Sunday, March 9, 2014


   My bit of a ramble today.  One because I've been lately something of a technology addict.  I am not sure if its purely for the sake of futurism and science fiction interests alone, or that I happen to be breaking more so from other things.

   So a go...if I had a wish list, it would go as follows:

1.  More free learning software for continuing education...I'm working to the ranks now closer to senior these days (at least have a couple decades potentially to go there).  More specifically tutoring software would be nice, especially targeting my strengths and weakness in any particular subject matter.  Sure I've run into some nice free android language learning software, but it would be nice for something like for college level math courses, generally I were thinking more like graduate level and beyond...maybe its a stretch in asking, and these days a Google query will yield lots of learning resource materials.  And then Wolfram Alpha now has a problem generator added into its site, that can provide testing over any desired subject matter.  Seems nice...the big leap though is artificial intelligence design which not only reads a problem for right or wrong answers but also able to read a given workflow process through a problem, and provide some assessment as to whether or not the student were on the right track to problem solving.

2.  Fancier cameras sure with more mega pixels...yeah but most photos regardless still look grainy funny with poor lighting, or for that matter artificial yellow lighting with normal house night lighting.  Improved camera low light image capturing is probably a bigger plus, and yeah the dual lens system for improvements in optical zooms are a nice...maybe to catch a high quality image of a bird on a branch someday from the smartphone?I liked some emphasis on improving camera images in general irrespective of lighting conditions.  I was thinking of some down sides on this...hmm...

3.  Someday may get around to installing Chrome OS on some hardware if I can...just need to apparently run a build on a linux system, and then transfer this iso to a usb stick...doesn't seem that hard anyways?

4.  More cloud based services...I at least like in theory what Adobe offers in terms of subscription services.  At least if you figured you weren't exactly in need of using services for any length of time to the extent that a subscription would amount to the cost of the software packages alone.  It could be an okay value?!   Especially with a more hit and run approach to software usages.  Secondly, it seems if one could get away from stand alone processor/resource consumption, and make this more network concentric, this might actually be better in any event especially given that next generation FIOS, at least this seems to add to the circularity of the argument that FIOS should be that much more necessary for the sake of cloud based applications?

5.  Next generation internet.  Sure its in my backyard.  I've parsed through the arguments:  do I really need super high speed FIOS?  It went alone the arguments do I need more then 15 gb of storage space.  Well as it turns out yes on the storage, and this extending beyond typified media.   But then as to higher bandwidth.  Well it seems, an old argument, I can now download a lifetimes worth of material in reasonable amounts of time (1 day with Google Fiber) but I'd never have enough time in reality to spend watching or reading this material.  But then I were thinking of the arguments I've offered in the above.  Mostly though with cloud based backups, it seems a bit nice especially if data storage is running in excess to 100 gigs (conventional internet cloud based backups likely amount to many many days here of waiting for a given download for this data amount).  Outside this sort of at a futuristic loss personally with what I could do with so much bandwidth.  Mostly similarities in pricing seems to offset any notion otherwise.  At the point one conceived that anything more then 20 megabytes should seem absurd, finds a similar lack of ability in conception, or this is to say, more data and higher data traffic flows should seem all likely in the future, but how and why is another matter.  Is it that any average person in the future would likely be managing fleets of things all at once in intense data networks.   And then in more enticing ways, had the future meant that poorer video resolutions of yesteryear on chat video hangouts were a thing of the past...keeping in mind, that low light conditions hadn't mattered and the video should seem something like a film.  Nonetheless with irony, I don't do video chats at all.  Listening to what must have been a back issue of Science Friday with the physicist Michio talking about neuro cognitive enhancements...maybe we'll be reading the library of congress in one day, and thus it seems something of the human limiting factor to information necessities are born.   In any event, the ever persistence and growth of smarter computing devices in and around the home one should imagine, speaks probably to seem greater need of higher speed data trafficking.  Not really much into VR.

6.  Project work collaboration social collaboration sites.  I sort of wondered about this the other day.  What if you could be some sort of provisional writer...sort of like a wiki contributor without contributing to wiki, and without dealing necessary with the same moderation processes found at wiki, but what if you could do this outside the fields of writing, say in art, music, media production, or other types of work endeavors.  What if you could get paid for some contribution part on a free lance basis working through a contracts collaboration process that weren't in housed with respect to any given institution.  Or at least if you were a free lance writer, what if you could ensure better that you were to get paid on a free lance contract type basis, and better able to find the work that you needed...maybe its a jumble of ideas here in any event.

7.  Cheaper transportation alternatives.  Certainly it may be in some near future, that there is the possibility that we have fabricated our own fixed wing aircraft.  One given the availability of carbon fiber based 3 d printing, secondly, a cheaper metals 3 d printing using more common metal materials (thanks to the Autodesk people working with a robotic manufacturing arm and attached welder that works literally with molten metals), and then finally having a plastics 3 d printer.  At least in some future day, it seems maybe the more average person is able to work and manipulate engine designs around with the fluid ease that master engineers these days manage...of course, this hadn't dealt with the central issue of transportation costs, namely, fuel these days is expensive enough, and noticeable to the extent that it should seem more of luxury to travel while the willpower of a given younger generation were more steadfast to the virtual of travel here (opting instead for social networking) as indicated trend wise, as opposed to getting a driver's license to visit that same friend.  I wonder if ironically that a form of globalism has ironically promoted in a way local fixation here, or that innately the desire to travel, by way of mysteries, is itself dying out.   Then you could actually pay more for a smaller car not less, and generally more if it were conceived that you were doing things that were perceived as 'healthier'.  Someday, though I wonder if I manage to create a DIY auto in some way, that hadn't exactly involved a garage, lots of grease and tools in the process.  Here while supposedly dating sites should attest to much degree of success, its hard to imagine the social aspect of transportation changing much?!  Not that a given local ism should be bad, or that cabin fever should at times represent/provide inspirations here through resourcefulness.

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