Wednesday, April 30, 2014

On the upside, another ramble...

    I were thinking about the inset malaise that should seem to crop up in previous months.  Here, if your life were about the sort of structure born of the teenager that loafed on a couch too much, and you hadn't figured out enough, suddenly finding another epiphany, there is little disclosure here on this matter.  Thinking less about something then more about something else.

    I think about the cruise, if I could afford it, or something that I could do (if I could afford it), and when you can likely you don't have the time, either way, it all works out about the same, doesn't it?!  Unless, you were independently wealthy and had much time and money either way, in which case, likely one were to say, more likely not to want to have something of incentive from the psychological perspective.  All  supposedly, supposedly, but generally I'd think if I had the money, I could make use of it, and likely I'd all the same slowly teetotal the funds.  Only considering the idea, that it weren't merely acting miserly about the money, but strategically using it as in the case of sensory deprivation, building up a grand case of cabin fever which leads to the next trip which should inevitably seem so much more rewarding.  Here, you imagine travelling all the time, and really there isn't much mystery over time if you spent the nth time in the same place, or found yourself off season in some place where the liveliness about a place were completely absent, or that you'd be equally clued as to what a place were not more then it supposedly were.  The years spent were a lesson in some ways, although I am sure someone could likely correct on the point, that it were easy to love a place if you found much to love in it, and asked for little in return.  Then neither asking for enough, or getting something else entirely is another matter.

   Here freedom, or seems this way, or close to it, close enough.  While there should seem less opportunity in some ways, there were an overabundance in other ways.  The sort of measure that should say that one were never so much the worthwhile, is boundless freedom, or consider how many less you were placating/patronizing in the process as in acting upon the daily routine of life, the sort of politeness that had one holding tongue long enough here...sorry I should avoid this much in a social context, it never seems easy, and even I think to placate in a way here, or realize erratum, the paradox of harboring, if it is truly as it should seem, it seems better to believe that it isn't, and if it isn't then you have lost nothing in the process by way of some abandonment in thought, but if it is then logically as it seems, then you have still nothing to lose in a way, except by way of injury or something else, but not at least on the point of having done much wrong in the way of existing previously.  Freedom is like this, if only ever highly idealized.  Potentially innocent people have the possible prospect here of taking forty added minutes to croak on a gurney while the state declares much else free, and between commercials and anything of the drive wherever it has taken place, and one managed anonymously to think of all things about in a moments notice, the happenings elsewhere in the cosmos.  Yes, elsewhere, where it were harder to imagine, in the idealistic ways, the biological cold war arms race culminating in the dangerous super weeds getting so scarily out of hand on Pandora that you'd have the priesthood of facsimile to relay the signs of Yucca mountain.  Elsewhere where potentially you're not thinking about paying the bills, rent, food for much of anything, and the collective lot were taken care seems like the Eloy without the Morlocks, or for that matter, you were marveling on just how far ten cents would purchase a ticket to somewhere else, maybe a 10 AU journey absurdly enough?!  Its not just that energy were truly cheap and plentiful and that the overlords there hadn't much of stranglehold on the energies market, but that it seems you were imagining a world so much freer of exploitation.  These sorts of dreams of a better world, manage to persist or generally it sadly seems that sociological parameters start heading in expected ways, more so while it seems that some argue there are never 'free rides' of anything in nature, it seems a matter of perspective, neither is reasonable biological existence born in the absolutist sense of toil, or that better the happy medium of workload, lay in some reasonable fashion generally, unless you lived in the arctic and were truly hardened, or at least hardened to the degree of somewhere where a given lifespan should be counted on one hand in terms of decades.

     On this point, it seems then if one could in the less limiting sense to the approach of another, and I recall so many years ago, a man that should seem rather aboriginal too me, or aboriginal at least in the sense of coming from down under, whom had silver hair, dark skin and so forth.  Persistently walking between Ottawa, Lawrence, and Kansas City, whom actually as one news report indicated were married, but who liked to be out and about a lot who in his lifetime acquired several masters degrees (a doctorate...although it seems this might have been wishful thinking), but never really worked as far as one could tell in the traditional sense in anything.  Seems rather strange to live this way, or it should seem almost as a dream in a way...sort of side mentions anyways according to accounts.  Here another Bartleby, one were thinking, but without in another way the sort of depressing dead letters ending, or at least, in another matter of perspective, where it seems there is economy in existence, existence is likely, and even economy isn't always right in dictating what goes and doesn't go, you are reminded on this humorous and absurd point that a yogi were living for supposedly a decade on literally nothing to eat, and as it turns out...well, in the heavens, e = mc^2 and there is much energy seemingly vacuous air, or that someday, you should, in the biological sense need nothing but air to live how, potentially free things could be, if it weren't necessary to create, complex organic compounds to live out of thin air.  The magician in time wins on this better living through chemistry point!  What should seem miraculous today were merely just more commonplace in another world, or to think of it, imagine, the absurdity of fighting over resources in that day that need never be fought over?!  So it is on this accord the nature of one's freedom, that ever the case of being more free at that were so much to the helm of human nature which is itself could not exist without much that should come with this existence, that is to near anywhere closer to the idea that something were more ideal, while living ironically among the ideals that would posit something of the quasi functioning of a given reality in such day, were to the abandon of human nature.  The younger generations these days, ideally save the planet because they are more inclined to travel via tablets and smartphones, not because the aspire much to the ideals beyond Mondrian type banners.  The 10 Au journey offer is likely much ignored, and I am looking forward to the prospect that a more humble journey were so much the smaller fraction of 10 A.U.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

So I am watching this film, 'The Moth Diaries', and I am realizing how messed up cute the lead character is. I always loved scary movies as a kid...hmmm...notice the act here is using the word 'marina'.  The nerdy response on the 'blue' or 'red' giant depending on your perspective isn't that they are actually empty lighters.  They produce distinctly in their own ways, but not empty.  :)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The FCC and net neutrality

