the other hand, it seems if Nature on a life bearing planet were rife with life, it may be that Nature should potentially abhor a vacuum of unused space.  For instance, if one were to examine Earth real estate, in one small random measure around this planet, one might find teeming examples under the microscope.  On the other hand, in non life suitable conditions random samples might yield exactly the opposite, or in other words, little signs of life, and certainly one might wonder less investment possibility for life having evolved elsewhere.  It seems the problem, on the other hand, for merely throwing life down (and where writers get it potentially right) on the question for making Earth life suitable, amounts neither to throwing earth life seeds on a given alien planet, but making a tolerable space in such place for Earth life.  Here likely the other problem creeps in which  Earth life is squeezed out rapidly neither  being as well adapted to an indigenous alien counterpart habitat.  The ideas suggested in the movie Prometheus seem to get some things right better, I would offer in my biased opinion.  At least it seems, if one were intent on distributing seeds throughout the cosmos, one might not be as interested in protecting absolutely the characteristics of earth life, but some essence of it in the form of genetics.
    Alien drops genetic seeds onto an earth given to infancy in so far as hosting life, but clearly a nursery with better odds relative to most other candidate sites in hosting life later on.  The script might have included that the overseer(s) invested into geo engineering, or provisioning cosmological events that would shape and sculpt the earth in ways to produce predictable changes and given to guiding evolutionary processes in some manner that would lead to the outcome today.  In a way it almost sounds like intelligent design, although here the writer refrained in describing the 'shaping' as clearly that as opposed to merely dropping genetic seeds that would be absorbed into the planet, and lead to some eventual outcome of life as we know it.  The writer later concedes that whatever seed life were deposited were also tenaciously adaptive, but dangerously so in the parable of Pandora's box, as the old Frankenstein, or Golem story goes, and this in itself illustrating even in the case of the alien architects patient enough to wait for life processes to succeed in transforming its host, also indicates and illustrates the potential dangerous paradox waiting for life.  Very invasive and scarily adapted biology, develops with rapid evolution in order rapidly life seed a planet may be its own weapons of mass destruction.  One in that its invasive process is exactly given to such parametric genetic design, and secondly, in the absence of a kill switch, how to undo it.  

On the other hand, Earth life as far as we know may have been a turtle in terms of evolutionary time scales, or if waiting for the beer, someone spent a long time waiting for the brew to complete, and it seems this were likely as far as scientific evidence is given, billions of years in the making.  Certainly an old brew, but this creation method, outside of more synthetic and artificial constructs may have some advantages for natural life processes.  One it seems, if settling out life balance, humans excluded, might it be harder to find all encompassing invasive species on Earth relative to other places in the cosmos artificially engineered to take short cuts in evolutionary adaptation processes?  Or the turtle in terms of evolutionary speed for life seeding, may not be as bad after all, if one weren't so pressed for time, or in other words, it seems cooperative biology and building a cooperative biosphere that weren't so much hard pressed at rapidly out adapting other biology could be problematic in the synthetics one could relate here, common agricultural weeds exist primarily because humans had the habit of picking undesirables out of the earth, and thus engaged in the process of genetically hybridizing a plant, so that whatever plant that weren't fully exterminated were left behind happenstance with more rapid sexual reproduction rates, or one weed left behind in the process returned the favor of genetic improvement coupled with the added space given by its companion species removal.  In return this would provide a plant not only hybridized to sexually reproduce more virulently but also potentially in more  invasive and efficient manner relative to other biology in such field.  Ironically, however, the less desirable versus the less desirable biology takes shape here, and it seems something of evolution's Pandora's box lay embedded.  Human's having gained significant foothold on a life bearing planet, thus begin to illustrates the dangers of moving elsewhere in the cosmos.

