Saturday, June 23, 2018

White House Adolescence

    Trump is a juvenile of a president.  I say this only because characteristically Trump seems to be interested in pushing buttons more than he serves any issues or in serving them follows some haphazard mantra of his own that were far worse than George W's "I looked him in the eye"...judgement of people.  That is, where supposedly that soul to soul bromance is born from looks alone.  This juvenile immaturity appears in someone like Dennis Rodman in his "Big bang in Pyongyang" sounding much like his basketball buddy Jong-un...defending that friend as a rebellious teenager might do in a moment of self righteousness before walking out of a house of the respecting.  It is only often times when the inset ugly behavior of such nasty friendship that some greater wisdom is bestowed to the teenager not having listened to loving parents or well meaning friends.  Obviously Rodman would see precisely what the North Koreans have so aptly controlled in providing much of any view of their own country.  As to ugly is more likely that anything is ever so much heard from those that disappear and anyways, a rare glimpse beyond propaganda city reveals more modestly (if not stark) something beyond the glass high rises of Pyongyang.
    Trump is certainly international but international in Europe would mean in places like Scotland (not without controversy and having been blocked on real estate deals) and likewise Ireland.  Outside of these places in Europe, Trump is no where to be found, and so to much of the rest of the world, similarly one would likely find a place in the Philippines, Turkey, and India.  It is worth reminding, however, these aren't stellar places either for human rights records Considering that Dueterte (Phillipines) and his anti drug death squads have likely involved the killings of any number of innocents, or Erdogan in Turkey having basically made greater enemies of Kurdish peoples regionally (Turkish distinction apparently lost with the growth of Isil). and then having locked up journalists at record international levels.  Even so (where business could provide some illustration), Trump's attentions in Russia are apparently another matter only complicating matters in and around Iraq, but that is given the Russian/Iranian connection to be found in and around Syria and given all security arrangements in combating Isil that has left Syria for a country decimated in combating either insurgency or terrorists alike.   The whole point, however, in describing Trump's internationalism is more likely in the description of business man that doesn't really deal with much of the other part of the world (the rest of Europe), or much of Asia really, and this provides better description as to why Trump isn't either so much of an internationalist.  This problem is that Trump is precisely an outsider to much else in the world because he has likely been restricted, regulated, or shunned away from real estate development outside of the US , and so his business 'relationships' aren't so much strongly 'first world' in so far as economy and politics, but found in other places in the world that are emerging markets are places that Trump has more familiarity and likely one should imagine having greater familiarity with that brand of politics.  A greater share apparently for Trump's business dealings is also domestic in fairness, and likely a geo political far cry from places that have much room for improvement in so far as democratic values and human rights records.  Though we are to wonder if ever a culture exists at the pinnacle of some business establishments, is it so far off from the ideological wanderings of Trump?  If extra legal spying culture in corporate America were yet another problem, it is all the facility provided up to now in having made popular the figure head of Trump.  Corporate dictatorships that work in less than egalitarian ways are the public media spectacles for once popular shows like the Apprentice.  That is to say that all is not ending with Trump alone and Trump weren't created in a vacuum (see
    Furthermore once public and private spheres of government have only blurred more so.  Amazon faces accusations of providing facial recognition technologies to law enforcement.  Google only recently changed in stance in providing DARPA military based machine learning services.  Google's Youtube has recently faced accusations of suppressing LGBTQ video sites by either demonetizing or down ranking videos.  In the recent past, major companies have pulled advertising when referencing ads were linked to right wing extremist sites.  A few corporations have pulled their advertising as associated to Fox New's Laura Ingrahams recent comments, but, perhaps, for all the outward support that shown by larger corporations and business, it is a more complex picture.  Trump most certainly isn't completely the problem here.   More deeply, however, in all of this, the externalized autocracy of American power has been symptomatic of more deeply ingrained military/industrial political culture that has shown shades of Trump and worse having avoided the clear optics of controversy.   If at times that picture has emerged in the past (post WWII thru the 1950s) leading to civil rights movement, an attempted Goldwater surge having only failed to accomplish what Reagan did, and Trump what Reagan did not.  That is, there is also nothing new in such politics all the same, other than representing a new body politic more politically divergent in time.  What has changed seemingly is that such politics have been in many respects glaringly stupid.

   It isn't merely the juvenile nature of scraped together talks in Singapore between North Korea and the US, but a myriad of Trump's populism gone awry from banning Muslims,  having recklessly taken to provoking trade wars with his own self interest in mind, the alleged war room rumors of 'Why aren't we using are nuclear weapons?' posed to military generals, the 'pussy grabbing', the prostitutes, grizzly bears for trophy hunters, assaults on our national parks and monuments, never mind the EPA.  Trump has rotated more personnel in the WH, has more vacancies relative any past president.  Trump's chief of staff John Kelly allegedly calls Trump repeatedly an 'idiot' behind closed doors and is so demoralized that he regards his day work as gym workout time.  .Former secretary of state, Rex Tillerson was fired as opposed to following the tradition of most other secretaries of state that would usually have served through an appointed term..and anyways what sort of president goes about really selecting 'qualified' individuals only to be 'fired' and this usually being par for the course relative to other past presidents?  Trump allegedly spends the better part of his day apparently tweeting and not really doing much else, save attending no more than a couple of meetings usually.  Massive civilian casualties and damage of Hurricane Maria and Trump's reception seem to reflect that Trump might have felt a sense of jealousy of the hurricane's aftermath.  The president is less likely seen doing things for people, if he has stated that rehabilitation during the opioid crises could be dealt with by 'executing drug dealers'.  Trump's charity and handling crises isn't ironically building or providing reconstruction benefits in times of disaster within American territorial jurisdiction, which one might have thought Trump may have been more skillful at logistically speaking, but in manufacturing his own social apathy in the wake hurricane Maria's destruction of Puerto Rico, or the sort of response one might have expected in the past by popular evangelicals in describing natural catastrophes as 'deserved punishments'.  The doublespeak of mainland culture is omnipresent in all of this.  How can one speak of American diplomacy under Trump?  'America first' policy has meant a humanitarian shift to others outside the exclusion zone set in Trump's mind.  Puerto Rico is right up there with the illegals from central America and Mexico, reflecting a distinction of white male protestant culture that Trump considers American, and secondly what ever happened to Trump's properties in Puerto Rico?   Truly the litany of lying claims made by Trump are too hard to follow anymore.  Democratic leaders have generally stopped responding much of anything Trump has said, and for all this, the US presidency reflects something that hasn't been seen in a long time.  US American leadership is bad.  Though Trump has achieved something extraordinary that hasn't been seen for a long time.  The might of the American 'king' is perceptively waning.  The omens for future presidents could be for the signs now happening in state's that have worked legislatively to reduce the power of governors, could this be the start of diminishing the power the executive branch?  Political checks and balances come when it seems there are necessities born by examples...protecting America from childish and adolescent power could be another coming of age.    

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