The fcc-and net neutrality

    Or if you were already struggling to provide and render business services online, here's an added boon to potentially getting you kicked out of the online service sector of business, or for that matter regulating the flow of I am already reading about the struggles and woes in the journalism given the disaster of lost advertising, due to other online service provider.  Here one were to parse this argument in the nature of the other advertising service provider, offering free services which in theory under non net-neutrality rules could be brought under control.  The problem here is that service providing should already be competitive enough, or that at least another service provider might equally come along and provide the same set of service that neither bore the same hallmarks of non net neutrality.  The advantage of all this is that technologies for service providing, not only could be more fractured (as opposed to consolidated) but also driven to a more ad-hoc nature.  Here one were sensing the downside of all this, especially in the way of supposed increased trans Atlantic tensions, over existing domestic surveillance issues.   Not only might one envision an internet, that were fractured into greater restriction of 'inter' traffic and more 'intra' based, but that also these internet services might be more akin to what an internet service looked like back in the 80s when everything bulletin board services (i,.e, very ad-hoc).  On this point, much is speculative.  As a consumer, yeah sure a few might be willing to pay for price gouging on literally much point of sale, that you might already be charged on the 'item' mall for services, that in theory sounded great, until you realized that a given game cost more then the car, and likely were approaching the half a years home mortgage, or apparently up to this point, likely if you were poorer, maybe you were less likely involved with this sort of stuff anyway.  I could recall locally here another ISP which supposedly when it came into town were a boon to competition in general...prior to that ironically I had another aptly named Tyrell (check it out apparently still in the dial up business!) or at least prior to switching to that one free dial up or other...back to the supposedly competitive ISP that already had service packages based upon speed tier packaging, which amounted to one more nail in the coffin on why to switch to the alternative service provider.  Given the advance of technology and/or whatever costs involved there, it seems at least from the outset a matter of driving artificiality in the cost structure of service provision, and its harder to see the tangible benefits of owning a 'luxury' service here..the ISP don't really offer the Ferrari, or anything much which differentiates service provisions.  Thus it seems more likely if you had the money, maybe you'd take your business elsewhere, and hopefully, as to the technologist, hopefully something is driven and created further which undermines all this.  :)   

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Everything is Illuminated

Everything is Illuminated

Excellent film

So to avoid copyright infringements, and adequately seeking permissions, it seems like I'd suggest a video segment for Board's of Canada 's Come to Dust, its actually a scene from a Tarkovsky's The steamroller and the violin..the scene footage involves destruction of old buildings (i.e., institutions, churches and the like), for 'new order' least if I recall I hadn't reviewed the film, and I had a visualization of these scenes appearing in mind as I were listening to the tune, not sure if it were this one, or the other one called Mirror
I talk with the unseen more then seen these days.  I see people that I have never met in my life in my dreams more persistently.  I hear enough horror stories, and when I am in lots of pain, I start getting radio head loopy.

In the surreal way, you get up and you function daily because, you have to, or figure you have to do this, while living with this other remote world, that seemingly lay at one's doorstep, or maybe its PTSD in a way.  Although I could still do much in the way of mathematics, so its not like my logic centers or screwed up as a result of any of this, and generally you realize a writer like Carroll was a logician...absurdity a brief vacation from this?!  Or something else?!


Saturday, April 12, 2014

    The other part of the often times political divisions that are constructed for us, it would seem as though it were a binary one, like the division between delineated by religion and atheism.  Here as if the choice is provided by stark contrast as in choosing for the sake of the supposedly a lesser of two evils. 

Really, because it were an easy scapegoat, or that in the matter of talking about anything, here the issues that were presented to us were amounting to the division of examining, exactly how backwards any particular group or individual thought much to the exclusion of else, the sort of sacrifice leads to the inclination of not considering much in the way of issues relating to one's own condition much, or that candidates here could say anything and do anything for that matter, as long as they hadn't tread upon a given issue alone or series of them, yet another hoodwink.  Or a manner yet another artificial way of constructing and controlling social divisions between any particular group...and so arbitrary at times, that representing views and beliefs could be tossed with a coin and assigned.  And what should be the purpose here?  

If so much could be summed in essence to the failure of two party systems alone, its upon the contingent argument that one should sacrifice so much for a given party line...that is, whether a particular issue were to reign so heavily, or jade one's view in life, that settles much else, or as in recalling the failure of a democrats securing a past presidential election, green party candidacy spoils and robs.  The same could be said in like kind, on the opposite side.  

How so little confidence then of congress handling in general of anything with, one  should imagine, the prevalent belief that the other party's handling of issues were the likely culprit of all this.  Here if you were a conservative, you might be left to imagine, that the North East or the West Coast, were generally to be blame, or conservative Southerners and Midwesterner s were likely to blame in like kind.  :) Or entirely it seems that antagonism between two different starkly contrasting social political systems have arisen characterizing the difference that lay in this union.  But maybe this sort of contrast is a division served in different ways to different audience.  Admittedly I don't watch much of Marr, Stewart, Colbert, and incidentally have the misfortune, beyond the maybe 5 minute to 5 second tolerance of CNN of being subject to Fox, which admittedly to some could be like an innate hell in its own right, although more often I'd find what I hear amusing.  One is to gather news is there to inform or guide in our decision making, or as in the case, of some postings, the issue is really about considering not the turtle,  or you'd be a sheep otherwise, as if the focus all along were the turtle, or in some resort, aside from wormhole re use itself, by the littlest of little, wormholes which somehow inducted the limitation of the rights of kings, long since passage while at the same time, one describing the futility of speedy trials of kangaroo court systems...the issue is really about Lebowski here, and the limitation of the rights of kings, or confusing the matter more, entering the matrix, or the asshole that apparently didn't know how to park his car correctly, hence the car wreck, with the six pack of corona beer, and United Bank of Scotland, ensuring the Royal Bank of Scotland were handling the matter of cooked accounting books correctly.  

You see it all adds up there somewhere, and somewhere with the turtle, or about as sensible otherwise, given the level of absurdity to be found in Floyd tune, and then if it could be held to mystifying levels of absurdity, all this contingency amounting to the burdens of one man to take upon the burdens of billions alone in reconciling accounting errors, irregularities, of lies, treachery, deceit, and the list goes on and on...and on....