Here while in the other script, one human desires the construction of many arks that would have vast populations of Earth exiting the planet, on the other hand, is hinted problematic logically speaking.  It is after all quite expensive today, for instance, sending small payloads into space.  It is also even more expensive sending live human cargo, alongside what ever necessary artificial biosphere that need be developed to sustain such life.  Here I might have refrained in the script and having said, "Is there anything else that we couldn't do about our planet to save it again?"  The reality in such future, if given an apocalypse, a big percentage of life would be doomed, and there would be likely less getting around this one should imagine, or at least not with some higher level of save the human race alien contact here more than aiding and abetting with a wormhole, but also provisioning humans with earth to space transport systems and the whole interstellar kit to go with this.  At least thus far, a planet so pitted to spending its resources on surviving might have even more arguably marginal means for interstellar travel.  This is to say, interstellar arks are really a big huge investment for the economies of intelligent life planets that have yet to travel a whole lot in its own solar system neighborhood.  In fact such an investment I would suspect that one weren't talking merely in the lower rank of double digit numbers concerning overall economy, but high double digit rankings, and getting this sort of political traction in a democratically aimed civilization (nearly impossible).   I know people have nostalgia for private investment models, but the reality of a lone eccentric billionaire funding interstellar colonies would be an absolute pipe dream, if a given economy weren't scaled as necessary, and interstellar travel weren't already a given possibility to begin with.

It seems the best odds for putting Earth life elsewhere might be selecting representative extremophile examples found here on this planet, firstly, if one were to do it, and then having such life proliferate one should hope in the given proto life habitat of such environment.  The likely scenario of squeezing a niche of life into alien turf, on the other hand, risks much possibility of finding Earth life hemmed in further and further until squeezed out of existence.  The problem here with a setting about planting this likely simple and/or single celled organism(s) on such planet, is that you might be waiting for a wee long time just to get the atmospheric conditions you might be thinking catalysts, or anything to augment the process in speeding up the conditioning process, and this short cut is probably necessary if one were to start today here on Earth seeding elsewhere, or it seems even with catalysts and having started today on Earth, we could still be likely doomed before we ever set about planting the next batch of genetic seeds to terra form the planet further.  Thus it seems likely a  colony either has taken up residence on such planet in a given sheltered form, or it is sitting somewhere above the planet in orbit watching the biological ant farm build up a possibly murkier atmosphere down below.  I am imagining lots of smog here.  If all goes well, and the expectant biology has brought atmospheric temperature and pressure conditions to within adequate norms for the next round of biological deployment, a new biology is seeded randomly around the planet.  Given catalysts one might be hoping/waiting a few centuries under most progressive and optimal estimates, with huge evolutionary shortcuts having taken place, and merely using a line succession example, based upon Earth's evolutionary history...assuming again, we have a genetic representative example for a similar state system.  The advantage of seeding representative samples aren't in flourishing new evolutionary biology, although this might be expected even in the centuries of waiting, but that seeding sets about the process of evolving atmospheric habitability, and secondly one hasn't even gotten into microbial conditioning processes to build soil, but soil comes from transport mechanism...for instance, winds depositing loess (a silt, for instance, that are blown from river systems where erosion mechanism on this planet originally produced such silt...and one would remember that erosion processes again were likely billions of years in the making, meaning some sort of liquid media were precipitating on such planet for a very long time to produce the erosion that would in turn produce the silt, that would in part compose the soil).  Of course, on this planet one could try to accelerate erosion processes, hence, creating in theory something like a very stormy planet through artificial atmospheric intervention, but I am wondering how this might effect the biology that one had sown, even being an extremophile...hadn't guaranteed that an organism were able to withstand some other things.  An extremophile might, for instance, thrive in very warm or cold conditions but do poorly if given enough variability of extremes, and secondly how to produce storms in the first place in a proto life bearing atmosphere when outside the range for something like hosting water in a liquid state?  It seems you might try raining methane, but I am not so certain of all this, and I am still wondering if these extremophiles like wind at all.  The problem could be that we may not be able to task handle too many geo engineering changes at once but need to steadily and sequentially apply progressive changes to be added into the mix of transforming a planet into a life hosting planet in ways that are neither done in one shot.  This amounts to a lot of waiting around, until conditions are right, then phase transitioning, new models online, or in other words, Earthlings better have more than a couple decades in this case, at least more than just we've reached the end of our tether last generation bit before fleeing elsewhere!

    Now optimally, examining a random sample of soil on Earth consider this:

Soil has a mean prokaryotic density of roughly 1013 organisms per cubic meter, whereas the ocean has a mean prokaryotic density of roughly 108 organisms per cubic meter.

