Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Chaos and Trump

   What is justice when a sitting president offers impunity by pardon power?  In all the wake of legal chaos, it seems so many rabbit trails have been open in the pursuit of inquiry that Trump is potentially redefining the practice of investigation.  What happens when investigators are spread in ever wide reaching spheres of inquiry and all of this leads to yet more prosecution while Trump remains untouched? 

    Certainly everyday passing only reveals how unscrupulous Trump has been, and by this observation, if by ignorance alone, Trump is likely to be caught up by anything that up ends his previous work, but does this really matter?  I say this because Trumpian chaos is spectacular in its way to operate success from failure, as has been the practice of turning success from loss in business, it isn't merely that Trump overtly worked this practice the minute that he set foot into the White House, as evidenced by overt commercial advertising for family business.  Trump's ZTE negotiations had shown more thinly Trump's brand of nationalist protectionism.  ZTE a Chinese based smartphone manufacturer had been banned in the US for integrated spyware.  This particular ban of technology were put in place under the Obama administration, this ban went generally unnoticed by the public until Trump.  Trump, on the other hand, made apparent his unskilled practice of double speak in lifting the ban.  ZTE's offered incentives to get Trump to lift the ban?  Apparently an Indonesian tower with Trump's name on it was brokered.       Trump's disarray and chaos has largely presided on the basis of wealth culture providing itself that freedom to do as it pleases, and in the process working from self propagation.  There isn't the notion of survival, or if it ever existed, the power paradigm rested upon prestige by scale.  Deception shouldn't exist any more than faith in such system afforded its own self evident truth.  Accounting irregularities are paid off mythologies as are the lies told by leaders that blithely spin their version of 'fake news'.

    One writer/comment person in media offers with casual excitement that Trump is spinning chaos into the system.   If that were given by the excitement that America were treading into new territorial waters and the system were changing.  It isn't, however, so exciting in that it were the digress of costing tax payers in more obvious ways.  Be it higher gas prices, or consumer product inflation all timed in concurrence to strike in more obvious ways after the midterm elections.  Trump's befriending enemy and making enemies of friends suggests only Trump's culture of unilateral reliance  Inclination isn't merely given by those scratching their heads asking why precisely why globalism hadn't worked around Trump, there appears to be just this occurring.  Scrapping an Iranian deal that were over a decade in the making (extending beyond Trump) would have assuredly been avoided, for instance, if the Iranian's brokered a Trump tower deal, and in this moment of chaos, it seems that all of this could be entirely possible, and that Trump had renegotiated a  deal that hadn't provided greater world wide security but actually weakened it, only on the premise of optical prestige and all that has brought Trump into power.

   Its not that the injection of chaos couldn't be good, it is when it is done so poorly only having made self evident any number of those caught in the wake of it.  Headlines to children separated from their parents by ICE in containing detention cages couldn't match the outrage of another parent's admiration of the new Trump era having done much the same.  Much that we wouldn't treat ourselves as we treat others as so popularly rained in an era of dehumanization.  Trump offers pardons with ease to the dead and to his allies.    Trump's  power operates through no concession, no admittance of failure, through the propagation of lies. Trump's business acumen is given certainly by an optics of the Trump mythology of America's apocalyptic cities.  More precisely, resurrection is given not by new opportunities but a mythological nostalgia.  Trump is an anachronism spinning the chaos of old ghosts that are certain to want to rest in peace and probably could care less for pardons.  Such nostalgia would insist on maintaining more costly and aging power infrastructure:  coal and nuclear plants that have been long up for decommissioning.  Trump has been merely embarrassed that inevitable demise, even under Trump, still happened with already so many closures of plant facilities and more likely to come, even as Trump offers vague references to national security in keeping these open.  The obvious downside of operating such can be self evident in countries that have over time refused free markets and have maintained costly infrastructure in the process.  The timing of power plant closures, especially relating to the hollow promises of Trump and coal country, is all optics to Trump.  It looks bad and avoiding the obvious, even if it were to cost taxpayers in the long run, should be more important to Trump.  As an aside even if coal were made more prominent in the American power grid landscape, and this bringing more coal mining back, it seems there is only greater likelihood that the jobs created were ones through automation and technology relative to human labor.  The rise of black lung disease, that hasn't been seen for decades is a testament of just how pressurized human labor markets are in such industries where human labor can't compete with automation.  Likely if companies want to invest in coal extraction it neglects human labor and jobs to go with it. 

    The turbulence that Trump has generated it seems should likely dissipate, at least being undone substantially in the future.  While the echoes of pre WWII protectionism seem alight, Trump's timing is off.  The French far right seem to have been thwarted as is likely the case of other movements.  Even the Brexit movement seems to be running an often tenuous calculus for an ever so cautious economy that wonders of its own self direction without a firm partner in the US that has of recent sent poor vibes.  Trump seems chaotic to the tenure of anti globalism and America first considering itself neither beyond Trump's power alone.  There isn't longevity belonging to a White House concerning itself more so with rapid sound offs and egos alike.  Trump's populism is given to a fleeting narrative that will likely remain the fixation of conspiracy theorist, victimization and victim blaming so often used.  Trump will likely have moved beyond such, however even in the case of eventual impeachment or anything else pushing Trump to exit if and when such should be the case, and in that measure, Trump isn't thinking about legacy but more likely Tower deals that had provided enough visual opulence, all the chaos of legal suits to follow over the power of management of such towers will have preoccupied a president's mind.  That Trump could also be of little tangible worth but all the worth in his own spectacle serves his time in office.  Trump will have only have remembered so much, otherwise, of his victimization and having generated new narratives certainly well into the future.  There is little calming the spectacle of his cult that has ensued for all the chaos. 

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