Here one were talking about the relevancy of anything, but relevancy were being irrelevant, and yet another way of saying let it go, or that for all this matter personal existence is considered less so, account role playing another matter, that succeeds in accomplishing exactly what, if ever could be certain here.  Leading into nothing exactly, and the cycle of zero sum manages to crop up.  Why so?  Commonly, it seems there is a matter of self awareness when victimization is on going, or when any one person is robbed otherwise, or that sad reality to the tragedy of humor itself.   The matter of time accounting seems a small pittance in like kind?!  There is little of the necessary stark contrast here, so one imagines, inventions of varying orders, here if only one could be portrayed shot dead by helicopters above in a live simulcast, it would be so much easier, or at least this were in part attempted it seems like in L.A. to some degree, only thereby involving a house on fire, and an ex cop gone astray, here things should be more sensibly wrong in the blatant sense, blatant as nearest to overt propaganda, or the sort of things constructed of a fictionally narrated reality...or that when it were exceedingly this obvious, one were climbing a chain to avoid the flame thrower.  Hence common denominator social politics, one should wonder?!  :)

Of course, it seems as much true for the whole of Australia at that, with one large drunken binge...or where Walkabout is about summing...  :)

How politics makes us stupid

  One is to wonder if politics is merely to serve to a religious hoodwink of sorts, that is, the sort of indoctrination that we are provided to believe in, but in terms of the substantive measure of, for instance, something like industries, these may proceed in their own ways irrespective of legislative decision making.  In other words, if industry crisis are looming, reconciliation should seem likely a given consequence always irrespective of political outcomes.  For instances, shortages in a given energy sector of a given commodity X will likely mean, irrespective of partisan and governmental policy making differences will likely yield something of a change in return, some proponents/lobbyists argue de regulatory view on a particular issue, politicians concede the point, but with respect to substantiating gains in a given commodity X, this path provides no viable outcome with respect to gains in over production outcomes , but on the partisan side of things, this is all a given party wishes to discuss on the issue or the extent that wish to portray in so far as the scope of the given problem and possible solutions therein.  Thus it is really a moot point, and only meant to serve as, again, a hoodwink to the faithful, that what were truly a nominal gain in terms of measured success in improving industry production by removing legislative and legal hurdles, ends up neither tangibly providing little in return.  Likewise, then something else, one is to imagine is more likely to happen, whether this is the sort of, under reported, conspiracy whereby secretly something else has happened to solve these sorts of problems, or in other words, I wonder how much interests there is to serving truth with respect to politics and punditry.  Here then when disaster has struck, or secret political wheeling and dealing amounts to the sorts of changes (that pundits omit in discussion), we are left with the impression that our respective parties served us well in its choice making, and the fault lies elsewhere as preaching to the choir seems to serve, at least isn't always spun that way?!

 Or if outright manipulation, lies, deception, omission of truth, and so forth aren't the usual course of political punditry these days.... or maybe one is to wonder, how much good having Tenet standing behind you as you argue your case before the U.N.  assembly really means so much?!  :)

Wink, wink, seems like the relativistic power axioms are on the rise again...relativistic time is part of this hint I'd offer, but its an old one in the running...  

Decade in the running...