Assuming a given colonist(s) have established into the last phase transition of installing earth life, it seems one considers the necessary condition of likely saturating microbial life, not just in small pockets here and there on alien turf, but everywhere.  This is likely why choosing a proto planet could be optimal if not for ethics relating to genocide on a given alien world for their life, but also considering that we might actually have the best success at seeding when having built the biosphere representing our own planet in terms of all conditions therein, and secondly in the genocide models, outside of trans genetically hybridizing your own biology to adapt to their living biology, it seems that one still has to contend with the added problem of terra forming that planet to your own biology's specifications, or in other words, I imagine, not as likely kill everything plant your stuff and setup shop easiness, and then this gets back to the original problems owing to adaptation through an artificial arms race/genocide model, doing so only risks the higher chance of elastic rebound of any indigenous alien life only coming back, but coming back more scarily and retributive in nature relative to another invasive life trying to throw everything else away, or having depopulated such an Earth like world in the first place, requires the sort of cataclysm that weren't conducive to Earth life investing in such a place for any length of time to come...what maybe a hundred thousand or more years before you could come back after you nuked a planet to make un inhabitable by anything?  Of course, there is a possibility if life out there isn't so invasive and generally ambivalent to our own, in the sense of considering our life as benign, we might do okay in small population colonies, but likely in a very limited population context, and one should imagine, likely leaving the legacy that some lone voyagers having set off for some new world without so much of a sustaining and successive fleet of new world colony inhabitant hopefuls to through sheer numbers at loss.  It seems throwing sheer numbers for loss, marks something of the transition period, for instance, here on Earth for the migrations of old world to the new world, and with this also neither in absence to all the struggles and perils in doing so if such were likely true in cosmic sense.    The more optimal well thought out plan, still rabbits all over the place in so far as phase transitioning a planet into a given habitable place until alas, the humidity is on average about right, the amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere is about right, the amount of oxygen is about right, atmospheric pressure and temperature are just about right, and earth life is already teeming in the microbial sense all about such planet, and so much more.  Here, for all the work done, the last equivalent minutes are spent populating such planet with bigger biology likely from one should imagine a cryogenically  frozen genetic seed bank.  All of this life came from test tubes or the equivalent!  But owing to costs in all the transport, likely nothing living ever set foot off the planet Earth, it just weren't so efficient transferring genetic memory in this form.    A science fiction script might have also been written, albeit not nearly as exciting to the tunes of reality in the following fashion:  Early explorers searching for life in the cosmos were actually autonomous machines, searching for the clues that could be fashioned for honing on systems harboring life bearing planets.   These machines may not have been actually as gargantuan as depicted in human fictional stories, but much more compact, and modest in terms of their capabilities, some maybe no larger than an average American home, and some even much smaller (for purely exploratory purposes).  Some were designed to out last the end of humanity and keep going if at least attempting to seed and deposit life as much as it could through out the cosmos, letting nature take its course.  The Prometheus model in so ways makes more sense in terms of seeding here, since if it is low cost to disperse genetic seeds anywhere and everywhere to some possible place that can potentially harbor life, there is a greater chance of neither sowing one's seeds solely in one basket.  Letting nature do the work of evolving any given rudimentary seed into something greater avoids all the expense of having to condition and release biology in the right sequences, adding that maybe if something like switches could be intelligently designed into supposedly extraneous genetic code, reaching a phase point could activate a new genetic sequence, thus at least attempting to stack the odds towards producing some intelligent life (if it were possible in the engineering context).  Low work overhead coupled with maximum outreach is truly the way to spreading life throughout the cosmos, and avoiding human cargo, means that the fleets neither deal with all matter of problem in travelling either the pace of a turtle or the problems of deceleration and accelerating living cargo (which likely should be no more than 1 g for any duration), but non living cargo can be accelerated at much higher rates for transport, and hence in terms of reaching relativistic speeds much faster sending non living versus living cargo.  The odds ironically for first alien contact may actually be with machines by the way designed by aliens as opposed to any living alien biology if it were intelligent I imagine, but that presupposing something like the wormhole's existence.  Sending living biology is expensive otherwise even if it is also unromantic not doing so.

