Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Deception, Weakness, and Trump

    Trump's first days in office were notably described in the same way that any autocratic leader would pay attention to any perception given of their own following.  Lackluster inaugural crowds that filled the streets were merely evidence of that weakness and so to it Trump's inclination to deceive.  Predictably, it isn't that any might have known that Trump's loose and free flowing tweet speech would provide self evidence of what should follow in the White House when he would take office.  All the measure of Trump's agenda would follow in a flurry of confusion, denial, deception and all measure of perception that Trump would have in store when under a new 'zero tolerance' immigration policy had taken effect.

   Trump's denial of his own actions.
   The Trump's own administration providing conflicting reports including outright lying certainly wouldn't help.
    Trump admitting in so many words doing so, but in order to be 'tough', child separations are necessary!
     Trump's scapegoating other political parties for his own actions.
    And there we have it, president willy nilly fears political reprisal but loves the posture of being the president that has effectively used children as 'weapon' pawns for political purpose. In this case, its president deception as 'humanitarian' that has pushed forward any new immigration legislation with special urgency.  In that way, it is let us 'cooperate' to rewrite the legacy of democrats.  Adding to this Sessions Trump emphasizing 'biblical' purpose that seems more apparently the historical arguments offered by proponents of slavery, then having followed anything moral or just.

    The beginning of the end of leaders though usually starts, however, when 'just kidding' follows by actions that are far more meaningful.  Political correctness and 'just kidding' wouldn't follow with the Trail of Tears now would it?  When your power demonstrates its more clear purpose and intention, despite all the cult, lies and weakness to follow, it seems people will remember your actions and your words.

   Journalists so much the 'enemy of the people' are feared in providing any more transparency to what could be imagined, a brief audio recording released to the press of crying children in such detention facility indicate precisely what most (excepting apparently 50 plus percent of present GOP ranks according to one CNN poll) would find is noted that well over 2/3 of those surveyed disagreed, however, with the president's action in separating children from their parents.  Of course, one would hope those numbers only incline and likely they will as more information is known and provided.  Cruelty and inhumanity shown more clearly on our own shores should be a wake up call.

It goes without saying Trump has no business leading this country.  Has the word 'chaos' been outlived as of yet? Or is it merely evidence all the more to the euphemism of Trump's circus power?    Hard to see those victimized in the wake of 'chaotic' decision making as being served by 'chaos' for its own sake?  Clearly Trump has purpose in the system and its not merely in invoking disorder and agenda....can better precision of words be used here?

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