  That you have come home so many years, you recapitulate your experience of conspiracy, that this has repeated itself, however, many times, over.  That in that cycle, however, much time has passed with the eventual outcome, that conspiracies would run along the lines of social blacklisting, and that entire communities could be engaged in stripping away the rights of people, that people you know could and might be in on the act of doing this...then this would die down.  Why?!  Was it contempt and social distrust by others in the process of this happening, that after all, you weren't perceived as highly ranked in justification for the loss of rights, and that this eventually would culminate in something of political and social changes.  You think things were headed in better directions, but the worst Christmas were for the year 2013, where this should seem a more massive broader social conspiracy.  The sort that one should lift out of fiction, but the run on this conspiracy, should also seem short lived.  However, that this should be failing if it were true, it seems if it were like the Last Supper where social political polarization had hit a maximum, what had picked up in the cycle of a decade shouldn't be any worse then it were in the beginning, one should imagine, or the worst for these witch hunts, were the result of being imprisoned for some punitive political purpose, but actually supposedly far worse, sadly, that tampered foods, or products of various sorts relating to personal hygiene might have been taken serious at one time in so far as more silently, entry into a supermarket, and you'd find an entire supermarket shelve wiped clean, apparently then one to wonder whether poor ordering took place, or that consumer(s) had wiped the store clean possibly(?).  Someone sounding more 'agent' then customer service representative would cap a semi impatient 'What can I do for you bro?'  lingering here on the bro in lengthier terms all because then someone potentially cared in a way, and now, you find yourself again returning to these self limited urban/suburban sojourns.  Here one could sense the same sorts of conditions potentially re arising, as before, to the same degree and scale, perhaps as before, but ultimately capped at some limit.  It remains that if in theory, that not just personal liberty but life were at stake, and no less you lived in what were supposedly the civilized of first world democracy, your persecution only varied in the sense of an embedded, nefarious, plot, where extermination cycles were at times highly orchestrated potentially in nuanced ways, that is avoiding being discerned in clear and obvious... at least not obviously large groups of people with machetes in hand, and thus potentially providing plausibility that anything of the sort should have ever happened.  That is, if this could be imagined, even in delirium or illness otherwise, people should be equipped in equal ways to encode their social communication in less then clear ways.  Deniability is outright fashion?  And hence you wondering if Hollywood bothers this time with the alms of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, or that the werewolves suddenly manifest themselves in full force (for at least the short jaunt of shittiest ever 'Christmas' you were waiting for a Gremlins 2 or 3 make and model)...Fox would engage in plausible deniability that Santa were rotting away in the first chimney that he ever set foot in even before he ever reached house and home with presents, or for that matter that someone had to learn it weren't Santa really.  Then if it hadn't seemed as much an omen, an abandoned tent in the fall, or that if you thought someone were likely to return the wind had eventually claimed it in a way of blowing it and all possessions therein into a ditch, and that one might have perceived some spectral form by it, who were free then?  Likeliest you'd make excuses, that it were easier to abandon in the case of a nice benevolent windfall that weren't the harsh winter cold moving in.  Only a homeless man were found in the woods in recent years literally frozen, because it weren't so wise to be here in the winter and were reminded of this potentially years ago, when you attempted to call any one homeless shelter, and found busy signals, and then a plant would apparently respond to any potential concern of this type, not because you directly solicited an inquiry, but that someone somewhere may have noticed something that you said?!  There are few homeless because its too cold to be homeless here, and if someone made of profession of it, to the angry ire and resentment of a hostile social conservative, for there aren't any homeless, because it should seem that utopian here but having another caste of those that weren't homeless acting the part of being homeless...which sort of leads to the belief that the homeless don't exist, but exist only because apparently that a community should provide on the exterior the evidence of democracy and existential freedom, that is, the evidence of a population that acted out such part?  Honestly I resort to some memory years ago, when I happened to be tagging along with a neighbor friend as a kid, whose volunteer parent toted us to a local kitchen pantry, that is, back when a small crowd might have shown up, but generally nothing it should seem in mind beyond 10 or 20 persons...I couldn't recall if it were winter, or fall, although it seemed colder, and who would brave the elements then anymore then today?  Of course, one should imagine the best of a nameless face...only that weren't as much hardened as when seen from a west coast view, as in one case, dwelling in a coffee shop and looking so withered in a way to be at death's door.  Here in the Midwest stark reminders are often never so self evident, at least where there is social space, and law enforcement to 'tidy' and intercede, or at least where one should hope not that squads of malignant youth were roaming the streets for any darker purpose.  The malignant youth, that one should imagine, are apparently unseen and invisible in a way, one should imagine.  There aren't really the sorts of social gathering points that once existed even in the heights of the cold war back in the 80s, and when I once traveled to Germany for a short stint, in southern country, happenstance in a social way, I felt as though I were in a way reliving a time warp, do kids these days socialize like they used to?  Then one should cringe when thinking about the ways that they might do it, in this day and age.  I'd still then have felt estranged as much as I were there, as I am and have been here still, be informed that the world weren't exactly as I thought it.
     Much seems fragmentary and disjoint going forward, in a sad way.  For in this day, more supernatural oddity would arise in a way, whether flocks of ravens would be at ones doorstep, or that ravens themselves could communicate oddly enough in a way, you looked to them as friends, omens, premonitions of things.  The ravens in a way, however, moved on in the coming years, and things would appear to settle down, although, one's life would be put on hold or limbo, seemingly stuck in a way, without moving forward in the sense that a mobility were provided through new life contacts, although some rekindling shouldn't be at complete loss, some notable others were like meeting the estranged in several year increment time warps, or having gazed into a wax museum that were slowly fading with time.  Formally less should be said in time, one should imagine, or that time were moving well into a given future, with departures and returns of anything more.   It seems in a way like a death here, and that things in a way aren't changing, nor likely to change in the clearest sense of an awareness if one were the ghost of a given society, but that at least some personal form should exist less then resigned.  All that returns ends with nothing more in return, and that seems the furthest of communicability provided, or intent otherwise, or where more obvious, these days much is political, the secret purge, ends up back firing one is to imagine, and I am no less settled then I were in the rhythms of silent persecutions, at least now you have your life back in way, even if your spleen, liver, kidneys, and intestines were slightly more frayed, but I think in retrospect I must have survived when I were sick for a full month, or strangely ill, where one were lingering in a strange illness diagnosed as bronchitis but should seem in this present mind, not  like a lingering secondary infection but something else...maybe its the sort of thing we tend to question of our given histories?!   One hopes or imagines the best in neither joining ranks of the less then seen, or unseen altogether, and then where in such world, one were to experience more profoundly the hallmark of fear.  It is hard to imagine a significant and dramatic change such as this.  It seems more likely then one should leave a given home, and never look back again.  So to to in search of a new sanctuary.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Don't sweat the teaching

  Not that I've ever personally taught.  :)

I tend to suffer worse then Jonathan Pryce myself in terms of being shy and stage fright.  It is funny this way.  Although give me a teleprompter and I'd likely walk circles, and I feel like I might walk around any President past or present.

Its actually cool, sort of inspired similarly on the point of working out mental mind mappings in terms of complex processes and thinking here.  Its a matter of finding away to convey alchemy.

Second thing, and if you would believe it, I worked in customer service for years.  Seems like it takes time to build a fluency in speaking rapidly.   Mostly I can talk about stuff I know, but I am not a great conversationalist in speaking all the time, or at least there's a difference between a writing voice and talking voice.

Hmm...sort of reminds on the presentation slides trend, seems that the trend is one of moving away from predominant slide fixation and moving towards a 'explain it in your own words approach'.  Although its said that supposedly this is freeing up lecturers in speaking, it is still an art/skill, it takes a bit of time, I imagine balancing things.

Ah The bleeding heart

Doesn't it seem to be a more depressing place when there are fewer of the bleeding hearts to go around?!

I mean increased social homogeneity, and this old evolutionary inkling that you couldn't quite do away with?!


And, of course, the cost of all this, is negative gains (at least in theory) in terms of the 'divergent' thinkers class.

So I wonder on the scale rating system, if I could rank right up there with a Guam assignment, doubtful Albatross these days as much, at least, or any of the above?   Sadly, owing to automation it seems, if you were looking for a friend these days, you know, you'd likely be pals with Hal.  The trick I imagine is provocative thresh holding...or to seem interesting enough to generate something, but not interesting enough to truly be worthwhile in the sustainable sense?!

You know my vantage is very very limited anyways.  I mean it should be obvious as much.

Its this sort of existential query that I engage with in the more routine sense of doing things...

honestly I refrain from saying backwards in, or backwards in as in the 'in' thing, or at least if one were to sense things, there were more like vacillations of in that goes 'in' for a bit for the days theme and then seems to go 'out', although it seems there is something like tonal consistency to this which grows, but you have to realize in a way.  Or try, reading the conditions of Timbuktu while having existed where you live from your vantage and talking to little or no one there.  Its a poor placement of odds there.