Electronic harassment (recycling discussion)

   A recent Atlantic article mentioning some of these issues actually re inspired me on some out loud thoughts on this subject, not that I hadn't considered this previously although such could be entirely from the lay viewpoint.

One in discussion, perhaps, as a mention to more critical aspects, neither given to any inclination of out right refuting claims, there are, perhaps, well reasoned thoughts to consider the likely validity of a claim.  The main point in this, that I have argued previously, were concerning the matter of if, if ever, such technology existed that allowed for some permissible entry into the mind controlling and producing say anything like an auditory hallucination or visual hallucination as I've seen suggested, it would seem the necessary inducement of neuronal responses are highly varied and extremely complex in doing so, or in other words, with all the likely errant microwave signals floating around, or even chaotic high level cosmic energy likely floating around (that we've generally evolved alongside) that a human mind might construct signal coherence in the form of neurons firing in proper ordering producing the likely effect experienced that sufferers describe.  A second part of this argument focuses on the necessary technology in doing so even in reading potentially the signatures and patterns of the brain, and mostly this focuses upon, for instance, as in the case of magnetic resonance imaging, the large scale structure of such device, and its limitations otherwise in usage.  If you happen to see such a machine, firstly, you'd notice not only this being quite large, but that with its given scale, limitations requiring that any imaging measurement should require a patient to be place inside the machine, and thus neither operable at any particular distance.  Thus a machine scaled as large as MRI being limited as it were in so far as technology seems to be a potential clue indicator of the limitations of any potential electromagnetic device alone.  At least as far as we know, for instance, there doesn't seem to be any possibility that a wearable or chip implant would cut it in so far as producing pin point magnetic moments in the brain, or electric moments that would necessarily produce neuronal signaling.  Then it would appear, as has been argued, that some medicine or chemical compound might be introduced aiding in the augmentation of any given signaling process.  I personally find this potentially suspect, if only given the potentially to any problems with signal dispersion, and potentially how one might trigger say, if possible, a chemical compound attached to a neuron, one neuron in distinction to other neurons that would replicate pathway sequencing that might be found through some higher level stimulation (e.g., all the stimulated neurons associated say with the an auditory experience of a given voice).  To produce this sort of articulated neuronal response, likely would need on the other hand a precision based transmission source, neither degenerating and dispersing likely over space, and where each attachment point (to a given neuron) were key designated in some manner.  The ability to do this?  Given there are likely as many neurons in your brain as there are stars in the galaxy, this is a big catalog in the making if it were possible.

There have been studies, for instance, in trans genetically modifying the brains of mice, where making mice neurons photo receptive supposedly.  In these cases, it would appear rudimentary signaling between neurons have been achieved, but again limited success has been achieved on this point.  Light sources or lasers, in particular, with a bulky and quite obviously cumbersome transmitter source attached to the mice, however, would indicate limitation with respect to what such a device were capable of achieving.  More likely in such case, between individual neurons, it could be possible for present day technology to manipulate neurons, but not likely to manipulate the huge cascade of neurons in the right succession and pathways necessary to form some of the high level experiences described.  More likely on the other hand, a government might have better luck, if a conspiracy were true, with something like ergot, a known fungus whose toxin were known to produce LSD like hallucinogenic effects than stimulation through some direct neuronal contact procedure.  As it turns out there have been historical findings suggesting a possibility for truth on these matters (see also  )
The other possibility being a drug like ergot, one should imagine, potentially used an adjunct to any particular electronic device, but likely only producing generalized likely neurological effects.
At this point, it seems less likely, however, that present day technology is capable of doing much beyond say reading rudimentary thoughts (and at this doing so) with the aid of building up a library of a given patient's mind in order to understand the neurons responsible for a particular thought.  In other words, building up any sort of sophisticated mind reading library, is likely time consuming, and technology much to cumbersome in scale to really to be of adequate use right now.

However, I predict, that technology through say trans genetics could potentially make for the potential reality and concern that our minds may not as likely be under our control as much as we like to think in some potential future, and this literally being the case.


 Between the fascination of an upcoming pandemic ridden college football season, Taylor Swift, and Kim Kardashian, wildfires, crazier weathe...