There is always a delineated boundary by the way separating art and life, or at least, if not enough ample space, it could be so often times a subject matter that weren't discussed, written about, or expressed if it were wholly internalized...and Picasso for his subject matter if he lived truly in such a state of existence, if ever living there were more temporal in nature, not excessive...I couldn't blame him either, who wants to live in that type of condition, or Don't Let the Past Be a Straight Jacket.  Then as to the matter of a digression, it seems neither should one rightly call oneself in any event at any given level, or if describing anything here, I find myself compelled best in descriptions claiming more the word , Survivor, maybe Survivor at ease, but this isn't to diminish much in the way of existence, or where it is fraught with the sort of at face value that could be likened to the condition that any should wholly ignore a given condition  or believe of it the condition that exists.  It would be easy enough saying, 'Ah yes has it well enough.'  While served anything of the typified course of life, a sort of defacto limbo for exiles, neither drawn to the strong enough measures that would have A.I. calling for anything more then donations (as a champion of human rights), and not obviously warranted the honor of clearly death row inmate.  The truth of the matter is that beyond, as in one recent theater review accounting for the a Durang meets Chekov accounting, having the Chekov militia blazing guns doesn't amount for much with short attention spans running these ways...I'd have to admit neither be so intelligibly sensitive to Chekov or Durang, on these matters, although I don't follow South Park, Facebook, or Lindsey Lohan, so this would be a matter of preaching to the choir.

Rumsfeld smugness...hey yeah but it is admittedly a more obvious cultural milestone.   Perhaps the backwards son crap is simply to indicate anything more...why you tell me what it means?

Live and let live aren't big priorities these days?!

Malign leaders

Dick Cheney Rand Paul and the possibility of malign leaders

Hard to call it much conspiracy theory these days, with supposed truck loads of Dell's dumped on the sides of Iraqi roads for insurance claims (at several times a given value), or where any manner of a grab for American Tax payer dough a.s.a.p is the likely culprit.  It seems one is to wonder how likely unashamed that legalized robbery is occurring, or as recent headline seems to suggest on the domestic front...Wall Street slated for another sad bit of misdirection scheme scandal with a mortgage like financial instrument, or something to this effect.

Supposedly Deutsche bank got burned on K.C. property investments, which is to say the good ole theory of global investment isn't so great on another note...why fail?  Apparently massive bad properties management creep led to continued devaluation here, or when your investor hardly checks up on you, see what you could get away with?!  Sure when this sort of problem occurs in small scale leads to something like the state revocation of a given townships right to legal right to existence (e.g., consider the small so crooked Floridian town that allowed so much to go on in its confines, that the state of Florida actually put an ultimatum up for the town...change your ways or you no longer exist formally as a township), but when its widespread enough, who's willing to step up to the plate?!    No, what likely happens is the eventual erosion of sucker magnets, or investor confidence.  In theory less want to: invest in places such as these, visit places such as these, and live in places such as these.

And nowadays, cooking books is tantamount to working at the level of credit ratings agencies...  sigh...  you think the devil occupies a tiny little house?!  :)

So you have it potentially in mind, that model cities could be constructed primarily on the premise of investor illusion, or in other words, if it looks fancy enough, large enough, attractive enough, people will come :)
Even if its a roughshod haphazard jumble of suburban sprawl looming with big dark shadows and lots of actors in store.  Lots of artificiality in economy, little sustainability...if the metaphor for abandonment were vast acreage of decaying asphalt, fences, and abandoned shop fronts, there shouldn't be too much left, the pyramids are really in Vegas these days. Its all really for show.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Classic Sin

Classic you are listening to 'religious' radio and the minister, doesn't come right out and say it (hence engaging in the sin of concealment {of truth}) discussing the matter of sin of 'clicking' on that website that we apparently should know better clicking on...sort of begs the question as to why the refrain here, or what exactly were the minister talking about...of course, you are left to infer he were talking about while there's a world of genocide and the man would likely have little to say about this...he talks about :)

Isn't it amusing?!  :)

It seems there are really a whole load of sins that could be parsed to infinity in a way, so heavily and thick that it truly would be a miracle if a man or woman could go through with existence and not having some where engaged in the act of sin...hence, the necessity for forgiveness :)

I speak on the point of despondency and futility, for the act of up right and proper is very much a relative word, a matter of perspective here, or that if you are and are most likely a sinner, invariably this falls in varying degrees.  Sadly, it seems some should resort to the sort of justification that no purpose could be served in avoiding sin, and thus heavily engage in it, in some way shape or form, but at least there is the appeal of ethics and law, here, a little white lie shouldn't have to be considered one and the same, which brings up often times I am afraid the inherent problem of a something thought religious mind set, that any sin could take the same precedence as another...this leads to the conundrum that if I couldn't exist without lying in some way, there is nothing but sin of any sort of following.  Of course, it doesn't seem easy saying it in this way, or that for different types of sin, there are, however, many degrees on the continuum of sin, that is, sin is not so easily a step function, or discrete (not that it couldn't be, but often is...more continuous in nature).

You step left, and you find yourself, stepping left in certain ways, and sometimes, more left until (heaven forbid) you feel hopeless in that manner of stepping...or sort of like the sinner that proficiently digs the earth beneath his feet while knowing full well that he is doing so, and then finds himself remiss where departure from such hole in the earth requires so much more effort?!  Obviously this is a bit like the cliche of self help, and I'd rather talk about other subject matter.  Certainly if it is sin, then should a sin really be judged, however, one and the same relative to others.  No, I offer it shouldn't seem fair in judging by these strict notions, or in other words, there is some rejoice that you hadn't sinned after all in other ways.

At the last moment, the man that I speak of is in any event, recovered, and he has his life about him still left, or you see even where one thinks to believe in certainties neither means all is certain, or if there is still a chance, it seems there is always hope, isn't there?!

Rolling on the Floor Laughing

Scientist has no idea how he ended up in bogus creationist documentary/

Rolling on the floor laughing its his name, that German name pedigree is part of the problem...needs to anglicize it more and get rid of the negative auslanderauss bullshit :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Separate World

   Pluralism...hint...going out to socialize with people...nope
   going out much period... in small doses...
   understanding people...not entirely...not really...
   but I used to love National isn't that ironic...
   Shakespeare is Shakespeare, the culture of Shakespeare modulates over time...personally I don't read heavily into Shakespeare (if relating politics then as used expediently at times now)...maybe when I were younger, or I were thinking of literary references to Shakespeare that likened those that cited Shakespeare as certain 'country folk' conservatives...or it seems tradition to liken things to the 'progressives' what were considered passe (or for its times even if literature were classic or classical at that)  Not that I really care one way or the other.

  And by this virtue alone, I could probably tell you more about some math things here and there, or that are world, at least, from the standpoint of civilization and technology were so highly parsed and differentiated, the culture that valued a given writer in your world, were likely just a projection of a given larger world, where even so many should hardly know that writing culture that were just as likely highly refined and its own locality.  Even shows like Vice provide seem only to provide something of expectation to its viewers (at least where cultural inventions could be made for the sake of ratings and hence local money to be made...however, sad this should seem, one should wonder).

   My world is stationary, like a lot of modern worlds, my body stationary, my mind moving...I'd leave it at that.  I hardly know much really otherwise, and I am not sure that I really wanted to know so much...growing old is finding contentment with what you know anyways, and maybe, at times reasonably crossing a few pluralistic bridges...

   Though it seems being forty now, I maybe more likely more sedentary, if because contentment should exist, or anything else, such has us saying more often less in a public manner.  Seems the opposite for myself, or at least in the way of liberation, I should say more outright as you age, likely you may find it more difficult in saying, or having tired in saying, what you say now, or that you've seen the same tireless reads re enacted.  That is growing older, too you are thinking about all the things that you hadn't previously had, like right now, and anyways, if you thinking of self censorship more along other lines...pluralism is an easy target, bully pulpit, as it were like the CEO dumped for campaign contributions.  Do I care for his plight? Not in the least.  Here where it seemed nothing of the sort applied, I feared neither loss of home exactly (in the clearest sense), or job, or family, or anything for that matter, or that time attention were diverted away invariably for other reasons which bore stronger relevance outside of academic circles otherwise.

    You grow old and you maybe more likely to find yourself desiring less to be the rolling stone, a lonely traveler, the embracing sort of person ready to visit anything and everything with that naive zeal in store, or more likely maybe you've drawn a more skeptical and cynical eye of things.  It weren't that you were uptight really about much, but it could be as in any other experience of the 'worldly' sort, one that confronts something of another reality that would have been disjoint with previous aspirations. Since one hadn't truly known in a way, or merely had moved ever so briefly in to the world (for that sort of independent gain) to be removed from it in another way.  Here if you weren't as unfortunate, you hadn't started with the feeling of having re entered into a stage of life that you might have began twenty or thirty years prior, or that is where feeling that one should feel as never really progressing in some state, as if progress were this important otherwise.  But it is also wrong in saying that one were disturbed to a greater extent also, if it were just as likely that one weren't feeling in the same ways given to previous days, weeks, or years.

You give up on the things you might have imagined, or you come to expect less of what should be and what shouldn't be, or one should imagine dying young if this were the case, or quite depressed and angry.  Truly the angry sort, one should imagine might not live well with burdening stress here, and its not recommended resorting to angry cynicism.  At least, that sort of zeal, is also a personal distaste of mine.   A sober reflection were warranting here supposedly, as you've likely been trained in the culture of thinking, to review your life's purpose and mission altogether, here you were responsible for all your actions which were so grave and self important to the nature of your path in life, and that you shouldn't squander or sacrifice so much in the process, especially when you were so young, and idealistic.  That other bunch, those CEOs by the way, live in a sort of cultural creme, by the way, some taught one should imagine, how to dress, how to act, how to smile, how to live in the glass house (where it were required), and so forth...not generally born into a common world, and hence why one should imagine they believe in the cause and for the cause they donate, as if some invisible hand were there driving them for the quite self important mission cause they must believe in...or in other words, why in a way it were hard to sympathize with CEOs that support the most laughable of sad legislation, and somehow managed to get to be where they were in life, or believe in their self righteous philanthropic nobility.

You grow older, and it were likely that you care less for the things that you once believed in.  I am not sure if to describe this in the sense of saying that despair (at all) really belongs there.  There is likely nothing to be missed having served in a role that you likely reasoned you were never likely to do in the first place, or having pursued it at least, or that hopefully at least you've sensed knowing when to stop pursuing the unlikeliest.  There, it seems, should be subtlety to this, isn't there?  That you weren't to stop at this much reflection, really, or were supposedly wise enough not in saying a word, is likely what one should imagine were also true of some culture, maybe somewhere at least.

At least at some point, one could think about retirement at some given day, in some future, and not worry any more about much of anything, it should seem simpler that way.

All along I lived worrying years ago, when it supposedly mattered, and stressed a bit for it.  Glad I moved away from that world.

I once...

 had the fortune of dating a chick from Finland named Hannah  (notice the symmetry) least one time... :)

and most of the women I dated or lived with had some variation of 'sea' in name...

Did I tell you I live off of Blackfish Parkway...or at least nearest to it...nearest to No land rd.... :)

Finding Nemo is the most popular flick around these parts..

I don't care for wearing blue jeans all the time...

As a side note...

I've been working a number of things outside a lot of stuff that I have been writing, or in other words, seems very negative but I limit my dwelling time on subject matter that I write about here.

Buzzword the nightmare of 'click' culture is about as nightmarish as Hollywood fiction or non fiction depending on your perspective, or really for that matter, as likely 'nightmarish' as A.M. talk show radio or Fox News for that matter, except perhaps, providing information talked less seldom about, that weren't exactly distortion of views...although there is the point of opinion to be conceded here.  

The sort of 'nightmarish' click culture that I imagine having, or so dangerous, otherwise, contains no other follower (at least as stated from analytic sides on my end), and has contained so much of self restraint, or it seems hard exactly to see why one should be perceptively seen as exactly so dangerous otherwise.  Other then apparently tolerances over the years have been less so, or at least manufactured and synthesized well enough in keeping.  

To the contrary were erosion of biblical media faiths that were seemingly part of the nightmarish prospects and those directions had taken the form of patronage that were neither so monolithic in nature.  At least if worship of the monolith bore were so much easy in consolidating synergies, the rise of independent thinkers should so much be the detriment to the rising weakly federated state system?  That is, likely what were referential here, even when the proof of this were such to exemplify the growing less urgency that would be entailed of executive powers and that inset doldrums of daytime 24/7 news had occurred so long ago.  Where seemingly local news were posited in little to no news ( a burglary here, or a random complaint there), or local activism seems to be fashioned (one is to wonder) in its own ways rhythms, to generate local news at times past should be seem to be generating news on other orders, in its own right alongside the narratives of much exhausted television drama.  Of course, these stories purchased were the ones that people supposedly wanted to buy, and sensationalism were no less true past as it were today, hardly a nightmarish new order there.  This sense of urgency, nightmarish, however, seems more like Ukrainian Student activism, where students feign dropping dead in supermarkets nearest to Russian made imports, the same sort of activism were likely discouraged here in the States, or at least who, should know and fear when so well, we believe that nightmares really come from millions of light years away and should least likely be the logical culprit (in detective work and Occam's razor).  At least Kerry concedes the problem of ultra nationalism, and I am left pondering how I were exactly thrown in the middle of all this crap.  Yeah maybe the name pedigree...

As to freedom of speech (and relativity) therein, it seems a pittance in saying, or I am wondering how laughable this notion of defense has become, and hear supposedly born in fighting: reality television (aka...state tourism) and fast food that one should suspect were a commercial so so, and ignoring all other claims in the process, and yeah even more laughable, yes, as posited by Fox in a latest this past weekend, Eating meat should be crucial to being longer lived...hmm...sigh...the most under reported nightmare of all time really?!


Dark Skies

   Watched the movie, not really sure that I like it...running on the premise of aliens travel hundreds of millions of light years to do guinea pig testing?!  Or it seems if you were that intelligent to traverse that far into the universe, likely you may have visited far any number of places in the first place (not sure if I am somehow rounding off to fermi thinking), and that likely you would have size able estimation/observations on a social population in the first place, or in other words, what to test here?  Did you dope the gene pool and look for something in like kind, that you wouldn't already know most likely outcomes, or purposefully seeking reactions that seem to the narrative hardly illustrative?

In any event it seems more like the typification of predatory/prey models, or that somehow growth in fear were only so much more (inexplicably) attractive here...which seems to mirror something more of human psychology then potentially illustrating anything of purpose.  Darker and sinister tones hallmarked to horror selling in different ways in this day and age, or at the films outset, only to fear being alone couldn't be more overshadowed by fear of not being alone...this while adolescent girls and boys set about in watercraft to sail the high seas alone upping the stakes, and no less, one to wonder braving the southerly 40s...or that at least in one respect the strange niche of human existence, that while other fear greatly, others seem to have a good time about living in a completely separate world, companionship with violent nature is so much more better then with the greys.  I still find myself perusing the point of bad psychology experiments, or at least if designed to produce a given reaction, what had fear produced relative much else at the outset that were primal, primordial, timeless, indigenous in a given biology, or in some ways, it seems to make little sense...which is like going a step further and saying that anything this intelligent could likely raise the dead, instantly fix missing limbs, and so much more, and they were steeply reduced in not understanding basic human biology well enough that testing positive meant stranger abductions for the benefit of psychological positive...we aren't even presumably talking positives likely on the basis of epi genetics, or genetics (or why test what likely you already knew...genetics and psychological behavior should likely have their knowns)...which sort of leads to a sort of open ended speculation of the darker sort, and would lab mice understand why they were poisoned in a way to produce the effects of cancer, only one were left with even starker contrast between the brain of a mouse and human, versus human and alien species of this type, that were completely and likely beyond orders of comparison of the same sort, or at least for the human scientist there should be so much more ignorance in this process of what they were doing.

I am left more strongly reasoning that it should be as sensible as cattle mutilations, and for that apparently aliens were left flying around in choppers (as alleged), or in other words, the sort of grey that managed to traverse hundreds of millions of light years likely on the one hand having found ways of synthesizing and harvesting exotic matters, should be reduced to again, stone age flight dynamics.  Here you are left in the grand metaphor, that human intelligence has left with crazy sorts of thinking all in the name of science, and its generally human intelligence that one could infer that were responsible for these sorts of wild theories that should be claimed scientific.  Maybe in some odd way we could be randomly cherry picked without rhyme or clear reason, or that in a way should make little sense, but I here I've found myself talking about Targeted Individuals, and here, likely I think it weren't a masonic conspiracy, alien greys, or what ever happened to be floating around in this universe, or that at least if it were, they were some just as likely contingent possibility that this could be a matter of entertainment, however sick this should seem, cattle mutilations on the other hand strike at times as a form of sociological testing in a way (and also to degree very human in nature)...absolutely containing little to any biological value for the means and methods used, and where evidence seems to be deliberately planted and placed in certain ways to be found and seen.   Here though its the sort of suspicion warranted and raised, medical experimental horrors, and convoluted thinking s of the past, were not supposed in my opinion by intelligence but warranted by varying degrees of ignorance...this leads back to the premise, we could hardly get out of our solar system's backyard and if there evidence about us concerning the matter of intelligence it were shown (sure we could in a way be more like the grey's in such fiction and such fictional grey's were less likely the real greys in a given reality)?!

More likely you are found oddly human enough in the process.
Another grey accounting more likely posits a possible extraterrestrial intelligence communicating in mind, what are you doing with your life...or living to the extent of dreaming about something but not tangibly living in your present, or how much you sacrifice in terms of personal happiness for a future that may never happen...seems like wise sensible living advice for biology doesn't it?!  Sadly in that narrative it were the human colonists that were doing all the shooting and killing.  

Friday, April 4, 2014

Contending with time you know

   There's something off about backwards labs...generally not much of Reddit user...because it would seem to be another extension of the bad aspects of Facebook, backwards labs are another matter.

You had a pandora's box problem the last time you stepped bad, no?!

Ariana Grande has a nice ass btw.  :)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Behavioral Conditioning

   Let's see under any given number of hypothetical s where:

  All along for years, you've apparently dealt with any number of circumstances that should be one of the same, conspiracies regenerate, cover ups ensue.  Life is supposed to continue, history books aren't written correctly, or at least are inherently biased in perspective or sweeping sets of omissions.

On the one hand, rule of law and order, on the other hand, nothing of this truly exists, or this sort of formalism at least is merely the obstacle and hurdle in achieving any objective.  But why important?  Well, it seems more obvious in perspective, that if you wanted your neighbors land, it would be easier for outright 'cold blooded' seizure of property, or that if you wanted to dispense with political, never mind innocence, aims are easier to achieve, if they were 'sub human'.  At least more obviously you run the transition between formally working 'evidence' for the sham to working more so the sham where it is more boldly obvious.

Where to go when its merely the repetition of a given number of events that seem to re surface from a given past, in fact, it seems more likely one should reason, no where to go.   Conjecture here entails, more broadly a given divide runs more sharply along 'cold war' like divisions.  Where it truly safer to be in Canada?

The flour bugs return, let's say after a cycle of a few years, you had been conditioned by way of conditioning here, abdominal cramping, fatigue, seemingly not healing right, and so forth on the order of learn to stop cooking much, and do short order shopping, only because you reason on a basic level, that increased frequency of home invasions could lead to greater potential chance of intercept if all in theory were potentially as one possibly suspected but never fully knew.  It seems if its high order scandal here the usual course is massive cover up(?), or at least veneered pretense and sham of saying anything defensible otherwise.  At least when the flour bugs return, you reason maybe a little more likely safe.  All along through one cycles lull to the next height though you seem steadfastly more conditioned to the wave, the wave moves on, and you are left managing 'life' which hardly seems right, and provides little consolations in some ways.  At least you reason, you must have been sufficiently in the 'magic cave' to survive this one, and your prayers must have meant something, or at least, then you are conditioned all along either to believe you were imagining anything of that were thought (as in the great shutter island metropolis that would convince anyone they were truly crazy), and here even conditioning runs along the lines 'cold blooded and pathological', it is all thought right in this manner giving industries much pathological flexibility so as to allow for flawed engine switches, and so to potentially much more, if so many more were to walk in step with one another into some greater unseen abyss.

It seems that anything of belief is possible here, if so many are given to believe in the same things, and less are to say anything otherwise.  You are left chronically aching at times, a sort of sick McCandless fatigue, you'd rather sleep in more often, and you think for the moment in the all is quiet room, peace is more pervasive here at least, and the prison walls were defined potentially different.  You reason there is less to be said, it wouldn't matter if you were a Socrates, or anyone of significant import, sure if you were beyond the threshold of 'cold war' divisions, geographically in some other place, you might be cared for in some way of propaganda, but these days, one should imagine, it were merely celebrity that brought attention, and even celebrity weren't a place sanctuary, or there you wondered that you should likely be ironically safer where the abuses were more obvious?  It seems to be a strange paradox doesn't it?!   Hard to fear more what you've already feared and survived isn't it, if it is given enough to tolerable thresholds?  Or that sadly, human rights activism would ensure if you were a crab you were more likely boiled safely and humanely at that as opposed to instantaneous horror, and the homeless have the opportunity of the potential firing squad with a barrage of bullets, as opposed to permanent internment elsewhere?
Bill Clinton Wouldnt Be Surprised By An Alien Visit

Likely visited.  Of course, I love Fermi but his hypothesis is a bit loaded in a way.  

Loved Sagan, but I don't know if these visitors would be here to save us from ourselves either...but I'd suggest maybe there is communication that goes on...the nuclear issue is a big one, a likely one to end this world :) of course, its not hard seeing a human saying this either, or alien for that matter.  

Nanoo Nanooo...or what the hell is that Shazbot crap about ....  
no one's impressed with messed up time these days like they used to sad...

Hmm, A kinder happier nicer planet would be in order.

Too much killing here on Planet Earth anyways, don't you think?!

John Scary made a guest appearance on this one... Hmm...if only Barton Fink wrote the screenplay for this one.

Canary in the Coal Mine

Yeah no shit my yogurt is like running on 3 months old and still looks pristine (not an ounce of mold there...nice and toxically sterile looking you know) :) Which is about the same for the toxic flour in the cupboard that no longer hatches flour bugs... Minding prolly nothing biologically living would touch it... Plastic flowers can really grow in upside down world :)

Man you need like monolake mold organisms to compliment here...?!

I generally am hearing a lot of wails these days, well...been running for years now.

Civilization or Vagabond


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Increased Tectonic Activity

hmmm, recalling this interesting theory regarding frequency of seismic activity as possibly associated with sea levels (and indirectly relating to climate change).  Here, increased rise of sea levels were theorized in part to create greater pressure differentials...these in turn leading potentially to changes in the rate of plate movements.

Anyways, as the theory continued something like increased seismic activity could lead  (or be at least contributing) to furthered volcanism and given high enough frequency leads to massive climate cooling.  Here, in part being a potential driver to past climate rebounds (with much warmer planets) where a given climate turns into an 'ice age' colder one.

Or if the theory is correct we could contribute potentially to not only climate change but a next potential ice age, alongside increased earthquake activity alongside increased volcanism of more catastrophic and severe order.

See Driving Force of Plate Motion and oceanic lithosphere

Sort of part of this ongoing debate on the drivers (at least there could be some agreement that plate density is a factorization and exactly the relationship between density and rate of motion isn't well understood at this point), nor likewise the relationship if its one that is more finely balanced (where small changes in, for instance, sea level changes could play more amplified roles in the nature of increasing rate of slippage, or if its generally a more mute relation).  

Gm Recall on faulty ignition switches for Cobalt vehicles

Cost for Replacing Ignition Switch on GM Recalled Vehicle, One Dollar

Sad read honestly.  Many of the victims described as young.  
Noah  followed by Melancholia double header...disaster theater all the rage.  :)

The Truth about the Golden Age of Today

   The Truth about the Golden Age of Today is that Confucius would be more then likely shot dead today if he managed to survive one of the 'purge' waves in America?  There is a cost to high levels of intolerance by the way isn't there?  


 Between the fascination of an upcoming pandemic ridden college football season, Taylor Swift, and Kim Kardashian, wildfires, crazier weathe...